Alphabetical Index | Tags by Size | Find tag:


Related tags: Cleanup, Debug, Fixed, Optimize, Refactor, Revert

Authorship: 73% skyjake, 27% danij, 0% Christopher Bruns, 0% Jaakko Keranen

View commits by groups

August 2021
2021-08-04 Scripts | World : Added Thing.mapSpotNum() for querying source map spot
2021-08-01 CMake : Added option to disable Shell GUI app
2021-08-01 Scripting | World : Added Thing.angle(), .setAngle()
December 2020
2020-12-26 Fixed | Release : Added missing header
2020-12-24 : Added build option to enable the Gloom apps
2020-12-22 : Added a build option to enable libgloom rendering
2020-12-06 Scripting : Added World.Thing.tracer()
2020-12-06 Scripting : Added
2020-12-06 Heretic | Hexen | Scripting : Added binding for P_SeekerMissile
November 2020
2020-11-26 Scripting : Added Player.giveAmmo()
2020-11-22 Scripting : Added Player.setHealth()
2020-11-19 Heretic : Added DORCLS sounds in Help screen
2020-11-11 Definitions | Scripting : Added "On setup" script to Map Info
July 2020
2020-07-18 Scripting : Added givePower() and giveBackpack()
2020-07-18 Doom : Added class "Net" for the network subsystem
May 2020
2020-05-10 All Games | Menu : Added menu item for binding "Show Taskbar"
March 2020
2020-03-04 All Games | Scripting : Added App.Player.giveArmor()
February 2020
2020-02-08 Refactor : Removed Map API; added Audio system base
2020-02-06 libgui : Added a built-in font
January 2020
2020-01-31 Scripting : Added player methods
2020-01-28 Freedesktop : Added version 2.2.2 to the metainfo
2020-01-16 libcore : Added more Vec typedefs
2020-01-14 Freedesktop : Added 2.2.1 to releases
2020-01-04 Renderer : Added stubs for world renderer classes
December 2019
2019-12-28 libcore : Added convenience header for Slope
2019-12-28 Debian : Added python3 to Build-Depends
2019-12-27 libcore | Math : Added a Slope utility
2019-12-21 Doom | Scripting : Added the "commonlib" module
2019-12-21 Scripting | World : Added more Thing methods
2019-12-21 libcore | Scripting : Added more Math functions
2019-12-21 libcommon | Scripting : Added function for spawning things
2019-12-21 Doom | Heretic | Hexen | Scripting : Added Thing "On death" script
2019-12-20 Freedesktop : Added version 2.2 to the app metainfo
2019-12-15 Scripting : Added World.Thing.player()
2019-12-15 Audio | Scripting : Added Audio.localSound()
2019-12-12 libcore | Math : Added 2D cross product
2019-12-11 Scripting | World : Added World.Thing.recoil()
November 2019
2019-11-28 Freedesktop : Added metainfo XML, tweaked .desktop file
2019-11-27 Builder | CMake : Added root CMakeLists; tweaks for Unix config
2019-11-17 Client | UI : Added menu item to open Doomsday Manual
2019-11-16 Scripting : Added more World and Game bindings
September 2019
2019-09-15 libgui : Added a "pin" image
2019-09-14 Heretic : Added MF3_WALLBOUNCE for bouncing missiles
2019-09-12 Shell : Added menu separators
2019-09-12 GuiApp | libgui : Added a helper method for opening browser URLs
2019-09-11 Shell : Ask login password; added more menu items
2019-09-04 Doom | Resources : Added "-iwadr" for recursive IWAD dir
2019-09-03 libcore : Added character symbol for Copyright
2019-09-02 Shell : Added package for app init script
2019-09-01 libcore | String : Added missing += operator
2019-09-01 libgui : Added KeyActions for keyboard shortcuts
2019-09-01 : Added "doomsdaygui" library; moved MapOutlineWidget
August 2019
2019-08-30 libgui : Added Selected flag for ui::Item
2019-08-30 FS | libcore : Added method to query file type
2019-08-25 libgui | Widgets : Added FlowLayout; testing in test_appfw
2019-08-24 libgui : Added a light weight for the "Source Code Sans" font
2019-08-23 libcore | Time : Added literal suffixes for time
2019-08-23 libcore : Added an explicit "hidden" attribute macro
2019-08-23 libcore : Added Variant for flexibility
2019-08-23 libgui | Widgets : Added stub for BrowserWidget
2019-08-22 Unix : Added stub for file selection dialog
2019-08-04 Builder | Debian : Added template for debian/control
2019-08-04 Builder | Debian : Added new script for generating source package metadata
2019-08-04 : Added CPack resources from deng-distrib
July 2019
2019-07-27 Heretic : Added map info flag "mif_dim_torch"
2019-07-12 Shell | UI : Added a page for starting a local server
2019-07-07 libappfw | Tests : Added a test button
June 2019
2019-06-15 libcore : Added vector floor/ceil functions
2019-06-11 Debug | GL | libgui : Added OpenGL debug message callback
2019-06-01 Default Style : Added a monospace bold font
May 2019
2019-05-31 Default Style : Added a new monospace TrueType font
2019-05-26 Heretic : Added "take" cheat command
