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Map Renderer

Related tags: Console Renderer, Font Renderer, Light Grid, Model, Model Renderer, ModelBank, ModelDrawable, ModelRenderer, Models, Renderer, Sky Renderer, SVG Renderer

Authorship: 99% danij, 1% skyjake

View commits by groups

March 2015
2015-03-13 Fixed : "Missing" material usage on floors/ceilings
December 2014
2014-12-04 Client | Fixed : Zone memory "leak" (Generator::stages)
2014-12-04 Client | Debug | Fixed : Crash attempting to sort vissprites
2014-12-04 Cleanup | Client | Fixed | SkyDrawable : Array underflow drawing sky models, cleanup
2014-12-03 Cleanup | Client | SurfaceDecorator : Cleanup
November 2013
2013-11-14 Client | Debug : Investigating further vertex color clamping issues
2013-11-08 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-11-08 Client | Fixed | GL : Various GL state mismanagement issues
2013-11-08 Client | GL : Explicitly revert all GL state changes made in DrawList::draw()
2013-11-08 Client | Debug | DrawList : Trying to make sense of DrawMode <> draw list relationship
2013-11-08 Client | GL | Refactor : Relocated draw list GL state setup into DrawList
2013-11-07 Cleanup | Client | MaterialSnapshot : Minor MaterialSnapshot cleanup
2013-11-07 Cleanup | Client | Fixed : Further vertex color clamping fixes; cleanup
2013-11-07 Client | Fixed : Rend_AttenuateLightLevel() returns values > 1.f
2013-11-07 Client | Refactor : Began dismantling/remodeling GLTextureUnit
2013-11-07 Client | GLTextureUnit | Refactor : Removed property GLTextureUnit::blendMode
2013-11-07 Client | Refactor : Removed the old "RTU map" mechanism
2013-11-07 Client : Continued remodeling draw list specification/draw-state management
2013-11-06 Client : Began remodeling draw list specification/draw-state management
2013-11-06 Client | Refactor : Relocated RL_RenderAllLists() to rend_main.cpp
2013-11-06 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-11-06 Refactor : RenderSystem has ownership of the primary geometry buffer
2013-11-06 Client | DrawLists | Refactor : Clear/reset draw lists and vertex buffer from RenderSystem
2013-11-06 Client | Refactor : Split NormalGeom into two separate groups
2013-11-05 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-11-05 Cleanup | Client | Refactor : Updated RL_RenderAllLists() to use DrawLists; cleanup
2013-11-05 Client | Refactor : Updated all drawing to use DrawLists
2013-11-05 Client : Began dismantling of the old render lists module
2013-11-05 Added | Client : Added DrawLists
2013-11-05 Added | Client : Added DrawList
October 2013
2013-10-30 Client | Refactor : Dismantled more of obsolete/old "rendpoly" stuff
2013-10-10 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-10-10 Cleanup | Client : Use a viewer-local QBitArray for flagging visible BSP leafs; cleanup
2013-10-08 BlockmapVisual | Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-10-04 Client | Debug : Use sector clusters for the vertex indices debug visual
2013-10-04 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-10-02 BlockmapVisual | Client | Debug | Fixed : Missing polyobj lines on blockmap debug visualizer
2013-10-01 Client | Refactor : Angle clipper now uses de::VectorN<>
September 2013
2013-09-30 Client | WallEdge : Cluster-internal edges need no neighbor intercepts
2013-09-29 Sector | WallEdge : Prevent potential t-join artifacts on walls near mapped planes
2013-09-28 Client | Debug | Fixed : Font selection of thinker id debug visual
2013-09-26 Cleanup | Client | Debug | Refactor : Consolidated drawing of sound emitter debug visuals; cleanup
2013-09-26 Cleanup | Client | Debug | Refactor : Consolidated drawing of generator debug visuals; cleanup
2013-09-15 Client | Fixed | WallEdge : Mispositioned teleporter wall lights in Plutonia 2 MAP10
2013-09-14 Client : Immediately kill particles entering a degenerate BSP leaf
