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Related tags: Atlas, AtlasTexture, Bank, ColorBank, DisplayMode, Font, FontBank, GL Texture Manager, GL2, GLBuffer, GLES, GLFramebuffer, GLInfo, GLProgram, GLSandbox, GLShader, GLShaderBank, GLState, GLTarget, GLTextComposer, GLTexture, GLTextureUnit, GLUniform, GLWindow, Image, ImageBank, InfoBank, libgui, ModelBank, OpenGL, RuleBank, TextureBank

Authorship: 79% skyjake, 21% danij, 0% Jaakko Keranen

View commits by groups

July 2021
2021-07-30 Renderer : Flush pending draws before switching GL state
February 2020
2020-02-18 Cygwin | Fixed : Misuse of GL context
2020-02-14 Fixed : Visual artifact when using color adjustments
2020-02-14 Fixed : Visual artifact when using color adjustments
2020-02-10 Fixed : Handling the shader version number
2020-02-04 FX : Apply color adjustments via a shader
January 2020
2020-01-05 Fixed | Textures : Outline visible on external images
December 2019
2019-12-10 Fixed : Texture reset is busymode agnostic
September 2019
2019-09-15 Shell : GL operations possible during packet handling
2019-09-15 Client | Fixed : Keep window activated for GL operations
2019-09-04 libgui : Out-of-date text composer contents
June 2019
2019-06-11 Added | Debug | libgui : Added OpenGL debug message callback
March 2019
2019-03-17 Fixed : Fixed build using glbinding as external project
November 2018
2018-11-27 Fixed : Lines are not being drawn
2018-11-27 Performance : Improved draw batching
2018-11-27 Performance : DGL batches draw calls when possible
October 2018
2018-10-30 Cleanup : No null pointer access
September 2018
2018-09-22 Client | libgui : Draw lines as triangle strips with custom width
August 2018
2018-08-01 Debug | libgui : Avoid excessive OpenGL debug messages
July 2018
2018-07-27 Fixed : Enumerating OpenGL extensions
March 2018
2018-03-25 Fixed | libgui : Fixed bug where sampler uniforms were not always updated
2018-03-20 Debug | libgui : Validate GL program state before drawing
2018-03-18 Added | libgui : Added support for buffer textures
2018-03-17 libgui : GLWindow owns a GLTimer that the application can use
2018-03-17 Added | libgui : Added GLTimer for querying elapsed GPU times
2018-03-07 libgui : Drawables can share GLBuffers
2018-03-04 libgui : Debugging shaders
2018-03-03 Cleanup | libgui : Cleanup
2018-03-03 libgui : TextureBank can use multiple atlases
2018-03-02 Cleanup | libgui : Mat4f::lookat() is right-handed by default; cleanup
2018-03-01 Cleanup | libgui : Cleanup
February 2018
2018-02-28 Cleanup | libgui : Cleanup
2018-02-27 Added | libgui | Shaders : Added geometry shader as a new type of shader
2018-02-25 Added | libgui : Added new vertex attributes
2018-02-22 libgui : Binding and releasing frame buffer objects
2018-02-21 libgui : Setting a Drawable program using the ID number
2018-02-21 libgui : More options for configuring a GLFramebuffer
November 2017
2017-11-05 Fixed | Tests : Updated GL init and shaders in the libappfw test app
April 2017
2017-04-26 libgui : Drawing arrays with indices in host memory
2017-04-24 Renderer : Multitexturing is always available; removed obsolete options
2017-04-24 Fixed | Renderer : Fixed DGL active textures; apply modulation in dgl.draw shader
2017-04-23 libgui | OpenGL : Updating GL classes for OpenGL 3.3
2017-04-15 Fixed : Black screen after startup
March 2017
2017-03-18 Fixed | libgui : Random color glitches in the UI
2017-03-04 Fixed | Widgets : Missing flushes of queued draws
February 2017
2017-02-25 Video : Re-enabled the FPS limiter (cvar “refresh-rate-maximum”)
2017-02-19 Cleanup | libgui : Shader variables for batch draws
2017-02-19 libgui : Batched drawing of geometry
2017-02-19 Added | libgui : Added a uniform type for float arrays
2017-02-07 Cleanup | Client : Busy mode not needed at startup; removed dead code
2017-02-07 Cleanup | OpenGL : Removed another obsolete GL parameter
2017-02-07 Cleanup | OpenGL : Removed obsolete GL parameters
November 2016
2016-11-10 libgui : More fallback configurations for FBOs
2016-11-10 libgui : More fallback configurations for FBOs
