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Related tags: Client, Client UI, ClientApp, ClientPlayer, ClientWindow, Control Panel, Default Style, GameSelectionWidget, Task Bar, UI, Updater, WindowSystem

Authorship: 67% skyjake, 33% danij

View commits by groups

October 2017
2017-10-16 Added | Doom : Added the "ds" command for running Doomsday Script
April 2017
2017-04-17 Added | Client | UI : Added "packages" command to open the Packages sidebar
February 2017
2017-02-24 Fixed | Resources | UI : Updated “load” and “unload” commands
November 2016
2016-11-04 libappfw | Performance : Minor optimizations
March 2016
2016-03-20 Doom : Writing and reading .cfg files using FS2
September 2015
2015-09-17 Added | Doom : Regex-matching known words; added Console.listVars()
July 2015
2015-07-03 Added | World : Added 'inspectline' console command
2015-07-03 Added | World : Added 'inspectsector' console command
May 2015
2015-05-06 Doom | Fixed : Handling an empty string argument
2015-05-06 Doom | Fixed : Handling an empty string argument
November 2014
2014-11-28 Added : Added 'vid-fps' as a mapping for 'Config.window.main.showFps'
2014-11-23 Client | UI : "Clear Log" should actually remove all entries
2014-11-21 Doom : Don't warn about a missing game.cfg
2014-11-16 Doom : Rudimentary access to de::Config variables
2014-11-13 Cleanup | World : Group "listcontrols" output by binding context, cleanup
2014-11-07 Client | InputSystem : Applied rich formatting to input system command output
October 2014
2014-10-31 Client | UI : Restored the [>] button appearance
2014-10-20 Doom | Fixed : Timing the execution buffer
2014-10-05 All Games | Fixed : Don't begin a game state change message if waiting for a response
August 2014
2014-08-24 libcommon : Improved "leavemap" command to support maps with no exits
2014-08-19 libcommon : Updated 'server-game-episode', 'server-game-map' wrt custom episodes
2014-08-16 UI : Menu option for copying log file path to clipboard
2014-08-16 UI : Menu option for copying log file path to clipboard
2014-08-15 libcommon : Improved "warp" to auto-select the only episode
2014-08-15 libcommon : Improved "warp" to support episode IDs
2014-08-12 libcommon : Read-only variable 'map-hub' is now a string
2014-08-11 libcommon : Read-only variable "map-episode" is now a string
2014-08-11 libcommon : Enhanced "leavemap" command
July 2014
2014-07-01 ResourceSystem : Improved "listmaps" command
June 2014
2014-06-19 UI : Annotated console menu, moved metadata option there
2014-06-19 Doom : Log the full error message should a Con_Parse() fail
2014-06-19 Doom | Refactor : Use de::Path for the default config path
May 2014
2014-05-04 Doom | Fixed : Adding all games as known words
2014-05-03 Fixed : "clear" is a client-side command
April 2014
2014-04-23 Doom : Aligned output of "give" console command
2014-04-15 Documentation : Updated help strings, removed obsolete cvars
2014-04-12 All Games | Fixed : "savegame" handling of user descriptions
2014-04-12 Resources : Generalized "inspectsavegame", moved into the engine
March 2014
2014-03-20 Added | Documentation | FX : Added help for bloom cvars
2014-03-10 Added | Tutorial : Added a console command to start the tutorial
2014-03-09 Added | UI : Added menu item for setting console shortcut key
February 2014
2014-02-26 SaveInfo : Improved output of 'inspectgamesave'
2014-02-01 Added | Client | UI : Added a line editor for cvars
January 2014
2014-01-31 Hexen : Improved output of "scriptinfo"
2014-01-26 Client | UI : Wider grab area for resizing the console edge
2014-01-19 : Improved output of 'inspectmap'
2014-01-15 Cleanup | libappfw | libgui | Log : Log message cleanup
2014-01-14 : Disabled warning about ‘playdemo’
2014-01-12 API | Refactor : Printing log messages, removed old Console API functions
2014-01-11 : Improved output of “listcontrols”
2014-01-09 Fixed : Do not warn about non-existent autoexec/startup config files
2014-01-09 : When saving config/bindings only log if actually written to a file
2014-01-09 Cleanup : Cleanup
2014-01-06 Added : Added the “Log Filter & Alerts” dialog in the console menu
2014-01-04 : Improved "help (identity-key)" output
2014-01-04 Cleanup : Renamed Con_StyledCommandUsage() as Con_CmdUsageAsStyledText()
2014-01-04 : Applied rich formatting to "help (what)" output
2014-01-04 Cleanup : Cleanup
December 2013
2013-12-25 Documentation : Updated help for ‘postfx’
November 2013
2013-11-17 Cleanup | Client | Resources : Applied rich formatting to "listmaterials" output; cleanup
2013-11-17 Cleanup | Client | Resources : Applied rich formatting to "listtextures" output; cleanup
2013-11-17 Client | Resources : Applied rich formatting to "inspecttexture" output
2013-11-17 Client | Resources : Applied rich formatting to "listfonts" output
2013-11-15 : Improved output after invalid use of command arguments