2013-09-13 Client | Refactor : Convenience header for Lumobj
2013-09-13 Client | Surface : Automatically clear map surface decorations on material change
2013-09-13 Cleanup | SurfaceDecorator : Reordered surfacedecorator.cpp
2013-09-13 Client | Decoration : A Decoration is a MapObject
2013-09-13 Client : Free the temporary Lumobj produced by LightDecoration
2013-09-12 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-09-12 Client | Lumobj : Lumobj::Source::occlusion() missed the virtual specifier
2013-09-12 Client | LightDecoration : Set the LightDecoration as the source of any Lumobjs it generates
2013-09-12 Cleanup | Client | LightDecoration : Cleanup
2013-09-12 Client | Refactor : Generate a light decoration flare (source) directly from Lumobj
2013-09-12 Client | Optimize | SurfaceDecorator : Batch surface redecoration by material
2013-09-11 Cleanup | Client | SurfaceDecorator : Cleanup
2013-09-11 Cleanup | Client | Decoration | Surface | SurfaceDecorator : Cleanup
2013-09-11 Client | Refactor : Removed redundant Surface::DecorSource
2013-09-10 Client | SurfaceDecorator : SurfaceDecorator is responsibility for applying material changes
2013-09-09 Client | Fixed | Refactor : Build error (refactoring oversight)
2013-09-09 Client : Continued working on SurfaceDecorator
2013-09-09 Client | Refactor : Each map has a SurfaceDecorator
2013-09-09 Client | Refactor : Relocated Decoration to new source files
2013-09-09 Client | Refactor : Continued work on Decoration
2013-09-09 Client | Refactor : Beginning OO transformation of light decoration management
2013-09-08 Client | Refactor : Inverted texture projection list population
2013-09-08 Client | Fixed : Distance light attenuation causing sprites to fullbright
2013-09-08 Cleanup | Client | Fixed : Light decorations disappear instantly at distance; cleanup
2013-09-08 Client | Fixed : Secondary lens flare dimming
2013-09-08 Client : R_BeginFrame() must be done before projecting light decorations
2013-09-08 Client | Refactor : Continued cleaning up halo and light decoration projection
2013-09-07 Cleanup | Client : Cleaned up world surface drawing a little
2013-09-07 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-09-07 Client : Removed old non-projective method for mobj shadows
2013-09-07 Client | Refactor : Consolidated dynamic wall and plane texture projection
2013-09-07 Cleanup | Client : Adjusted minimum mobj lumobj radius; cleanup
2013-09-07 Client | Refactor : Standardized API for texture projection
2013-09-07 Client : Use same mechanism for mobj shadow projection as dynlights
2013-09-06 Client | Fixed | Lumobj : Minimum luminous object radius compatibility
2013-09-06 Client | Fixed | Sector : HOM at start of ksutra.wad MAP03
2013-09-06 Cleanup | Client : Minor clean up of surface light decoration plotting
2013-09-06 Cleanup | Client | Lumobj : Cleanup
2013-09-06 Client | Lumobj : Cleaned up Lumobj instantiation
2013-09-05 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-09-05 Client | Refactor : Cleaned up dynamic light projection
2013-09-05 Client : Revised mechanism for generating Lumobjs from sprites
2013-09-05 Client : Reimplemented Lumobj and management thereof
2013-09-05 Client | Refactor : Updated model drawing wrt VectorLight API changes
2013-09-05 Client | Refactor : Relocated viewer scope data and functions from lumobj.cpp
2013-09-05 Cleanup | Client : Replaced interpretation of plane glows to VectorLights; cleanup
2013-09-02 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-09-01 : Mobjs whose origin lies behind a visual plane do not emit light
August 2013
2013-08-31 Cleanup | Refactor : Continued splitting up r_things.cpp; cleanup
2013-08-31 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-08-31 Cleanup | Client : Unraveled r_things.cpp dependencies