2016-11-09 libgui : Improved FBO configuration fallback
2016-11-09 libgui : Improved FBO configuration fallback
October 2016
2016-10-31 Fixed | libgui : Fixed alternative GLFramebuffer attachments
2016-10-12 Client : Set vsync using libgui
2016-10-09 Fixed | X11 : Use of deferred GL calls; turbo build issues
2016-10-08 Fixed | Windows : Calling convention in deferred GL calls
2016-10-08 Fixed | Windows : Build errors and deferred GL calls
2016-10-07 libgui : Resolving multisampled framebuffer contents
2016-10-07 Debug : Disabled some debug messages
September 2016
2016-09-28 Client | UI : Player view rendered in final size (all scaling factored in)
2016-09-28 Client | Fixed | UI : Fixed player view GL state; apply pixel density factor
2016-09-06 Added | Fixed : Added OpenGL context activations
2016-09-04 Windows : Fixes and tweaks
2016-09-04 libgui : Tweaking framebuffer behavior
2016-09-04 Client | Refactor : Revised GL calls for Qt 5.4 OpenGL APIs
2016-09-04 libappfw | Refactor | Tests : Updated for new GL classes (work in progress)
2016-09-04 libgui | Refactor : Use Qt 5.4 OpenGL APIs, renamed GLTarget/GLFramebuffer
August 2016
2016-08-30 libgui : Draw call counting
July 2016
2016-07-17 Fixed : Setting scissor via runtime DGL API
2016-07-13 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup, replaced App_Errors with asserts
December 2015
2015-12-26 libgui : Cube samplers
2015-12-22 Client | Refactor | Renderer : Control GL alpha testing with de::GLState
2015-12-21 Fixed | Renderer : Reset GL state to defaults after rendering a model
November 2015
2015-11-06 Cleanup | Client | Debug | Renderer : Cleanup GL state management when drawing labels for debug visuals
May 2015
2015-05-07 Debug : Assert DGL_Enable/Disable/MatrixMode argument validity
February 2015
2015-02-10 Fixed | libgui | Windows : Build failure
2015-02-09 Debug : Show initial GL format parameters
December 2014
2014-12-26 Client : Disable texture compression by default
November 2014
2014-11-18 ClientWindow | Fixed | Windows : No need to recreate GL Canvas for FSAA/vsync changes
2014-11-17 Debug | GLTarget | libgui : Converted a GL assert to a debug message
2014-11-15 Debug | GLState | libgui : Verifying parts of the GL state
August 2014
2014-08-31 Cleanup | Sky Renderer : Cleanup
2014-08-30 Fixed | libappfw | OS X : Include path for LibOVR GL C API
2014-08-16 Model Renderer : Shader defines texture mapping for itself
2014-08-14 : Updated GL fog setup wrt COLORMAP selection
2014-08-14 Model Renderer : Trying out the emission and specular maps
2014-08-13 Model Renderer : Ambient light in the model shader
2014-08-13 Model Renderer : Diffuse and specular light in model shader
2014-08-12 Model Renderer : Eye direction in the model shader
2014-08-12 API : GL fog setup for a map is now handled by the engine
June 2014
2014-06-08 Debug | libgui : Don't assert GL errors (just log)
May 2014
2014-05-01 Cleanup | Client : Untangled some GL header includes (wrt GL deferring)
2014-05-01 Client : Sort the list of OpenGL extensions
April 2014
2014-04-09 libgui | Optimize : Reserve less memory for GL vertex building
March 2014
2014-03-24 Client | Fixed : Default value for 'vid-fsaa'
2014-03-16 Client | Windows : Update Qt to control swap interval (vsync)
2014-03-13 Cleanup | libgui | Refactor : Cleanup and join meshes into a single GL buffer
2014-03-13 Debug | libgui : Print source file/line when a GL error occurs
2014-03-13 Debug | libgui : Print source file/line when a GL error occurs
2014-03-13 Debug | libgui | Windows : Don't assert GL operation success
2014-03-11 Added | Tests : Added a MD2 test model for GLSandbox
2014-03-05 Debug | libgui | X11 : Don't assert GL errors on X11
February 2014
2014-02-25 Fixed | X11 : Getting GL extensions and changing window size
2014-02-13 libgui : Updated license of X11 specific GL entrypoints source
January 2014
2014-01-26 UI : Small adjustment to text line width compression
2014-01-26 Client : Tweaked line wrapping and GL text composition