2013-11-15 Documentation : Help for “postfx”
2013-11-15 FX | Renderer : Animation duration is optional for “postfx”
2013-11-15 Added | FX | Renderer : Added cmd ‘postfx’ for setting the post-processing shader
2013-11-15 Cleanup | Fonts | Resources : Reinstated Font resource search commands; cleanup
October 2013
2013-10-29 Fixed | UI : Crash when using autocompletion
2013-10-24 Fixed : Reshowing a previously dismissed autocompletion popup
September 2013
2013-09-20 Added | Client : Added console command 'rendedit'
2013-09-10 Added : Added interactive Doomsday Script mode for the command line
August 2013
2013-08-20 Client | UI : Console log is closed when command line loses focus
2013-08-16 Client | Refactor | Task Bar | UI : Updated for ui::Context
2013-08-10 Added | Client | UI : Added option for scrolling log to bottom on Enter
2013-08-06 EditorHistory | libshell : Empty commands not put in history
2013-08-05 Task Bar : Dismiss unentered command to history when task bar closed
2013-08-05 Task Bar : Clear command line when closing with 'taskbar' cmd
2013-08-05 Fixed : Bold style not undone in styled command printout
2013-08-04 Optimize : Annotating a list of terms for autocompletion popup
2013-08-02 Client | UI : Don't show autocompletion popup if only one suggestion
July 2013
2013-07-31 Refactor : Searching for known words that match the pattern exactly
2013-07-30 Refactor : Compiling a list of console words with possible values
2013-07-30 Task Bar : Adjusted 'taskbar' command behavior when task bar open
2013-07-26 Unix : Use Unicode for Shift and arrows in 'help' command
2013-07-25 Fixed | Windows : Don't use Unicode in 'help'
2013-07-25 : Further improved 'help' output with Unicode characters
2013-07-25 : Improved 'help' command
2013-07-23 Documentation : Help for 'map-title-position'
2013-07-23 Client : Improved log widget behavior
2013-07-12 Added | Documentation : Removed obsolete vars/cmds, added 'taskbar' cmd
2013-07-02 Added | Client : Added popup menu for the [>] button
June 2013
2013-06-16 Client : Dragging log's top edge with the mouse
2013-06-15 Client : Log background blur can be disabled, eat mouse clicks
2013-06-13 Fixed | LogWidget | UI : Fixed animation glitches
2013-06-12 Client : Adjusted scrolling in LogWidget and ConsoleWidget
2013-06-11 : Improved "conopen" command
2013-06-07 : Styled output for the "version" command
May 2013
2013-05-21 Refactor : Moved the console lexicon collector to con_main
April 2013
2013-04-07 Documentation | Readme : Use @code rather than @cmd in examples
2013-04-07 Documentation : Display mode and window manipulation commands
2013-04-03 Documentation | Fixed : Fixed typos
2013-04-02 Added | Documentation : Added "listbcontexts"
2013-04-02 Added | Documentation : Added (de)activebcontext, cleaned up help output
2013-04-02 Documentation : Improved server-password description
2013-04-01 All Games | Documentation : Updated cphelp.txt and conhelp.txt files
2013-04-01 Documentation : Improved docs for some commands and variables
2013-04-01 Cleanup | Documentation : Cleanup
March 2013
2013-03-31 Documentation | Fixed : Fixed typos and some redundancy
2013-03-31 : Improved "displaymode" command output
August 2012
2012-08-05 Added : Added notes to "help" command ouput re "listgames" and "listvars"
May 2012
2012-05-15 Revert : Temporarily hardcoded F11 functionality while console open
April 2012
2012-04-30 : Temporarily hardcoded F11 functionality while console open
2012-04-15 Fixed : Saving console state if .cfg could not be found
2012-04-14 Fixed : Draw cursor at the correct place with a truncated cmdline
2012-04-13 Fixed : Command line truncation
2012-04-11 : Don't save config and bindings before they've been restored
2012-04-01 Fixed : Configured console activation key in "help" command
February 2012
2012-02-29 : Allow typing ~ by pressing Shift-Tilde
2012-02-13 Fixed : Math operator keys on the keyboard numpad now work
2012-02-13 : Interpret enter on the keyboard numpad in the same way as return
January 2012
2012-01-16 : Reverted shutdown message
December 2011
2011-12-08 Fixed : Fixed change notification from text variables
2011-12-08 Fixed : Fixed change notification from text variables
September 2011
2011-09-17 : print extended information about a Material to the console (primarily for debug).
December 2008
2008-12-10 Debug | Fixed : "rend-dev-surface-normals" 1=Enable drawing of world surface normals, for debug. Fixed a couple of problems with the debug draw of world surface normals and then made available in non-debug builds.
November 2008
2008-11-19 : Maximum light attenuation distance, default = 1024.
August 2006
2006-08-15 Fixed : render the sky as a solid surface (for debug). Fixed: Fog should not be enabled when drawing the mobj bounding boxes.
August 2003
2003-08-28 : print XG dev messages