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Authorship: 100% danij

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March 2014
2014-03-23 libdeng2 : SavedSessionRepository is now a simple index
2014-03-16 Cleanup | libdeng2 : Cleanup
2014-03-13 libdeng2 | SavedSession : Moved more management logic from libcommon's SaveSlots
2014-03-12 libdeng2 | SavedSession : Improved SoC, general API improvements
2014-03-09 libdeng2 : Accessing the saved SessionMetadata from a .save file
2014-03-09 libdeng2 : Trying to figure out how to index the zipped saved session file
2014-03-05 libdeng2 | SavedSession : Moved the saved session repository into libdeng2, revised metadata
2014-03-01 libcommon | Refactor : Require that a map URI is always specified when forming file paths