2014-01-04 : Request OpenGL 2.1 compatibility profile
December 2013
2013-12-13 Cleanup | libgui : Removed EXT_compiled_vertex_array and related code
2013-12-12 Fixed | OS X : Don’t fake EXT_compiled_vertex_array
2013-12-09 Fixed | X11 : Avoid GL error when starting in maximized window
2013-12-06 libgui : Perform multisampling with renderbuffers
2013-12-06 Cleanup | ResourceSystem : Cleanup prepared GL texture release
2013-12-06 Resources | Texture : Ensure any prepared GL texture is released on Texture::Variant deletion
2013-12-05 Client | Refactor : Use libgui’s GLInfo instead of sys_opengl
2013-12-04 Fixed | FX | Renderer : Update GL viewports for post-processing shader
2013-12-02 libgui | Refactor : Renamed GLState::top() to GLState::current()
November 2013
2013-11-21 Cleanup | Refactor : Cleanup
2013-11-21 Refactor : Moved cvars and ccmds from gl_texmanager to rend_main
2013-11-21 Refactor : Continued splitting up gl_texmanager.h/cpp
2013-11-21 Refactor : Moved texturecontent_t related uploads to texturecontent.cpp
2013-11-21 Refactor : gl_texmanager.h no longer depends on sys_opengl.h
2013-11-21 Refactor : Moved logics for releasing GL textures into ResourceSystem
2013-11-20 Stereo 3D : Only use a stereo GL format if necessary
2013-11-19 Client | Fixed | Windows : Order of includes
2013-11-19 Fixed | Unix : Fetching GL entrypoints
2013-11-17 Refactor : Moved 3D projection matrix to its own function
2013-11-13 Client | Refactor : Updated use of GL_DrawRect()
2013-11-09 Client | Refactor : Use GL2 filter/wrap identifiers for (tiled) Patch drawers
2013-11-09 Client | Refactor : Use GL2 filter/wrap identifiers with unmanaged textures
2013-11-08 Client | Refactor : GLTextureUnit uses GL2 filter/wrap identifiers; relocated
2013-11-08 Client | Fixed | Map Renderer : Various GL state mismanagement issues
2013-11-08 Client | Map Renderer : Explicitly revert all GL state changes made in DrawList::draw()
2013-11-08 Client | Map Renderer | Refactor : Relocated draw list GL state setup into DrawList
2013-11-05 CompositorWidget : Adjusting blending for offscreen composition
October 2013
2013-10-26 : GLU is no longer needed as a dependency
2013-10-25 Added | API : Public GL API now uses GLState for scissor; added push/pop state
2013-10-25 LegacyWidget : Utility for setting the viewport for legacy graphics code
September 2013
2013-09-06 Fixed : Apply viewport changes immediately
2013-09-06 Client : Manage GL viewport exclusively with libgui GLState
August 2013
2013-08-24 Client | UI : Show GL information in the About dialog
2013-08-24 Client : Composing OpenGL information as a styled text string
July 2013
2013-07-20 ClientWindow | Fixed | Windows : Configure a GL viewport immediately when a new GL Canvas is ready
June 2013
2013-06-15 Debug : Do not continuously log the current GL filter color value
2013-06-04 Fixed | Windows : Fixed various issues (exports, GL context)
2013-06-04 Client | Fixed : Use the correct font when rasterizing text for GL drawing
May 2013
2013-05-18 Added | Client : Added GLTextComposer, utility for drawing GL text
2013-05-18 Client | GuiWidget : GL init/deinit mechanism, checking for widget movement
2013-05-18 GLState | libgui : Method for marking native GL state as undefined
2013-05-06 Fixed : Build failure (missing header, GL def, Qt 4.8 fund)
April 2013
2013-04-28 Added | Fixed | libgui : Bind texture when uploading, added GL error assertion
2013-04-26 Fixed | libgui | Windows : Missing GL entrypoints, fetch them after Canvas ready
2013-04-26 Canvas | GLState | libgui : Viewport is now part of the GL state
2013-04-25 Added | Tests : Added glsandbox, test app for all GL related stuff
2013-04-23 GLState | libgui : Basic implementation of stacked GL state manipulation
2013-04-22 Added | libgui : Added the de::gl namespace for GL related enums
2013-04-21 GLProgram | libgui : Basic implementation of GL programs
2013-04-21 GLUniform | libgui : Applying uniform values in a GL program
2013-04-15 Added | libgui : Added stubs for GL classes, with basic implementation for GLBuffer