2019-05-25 Builder : Added "build" command in build_deps
February 2019
2019-02-10 Doom64 : Added missing gameplay options
January 2019
2019-01-20 Heretic | Scripting : Added World.Thing.attack() method
December 2018
2018-12-18 libcore | Windows : Added missing link library
2018-12-14 Resources : Added -nogog and -nosteam options
2018-12-09 GameKit : Added Doom as a static library
2018-12-08 Client : Added a splash screen window
2018-12-08 libgui : Added XPM image loader; init correct locale
2018-12-02 Model Renderer : Added animation sequence “mustFinish”
November 2018
2018-11-25 API | Network | Server | Web : Added server instance IDs
2018-11-22 Heretic : Added MAPINFO for E4M1 (Heretic Registered)
2018-11-20 Doom : Added a fallback music definition for MAP33
2018-11-18 libcore | Widgets : Added a rule pair utility
2018-11-18 Doom | Fixed : Added missing secret exit for MAP33 (BFG Edition)
2018-11-11 Scripting | Widgets : Added Widget namespaces
2018-11-10 Doom | Resources : Added detection rules for patched BFG IWADs
2018-11-04 Home | UI : Added a “Data File” setting to game profiles
2018-11-03 Heretic : Added “mif_spawn_all_firemaces” flag
October 2018
2018-10-28 FS | Scripting : Added a file system binding
2018-10-28 FS | Scripting : Added “FS” module; utils.makeArray()
2018-10-20 libcore : Added a container mapping template method
2018-10-18 Cleanup | liblegacy : Added NON_ZERO and IS_ZERO macros
2018-10-14 Heretic | Renderer : Added “rend-ring-effect” cvar
2018-10-07 Shaders : Added shader “”
September 2018
2018-09-30 Heretic | Hexen : Added “mf3_nomorph” to prevent morphing
2018-09-29 All Games | Fixed | Menu : Added automap option, fixed Player Setup page layout
2018-09-25 Animation | libcore : Added a softer ease-out animation style
2018-09-23 Automap | libcommon : Added a menu item for toggling map rotation mode
2018-09-15 Doom64 : Added a missing status cvar (tenth player weapon)
August 2018
2018-08-30 Homepage : Added a Donate link to the sitemap
2018-08-09 Fixed | libgui : Fixed DisplayMode init; added stub for SDL
2018-08-08 libgui : Added a class for native file dialogs
2018-08-02 libcore : Added a helper for splitting URI components
2018-08-01 libcore | Record : Added an isEmpty() method
July 2018
2018-07-30 libcore | Network : Added WebRequest for HTTP GET/POST requests
2018-07-28 FluidSynth : Added missing export
2018-07-27 libgui : Added a method for showing a file/folder in the OS file manager
2018-07-27 Default Style | libappfw | UI : Added missing UI images (corners, dot)
2018-07-16 GloomEd | Refactor : Added proper EditorApp and Commander classes
2018-07-15 libcore : Added a separate Char class to avoid incorrect conversions
2018-07-15 Cleanup | Doom | liblegacy : Added flags for DoomsdayApp; cleanup
2018-07-15 libcore : Added EmbeddedApp
2018-07-07 Cleanup | libcore : Added de::Stringf() template function; other cleanup
2018-07-02 : Added a C++ JSON library
2018-07-01 libcore : Added a few missing methods
June 2018
2018-06-30 libcore : Added various useful/missing methods
2018-06-29 libcore : Added multimap remove utility; various fixes
2018-06-29 libcore : Use std::numeric_limits; added DE_STATIC_STRING; more methods
2018-06-29 libcore : Added various missing methods; easier Timer callbacks
2018-06-27 libcore | ScriptLex | String : Added a few missing methods
2018-06-25 CString | libcore : Iterating using mb_iterator; added more methods
2018-06-23 libcore | Tests : Added ThreadLocal, EventLoop, Timer, CallbackTimer
2018-06-14 Fixed | libcore : Fixed a String constructor; added missing Time conversions
2018-06-13 Fixed | libcore | Tests : Fixed bugs, added missing operators
2018-06-12 libcore : Added insensitive String comparator
2018-06-04 libcore : Added a Thread class
May 2018
2018-05-30 libcore : Added a missing Vector3 method
2018-05-24 Gloom : Added a "meters per map unit" 3D scaling factor
2018-05-16 libcore | Path : Added path splitting utilities; various other cleanups
2018-05-13 Doom | Resources : Added IdTech1FlatLib for loading flat images
2018-05-13 Doom | Resources : Added IdTech1TextureLib for loading texture images
2018-05-13 libcore : Added DataArray template class
2018-05-07 Gloom : Added a "Find Point" function (Ctrl/Cmd-F) in Points mode
April 2018
2018-04-18 Gloom : Added a PBR test material
2018-04-05 Image | libgui : Added more image manipulation methods
March 2018
2018-03-31 libgui : Added a variant of GLState::setViewport()
2018-03-26 ImageFile | libgui : Added a solid color image file filter
2018-03-20 Gloom : Added new editor modes for planes, volumes
2018-03-20 Gloom : Added a DataBuffer helper
