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Control Panel

Related tags: Client, Client UI, ClientApp, ClientPlayer, ClientWindow, Console, Default Style, GameSelectionWidget, Task Bar, UI, Updater, WindowSystem

Authorship: 67% skyjake, 33% danij

View commits by groups

September 2013
2013-09-03 Added | Client | UI : Added Input Settings, removed old "Input" page
2013-09-03 Added | Client | UI : Added Network Settings, removed old Network/Console pages
2013-09-02 Client | UI : Removed the Control Panel's "Audio" page
2013-09-01 Client | UI : Removed the Control Panel's "Video" page
March 2013
2013-03-07 : Hide mouse cursor if not trapped by the Window
May 2012
2012-05-07 Added : Graphics quality options FSAA and Vsync
2012-05-04 Fixed : Do not fade away the "Material glow strength" label
April 2012
2012-04-01 : Only show the available display modes in the list
January 2012
2012-01-20 Fixed : Slider/list buttons ineffective and fade away missing