2013-04-05 Client | Fixed | Refactor : Client window GL init
March 2013
2013-03-27 Fixed | UI : Ensure LegacyWidget is not drawn until GL is fully initialized
February 2013
2013-02-19 Server : Removed the GL Texture Manager subsystem
January 2013
2013-01-17 Refactor : Reworked GL texture manager interface for preparing de::Textures
2013-01-04 Added : Added public API for the GL module
September 2012
2012-09-22 Fixed : Grab window contents from the front (visible) buffer
July 2012
2012-07-16 Fixed : Fixed potential crash under a VM
June 2012
2012-06-19 Fixed : Red-blue swapped images
May 2012
2012-05-10 : Always do manual OpenGL painting in fullscreen
2012-05-10 : Experimenting with another window update method
2012-05-10 : Set viewport in initialization
2012-05-07 : Don't block until GL finished before frame update
2012-05-04 CanvasWindow : Tested how changing Canvas GL format works on the fly
2012-05-04 Fixed : Always apply frame rate limiting if requested
April 2012
2012-04-21 Fixed : Disable texture NPOT if the ARB extension is missing
2012-04-15 Fixed : Toggling vid-vsync at runtime
2012-04-13 Debug : Assert that context is active
2012-04-13 : Restored GL_SetMultisample()
2012-04-13 : Allow GL operations during main loop callback
2012-04-13 Unix : Assert GL context activate with Qt
2012-04-13 Debug : Assert that a GL context is active when needed
2012-04-13 : Vsync and FSAA are now toggled using cvars
2012-04-07 CanvasWindow | Fixed : Canvas GL init after recreation
March 2012
2012-03-19 Dedicated Server | Fixed : Fatal GL texture manager error from script interpreter
2012-03-18 Automap : Smaller maximum GL line width
2012-03-18 Automap : Smaller maximum GL line width
2012-03-12 Fixed : Display refresh timing at shutdown
2012-03-12 Fixed : Display refresh timing at shutdown
2012-03-12 Fixed : Attempt to do alpha analysis on a no-alpha image
2012-03-12 Fixed : Attempt to do alpha analysis on a no-alpha image
2012-03-11 Refactor : Canvas is responsible for GL context initialization
2012-03-07 All Games | Fixed : GL error and crash with msg-show 0
2012-03-07 All Games | Fixed : GL error and crash with msg-show 0
February 2012
2012-02-17 Fixed | OS X : Vsync needs to be set after GL context is (re)created
2012-02-17 : Defer GL_SetVSync() when needed
2012-02-17 Fixed : Startup order and default state configuration errors
2012-02-17 Fixed : Segfault during shutdown if initialization failed
2012-02-16 Cleanup : GL_state.features.vsync usage
2012-02-16 OS X : Always use vsync
2012-02-12 : Deferred fog functions
2012-02-12 : Removed unnecessary main thread assertions
2012-02-09 Cleanup : General cleanup of model management
2012-02-08 : Deleting textures is allowed from non-main threads
2012-02-08 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-02-08 Cleanup : Using helper macros for definitions
2012-02-08 : Deferred glDeleteTextures()
2012-02-08 Added : Added a define for disabling the deferred API
2012-02-08 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-02-07 Windows : Use the correct calling convention for GL API calls
2012-02-07 : Deferring glEnable() and glDisable()
2012-02-07 : Working on system for deferring GL calls
2012-02-07 Cleanup | Refactor : Cleaned up the GL deferred tasks module
2012-02-07 Debug : Adding GL main thread assertions
2012-02-07 Debug : Adding GL main thread assertions
January 2012
2012-01-27 : GL texture wrap state can't presently be managed on-fly
2012-01-27 Fixed : BitmapCompositeFont ignored GL texture magnification option
2012-01-26 Fixed : Further mismanagement of GL texture state
2012-01-26 Fixed : Mismanagement of GL texture state
2012-01-24 Fixed | libcommon : GL matrices in the score board drawer
2012-01-08 Fixed : GL access during busy mode
2012-01-04 Fixed : Fixed misleading error messages in GL about the Textures collection
October 2011
2011-10-29 Fixed : Fixed incorrect management of GL textures used with the sky sphere
August 2011
2011-08-05 Fixed : Failed to update GL texture content when one or more color palette colortables are updated/replaced.
