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Authorship: 100% danij

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May 2015
2015-05-20 Fixed | World : Crash when exiting a map
May 2014
2014-05-04 Refactor | World : SectorCluster is a set of (one or more) ConvexSubspace
2014-05-03 Fixed | World : Crash with sci2.wad (Doom2) upon triggering the exit crusher
2014-05-02 Renderer | Shard : Improving SoC between SectorCluster/Shard
2014-05-02 Refactor | World : Renamed SectorCluster-internal BoundaryInfo as BoundaryData
April 2014
2014-04-30 Fixed | World : Dynamic map-hacks depending on non-neighbor planes
2014-04-29 BspLeaf | Line | Renderer : SectorCluster is responsible for BiasIllum management
2014-04-28 BspLeaf | Renderer : SectorCluster routes BiasDigests to surfaces
2014-04-23 Refactor | World : Moved SectorCluster out of Sector
2014-04-23 Optimize | World : Avoid unnecessary Surface Decoration updates