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Related tags: Animation, BusyWidget, ButtonWidget, ChoiceWidget, CommandLineWidget, CompositorWidget, ConsoleCommandWidget, ConsoleWidget, ConstantRule, DialogWidget, DocumentPopupWidget, DocumentWidget, FinalePageWidget, FoldPanelWidget, GameSelectionWidget, GameUIWidget, GridPopupWidget, GuiRootWidget, GuiWidget, GUiWidget, IndirectRule, InputBindingWidget, LabelWidget, LegacyWidget, LineEditWidget, MenuWidget, MobjPreviewWidget, NotificationWidget, OperatorRule, PanelWidget, PopupMenuWidget, PopupWidget, ProfilePickerWidget, ProgressWidget, RootWidget, Rule, RuleBank, RuleRectangle, SavedSessionMenuWidget, SavegameSelectionWidget, ScalarRule, ScrollAreaWidget, ScrollWidget, SliderWidget, TabWidget, ToggleWidget, VariableToggleWidget, Widget, Widgets

Authorship: 100% skyjake

View commits by groups

October 2015
2015-10-16 Fixed | libappfw : Scroll position stays fixed when not at bottom
2015-10-16 Fixed | libappfw : Scroll position stays fixed when not at bottom
October 2014
2014-10-26 libappfw : Improved behavior during/after rewrapping
2014-10-26 libappfw : Removed the malfunctioning pausing mechanism
2014-10-21 Cleanup | libappfw : Cleanup
2014-10-21 libappfw | Performance : Improved/faster log entry processing
June 2014
2014-06-10 libappfw : Start rewrap from visible range
2014-06-09 Cleanup | Fixed | libappfw | Refactor : Fixed pruning, overall cleanup
2014-06-09 Fixed | libappfw : Layout glitch when new entries first appear
2014-06-09 libappfw | Refactor : Updating a cached entry
November 2013
2013-11-23 Client : Avoid a race condition in the log sink
October 2013
2013-10-25 : Use normalized scissor for content clipping
August 2013
2013-08-04 Client | Documentation | Refactor : Note about future refactoring
July 2013
2013-07-04 Client : Observe when entry atlas is full
June 2013
2013-06-13 Console | Fixed | UI : Fixed animation glitches
2013-06-12 Fixed : Possible out-of-bounds cache access
2013-06-12 Client : Restored default background
2013-06-08 Client | Fixed : Ensure visible range is not too small
2013-06-05 Fixed : Rendering glitch related to atlas optimization
2013-06-05 Fixed : Release excess entries in the atlas
2013-06-01 Client : Scrolling the history with mouse wheel
May 2013
2013-05-29 Client | Fixed : Fixed scrolling glitches, scroll to top/bottom
2013-05-27 Cleanup | Client : Purging items, cleanup and fine-tuning
2013-05-27 Client : Canceling ongoing rewraps
2013-05-27 Client | Refactor : Apply TaskPool for wrapping entries
2013-05-26 Cleanup | Client | Refactor : Cleanup and tweaks
2013-05-25 Client : Adjusted log entry styling
2013-05-24 Client | Fixed | FontLineWrapping : Fixed wrapping bug, adjusted log style
2013-05-24 Client : Draw a simple scroll position indicator
2013-05-23 Client : Draw a shadow under the text
2013-05-22 Client : No need to retain a static Y coordinate for each entry
2013-05-22 Client | Fixed : Apply scissor to clip log contents, fixed scrolling