2013-08-31 Client | Refactor : Moved "vissprite" management out of r_things.h/cpp
2013-08-31 Client | Refactor : Continued cleaning up sprite projection
2013-08-30 Client : Further cleaned up R_ProjectSprite()
2013-08-30 Client : Cleaned up R_ProjectSprite() somewhat
2013-08-30 Client | WallEdge : Use line side sectors when positioning two-sided middle wall sections
2013-08-30 Client | WallEdge : Use sector clusters when generating wall geometry
2013-08-30 Client | Refactor | WallEdge : Moved R_SideSectionCoords() to walledge.cpp
2013-08-30 Client : Use WallEdge when wall geometry is needed
2013-08-30 Client : Use WallEdge when plotting wall section decorations
2013-08-29 Client : Use sector clusters when drawing fakeradio for walls
2013-08-29 Cleanup | Client | WallEdge : Cleanup
2013-08-28 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-08-28 Client : Use sector clusters for plane ambient light properties
2013-08-26 BspLeaf | Client | Refactor : Various map data and renderer cleanup/rename refactorings
2013-08-25 Client | ShadowEdge : Partially updated ShadowEdge to use sector clusters
2013-08-25 Client : Use sector clusters when occluding with leaf edges
2013-08-25 Added | Client : Added TODO comments where sector clusters should be used
2013-08-25 Client : Use sector clusters when determining if a player is in the void
2013-08-25 Client : Use sector clusters for plane heights when drawing polyobj vertexes
2013-08-25 Client : Use sector clusters for plane heights when drawing tangent vectors
2013-08-23 Added | Client : Added variable 'rend-dev-sector-show-indicies'
2013-08-23 Cleanup | Client | Vertex : Moved getVertexPlaneMinMax() into Vertex
2013-08-23 Client | Refactor : Merged routines for drawing bias source and vertex labels
2013-08-21 Fixed : Seg fault attempting to play eternall.wad MAP10
2013-08-20 Fixed : Fatal error firing the BFG in DOOM mod "Astrostein"
2013-08-18 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-08-16 BspLeaf | Refactor : Replaced the fake radio ShadowLink list with a QSet
2013-08-14 Polyobj | World : Skip half-edges on the back of one-sided polyobj lines
2013-08-14 Cleanup | Refactor : Minor rename refactorings for consistency
2013-08-14 Cleanup : Combined writeLeafPolyobjs() into writeLeafWallSections()
2013-08-14 Refactor | World : Switched all Mesh face iterations to use half-edges
2013-08-13 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-08-10 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-08-09 Client | Fixed | Refactor : HOM at sky-fix edges (refactoring oversight)
2013-08-08 Client | Refactor : Switched rest of the map renderer algorithms to use half-edges
2013-08-08 Client | Refactor : Switched front facing marking algorithm to use half-edges
2013-08-08 Client | Refactor : Switched sky-fix mask geometry generation algorithm to use half-edges
2013-08-08 Client | Refactor : Switched BSP leaf angle occlusion algorithm to use half-edges
2013-08-08 Client | Refactor : Switched BSP leaf contact spreading algorithm to use half-edges
2013-08-08 BspLeaf | Client | Shadow Bias : Apply a BiasDigest to all trackers at a given BSP leaf
2013-08-08 Client | Refactor : Specify a BiasSurface directly in rendworldpoly_params_t
2013-08-07 Client | Refactor : Removed the now obsolete rvertex_t/rtexcoord_t
2013-08-07 Client | Refactor : Specify position coordinates to the render lists with de::VectorN<>
2013-08-07 Client | Refactor : Specify texture coordinates to the render lists with de::VectorN<>
2013-08-06 Client | Refactor : Specify color coordinates to the render lists with de::VectorN<>
June 2013
2013-06-14 Fixed | World : Benign compiler warnings about unused/uninitialized variables
May 2013
2013-05-25 Cleanup | Client | Refactor : Minor cleanup refactorings
2013-05-25 Client : Further cleaned up wall geometries write