July 2011
2011-07-16 Fixed : Fixed texture coordinates for FT_BITMAP-type fonts were calculated incorrectly while building the GL display lists for a given character (resulting in the right side edge being cut off).
2011-07-16 Added : Added "isPrepared" method to the abstract base for fonts for querying whether the font is ready to use (i.e., all specificed resources have been found, any needed textures have been uploaded to GL, etc...).
June 2011
2011-06-12 Refactor : Removed the color+alpha arguments for FR_DrawText and replaced with the current GL color+alpha values.
April 2011
2011-04-05 Refactor : * Moved aquisition of a GL texture name for TextureVariant out of the prepare stage and into construction. * Track the is_uploaded state for GL texture objects associated with TextureVariants separately to their GL texture name. * Allow for re-prepar
March 2011
2011-03-07 Refactor : Refactored interface to OpenGL with a minimum requirement of version 1.4 * If the implementation reports a lower than required version; display a critical message and gracefully abort startup. * Reworked GL_state with a more practical distinction bet
May 2010
2010-05-21 Changed : When loading sprites add an additonal 1-pixel border around the graphic which is then scaled and clipped out at render time. This addresses various GL filtering issues where a sprite contains color information in the edge texels.
2010-05-10 Changed : Removed the splitting of large Patch and Raw format graphics into two textures. Back when this was implemented the maximum texture dimensions supported by many GL implementations was considerably smaller than is common today. So to preserve quality D
2010-05-09 Fixed : Fixed another GL texture filtering artefact with the Hexen statusbar.
2010-05-06 Changed | Fixed : Do not set the texture wrap properties of the currently bound texture in drawConsoleBackground we have no idea which texture (if any) is. Console background drawing should be redesigned to happen entirely game-side if it needs this flexibility or sim
May 2009
2009-05-31 Fixed : Subtle render list/ GL state issue which led to shiny surfaces not being drawn with their corresponding mask texture.
2009-05-04 Changed : Use busy mode when doing a GL texture reset.
February 2009
2009-02-21 Fixed : Fixed bug #2582804 - Fog vs Fakeradio plane shadow primitives. We were not selecting gltexture 0 when configuring the GL state for drawing plane shadows.
January 2009
2009-01-28 Added | Fixed : Bug #2430153 - default automap colours not taken from PLAYPAL. Added: cvar "map-customcolors" controls the behaviour of when to use the custom automap colors; 0=Never, 1=Automatically disable the user's defaults if the mod being played includes a cus
2009-01-27 Fixed | Optimize : Construct display lists for the automap line characters. Fixed bug in getKeyColorForMobjType which failed to end iteration immediately when the list of mobj types had been checked. Optimized renderLineCharacter; construct a GL display list for each c
June 2008
2008-06-26 Fixed : Continued the reorganisation of the various texture resource data structs, moving things into material_t where appropriate and reworking interfaces accordingly. * GL texture info (OGL name, masked property and average color) is now held in material_t
July 2007
2007-07-03 Fixed : Fixed some window issues under WIN32; if the command-line specified window paramaters were the same as the defaults then a GL context was not created.
February 2007
2007-02-28 Fixed : reading node->children from the original DOOM node format. Fixed: attempting to load GL Node data when bsp-build == 0.
August 2004
2004-08-24 Fixed : Fixed fatal error when building GL data for a map at the end of the lump directory
August 2003
2003-08-30 : Moved LoadGraphics under GL
2003-08-30 : Moved blending modes under GL
2003-08-30 : BlendMode moved under GL
July 2003
2003-07-03 : Subtract 4 ("gNd2") from GL verts lump length
2003-07-03 Cleanup : Subtract 4 ("gNd2") from GL verts lump length, cleanup