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Related tags: Material, MaterialAnimator, MaterialArchive, MaterialBind, MaterialManifest, Materials, MaterialScheme, MaterialSnapshot, MaterialTextureLayer, MaterialVariant, Resource, Resource System, ResourceClass, ResourceNamespace, Resources, ResourceType, ResourceTypeInfo, Texture, Texture Manager, TextureBank, TextureManifest, Textures, TextureVariant, TextureVariantSpec, Uri

Authorship: 98% danij, 2% skyjake

View commits by groups

July 2015
2015-07-11 Cleanup : Cleanup
March 2015
2015-03-10 Cleanup : Cleanup
2015-03-10 Refactor : Cleaned up Sprite frame set construction
2015-03-07 : Removed internal Sprite frame limit (was 29)
February 2015
2015-02-07 Refactor : Implement Material(Scheme) iterations with C++11 lambdas
July 2014
2014-07-01 Cleanup | MapDef : Moved MapDef impl to resource/mapdef.cpp
2014-07-01 Cleanup : Cleanup
2014-07-01 Console : Improved "listmaps" command
2014-07-01 Cleanup | MapDef : Cleanup
June 2014
2014-06-30 MapDef : Derive MapDef from de::Record (to hold the property values)
2014-06-30 Cleanup : Moved MapDef into new source files
2014-06-30 MapDef : Store map id and source file in MapDef
2014-06-30 : Locate id Tech 1 maps in loaded packages during game resource init
2014-06-14 CompositeTexture | Refactor : Cleaned up Composite texture initialization somewhat
2014-06-14 Refactor : Composite, Flat and Sprite textures are initialized together
2014-06-14 Cleanup | CompositeTexture : Dispose of PatchNames once CompositeTextures are initialized, cleanup
April 2014
2014-04-06 Client : Invalid sprite frame names should not cause alert
March 2014
2014-03-28 Added | Scripting : Added built-in Doomsday Script 'SavedSession' module
2014-03-23 Fixed | libdeng2 : Conflicting feeds and duplicate /savegames path in the VFS
2014-03-20 : Renamed a variable for clarity
2014-03-14 Cleanup : Cleanup
January 2014
2014-01-09 Cleanup : Cleanup
December 2013
2013-12-15 Fixed : Automatically destroy a Material along with it's MaterialManifest
2013-12-12 Fixed : Clearing material resources on shutdown
2013-12-11 Refactor : Use a QHash for raw textures and return a QList of instance pointers
2013-12-10 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-12-09 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-12-07 Cleanup | Optimize : Store temporary auto-generated SpriteDefs in a QHash; cleanup
2013-12-07 Refactor : Moved mobj visualization resource selection out of ResourceSystem
2013-12-06 Cleanup | GL : Cleanup prepared GL texture release
2013-12-06 : Always respect the cacheGroups argument when caching materials
2013-12-06 : Cleaned up the material cache queue
2013-12-04 : Return interned texture specs by const pointer/reference
2013-12-04 : Improved material and texture search APIs
2013-12-04 Cleanup : Cleanup texture search API
2013-12-04 Cleanup : Cleanup material search API
2013-12-04 : Model and ModelDef searches return references
November 2013
2013-11-21 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-11-21 : Ensure sprite sets are accessed in const mode
2013-11-20 Refactor : Use spritenum_t where applicable
2013-11-20 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-11-20 Refactor : Cleaned up access to Sprite resources
2013-11-17 Client : Observe ColorPalette::ColorTableChange
2013-11-16 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-11-10 Cleanup | Client | Fonts | Refactor : Cleanup of Font resource management continues
2013-11-10 Refactor | Server : The server does not need a Fonts collection
2013-11-09 Client | Refactor | Server : ResourceSystem has ownership of the Fonts collection