2013-05-25 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-05-25 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-05-24 : Continued developing the edge geometry model
2013-05-24 Client | WallEdge : Allocate storage for the first and last elements along with the edge
2013-05-23 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-05-23 Refactor : Made use of WallSpec::fromMapSide()
2013-05-23 Added : Added WallSpec; consolidated more geometry construction logic
2013-05-21 Light Grid : Updated LightGrid implementation; addressed limitations
2013-05-20 Fixed : Skip degenerate BSP leafs when drawing surface vectors
2013-05-20 : Degenerate BSP leafs do not require BiasSurfaces
2013-05-16 Optimize : Merged sky-fix edge construction and tri-strip generation
2013-05-16 Refactor : Continued consolidating sky-fix geometry generation
2013-05-15 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-05-15 : Began consolidating sky-fix geometry generation
2013-05-11 Cleanup | Refactor : Various minor cleanup refactorings
2013-05-11 Refactor : Fix polyobj geometry generation regression
2013-05-10 Fixed : Dually rendered geometry with rend-dev-sky
2013-05-10 Refactor : Consolidated more geometry construction logic
2013-05-09 Fixed : Dually rendered geometry with rend-dev-sky
2013-05-09 Refactor : Clarified logic in writeLeafWallSections()
2013-05-09 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-05-09 Refactor : Completed restructuring wall section drawing
2013-05-09 Refactor : Dismantled R_MiddleMaterialCoversOpening()
2013-05-07 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-05-07 Refactor : Reworked wall section drawing to move more logic to SectionEdge
2013-05-06 Fixed : Always use the glow properties of the surface bound material
2013-05-05 Fixed : Drawing glitches when combining dev/debug texturing options
2013-05-05 Refactor : Short circuit drawing of selfreferencing line sections earlier
2013-05-05 Refactor : Trimmed now unused logic paths for mode rend-dev-sky 1
2013-05-05 Fixed : Multitextured lights not clamped on two sided middle wall sections
2013-05-05 Refactor : Turned the writeLeafPlane() function stack into a linear process
2013-05-03 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-05-02 Refactor : Further consolidated wall section drawing logic
2013-05-02 Refactor : Disentangling writeWallSections2Twosided's "solid segment" logic...
2013-05-02 Refactor : Further cleaned up writeWallSection()
2013-05-02 Refactor : Apply the near-fade logic for wall sections in writeWallSection()
2013-05-02 Refactor : Consolidated more map geometry construction logic
2013-05-02 Refactor : Consolidated more wall geometry construction logic
2013-05-02 SectionEdge : SectionEdge can now be used for Polyobj sections also
2013-05-02 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-05-01 : Began remodeling wall geometry construction
2013-05-01 Refactor : Reworked WallDivs into a C++ class
April 2013
2013-04-30 Refactor : Moved HEdge::prepareWallDivs() to rend_main.cpp
2013-04-30 Refactor : Turned the writeWallSection() function stack into a linear process
2013-04-30 Refactor : Moved more logic into wallSectionLightLevelDeltas()
2013-04-30 Refactor : Began separating render logic from geometry construction
2013-04-30 Cleanup | Refactor : Further cleanup of wall section light level smoothing algorithm
2013-04-30 Refactor : Sector light level and color as draw state properties
2013-04-22 Refactor : Miscellaneous updates wrt changes to Vertex
2013-04-22 Refactor : Updated FakeRadio wrt changes to Vertex
2013-04-22 Refactor : Updated Bias lighting wrt changes to Vertex
2013-04-20 Refactor : Separated geometry construction for sector and polyobj wall sections
2013-04-20 : Cleaned up interface to the angle clipper
2013-04-18 Refactor : Began extracting geometry construction from the map renderer
2013-04-18 Refactor : Cleaned up some renderer internal APIs
2013-04-18 Refactor : Consolidated more map geometry construction logic
2013-04-17 Refactor : Consolidated more map geometry construction logic
2013-04-17 Refactor : Reimplemented smoothing algorithm for "fake contrast"
2013-04-17 Fixed | Refactor : Fixed refactoring oversight in FakeRadio's scanNeighbor()
2013-04-16 Cleanup : Cleanup
March 2013
2013-03-23 Fixed : Clarified precedence of operations in arithmetic expressions
2013-03-22 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-03-19 Fixed : Glow strength factor "rend-glow" not applied consistently
2013-03-09 Fixed : Read access error updating affection data for wall biassurfaces
January 2013
2013-01-16 : Do not force a MaterialSnapshot update unless necessary
September 2012
2012-09-17 Fixed : Incorrect logic in R_MarkDependantSurfacesForDecorationUpdate()
2012-09-17 Fixed : lumobj => BSP leaf contact spreading
2012-09-02 Refactor : Restructured middle material coordinate calculations
2012-09-02 Refactor : Reworked potentially visible line section flagging
August 2012
2012-08-30 Fixed : Plane glow disappears when plane is moving
2012-08-12 Fixed | Revert : No so-called "fake contrast" for middle surfaces of two-sided lines
2012-08-12 : Avoid unnecessary interpolation of line-angle light level deltas
2012-08-12 Fixed : No so-called "fake contrast" for middle surfaces of two-sided lines
2012-08-12 Fixed : Consider middle wall section material opacity with sky-fix geometery
June 2012
2012-06-29 Fixed : Mobjs outside the map should not emit dynamic lights
2012-06-10 Fixed : Miscalculated sky mask texture coords with rend-dev-sky 1
May 2012
2012-05-29 Fixed : Wall material coords incorrect for twosided middle surfaces
2012-05-29 Fixed : Development/debug sky drawing mode (rend-dev-sky=1)
2012-05-28 Fixed : Middle surfaces on self-referencing linedefs offset incorrectly
2012-05-27 Refactor : Completed merging geometry calculations for surfaces and light decorations
2012-05-27 Refactor : Began merging geometry calculations for surfaces and light decorations
2012-05-27 Fixed : Light decorations offset on middle surfaces of twosided linedefs
2012-05-26 Fixed : Lights not projected to middle surfaces of twosided linedefs
2012-05-23 : Redesigned mechanism for applying geometry wall divisions
2012-05-22 : Sort right wall divisions in ascending order
2012-05-21 : Build triangle strips for BspLeaf sky fix geometry
2012-05-10 Fixed : HOM in temple4.wad near {x:6864, y:10528}
2012-05-08 Fixed : Do not apply lightlevel deltas to wall surfaces with fix materials
2012-05-08 Fixed : Do not add polyobj edges to angle clipper when viewer is in the void
2012-05-08 Fixed : Hexen MAP08 Crash
2012-05-08 Fixed | Revert : Crash in Hexen map08
2012-05-07 Fixed : Crash in Hexen map08
2012-05-01 : Flip the "missing" material on ceiling planes
April 2012
2012-04-25 Fixed : Do not attempt to add a zero-length range to the clipper
2012-04-25 Fixed : Bottom wall section material Y offset calculation
2012-04-25 Fixed : Ignore the front ceiling when comparing sky-masked planes
2012-04-25 Fixed : HOM in ksutra.wad MAP01 near [x:-3064, y:-546]
2012-04-24 : Look for and fix single-sided linedefs missing a middle material
2012-04-24 Fixed : HOM in BGComp.wad E1M4 near [x: 3710, y: 5366]
2012-04-24 Fixed : HOM in BGComp.wad E1M5 near [x: -500, y: -1800]
2012-04-20 Cleanup : Removed some redundant temporary vectors
2012-04-20 : Updated wall drawer to handle revised "window" constructs
2012-04-20 Revert : Kludge to make Hexen playable (with HOMs) -- TEMPORARY
2012-04-18 : Kludge to make Hexen playable (with HOMs) -- TEMPORARY
2012-04-15 : Switched angle clipper to C++ and updated to current coding practices
February 2012
2012-02-14 Fixed : Segs with zero-height back sectors did not always clip geometry