2018-03-20 Fixed | Windows : Added missing exports and fixed minor warning
2018-03-20 : Added a clang-format configuration file
2018-03-18 Gloom : Added a separate class for materials
2018-03-18 GL | libgui : Added support for buffer textures
2018-03-17 GL | libgui : Added GLTimer for querying elapsed GPU times
2018-03-07 Gloom : Added Bloom; adjusting tone mapping again
2018-03-04 Gloom : Added more test models; normal mapping for entities
February 2018
2018-02-27 GL | libgui | Shaders : Added geometry shader as a new type of shader
2018-02-27 GLTexture | libgui : Added texture comparison property
2018-02-25 GL | libgui : Added new vertex attributes
2018-02-22 Gloom : Added LightRender and create a depth-only FBO
2018-02-20 Image | libgui : Added R_8 and RG_88 image formats
2018-02-19 Gloom : Added ScreenQuad and SSAO
2018-02-19 Cleanup | Gloom | Refactor : Reorganized files; added Render base class
2018-02-18 Gloom : Added GBuffer with 16f color and normals
2018-02-17 Cleanup | Gloom : Added texture offsets buffer; cleanup in MapRender
2018-02-17 libcore | Vector : Added a method for calculating area
2018-02-17 libgui | Shaders : Added new vertex attributes, renamed old ones
2018-02-10 GLBuffer | libgui : Added a vertex attribute for flags
2018-02-09 libcore | Math : Added math functions: mod(), Vector2::cross()
2018-02-08 Gloom : Added a texels-per-meter scale
2018-02-08 GLBuffer | libgui : Added a vertex semantic called "aTexture"
2018-02-06 Gloom : Added namespace; flipped Y axis; defined basic map structure
2018-02-06 Gloom | Tests : Added a bottom face to the skybox
2018-02-04 : Added a test app for Gloom
January 2018
2018-01-30 FS | libcore : Added option for disabling multithreaded file system updates
2018-01-19 Cleanup : Added a Clang-Format configuration file
December 2017
2017-12-02 Homepage : Added a redirect page for Support
November 2017
2017-11-12 Client | UI : Added data file settings as a Mods tab menu option
2017-11-09 Client | UI : Added menu option for installing mods
October 2017
2017-10-31 libcore | Windows : Added a missing export
2017-10-28 libcore : Added a helper method for MD5 hashing
2017-10-21 Client | Refactor | UI : Added base class for download dialogs
2017-10-21 Widgets : Added common interface for objects providing size rules
2017-10-16 Console | Doom : Added the "ds" command for running Doomsday Script
2017-10-14 FS | Scripting : Added script method Core.Folder.contents()
2017-10-11 libcore : Added async execution utility
2017-10-01 Documentation | libcore : Added a method description
2017-10-01 Doom : Added DOOM2.WAD version 1.666g to the database
September 2017
2017-09-12 Addons | Fixed | Homepage : Added links to the fixed Abbspack packages
2017-09-10 Audio : Added the GeneralUser GS SoundFont to net.dengine.client
August 2017
2017-08-26 Model Renderer | Renderer : Added "uViewMatrix" and "uWorldMatrix"
2017-08-26 Model Renderer : Added built-in shader variable "uProjectionMatrix"
2017-08-25 Homepage : Added a couple of symbols using a webfont
2017-08-19 Homepage : Added an error page for invalid web addresses
July 2017
2017-07-27 libcore | String : Added a string conversion method
2017-07-15 libgui : Added PackageIconBank for loading package icons
2017-07-15 libcore : Added vector helper method
2017-07-09 Ubuntu : Added "libminizip1" to DEB dependencies
June 2017
2017-06-28 Client | libgui | UI : Added monitor refresh rate to Video Settings
2017-06-28 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added alpha macro in "model.skeletal.unlit.diffuse"
2017-06-25 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added PREDEF_TRANSFORM_ALPHA macro
2017-06-25 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added PREDEF_TRANSFORM_EMISSION macro
2017-06-25 Assimp | CMake | libgui : Added option to not use customized Assimp
2017-06-18 Model Renderer | Scripting : Added a startSequence() method to StateAnimator
2017-06-18 libcore | Scripting : Added a new Scheduler class
May 2017
2017-05-08 iOS : Added Xcode build script to compile the packages
2017-05-08 iOS : Added Assimp to the Xcode project; import all Qt plugins
2017-05-07 iOS : Added a manually-crafted Xcode project file
2017-05-07 Client | iOS : Added a bunch of application icons
2017-05-06 iOS : Support both iPhone and iPad; added dummy launch screen
2017-05-05 Fixed | iOS | OpenGL : Added GLES compatibility macros; fixed codesigning of plugins
2017-05-02 libgui | OpenGL : Added a build option for selecting the OpenGL API to use
April 2017
2017-04-28 CMake | Fixed | Unix : Added a manual check for g++
2017-04-17 Client | Console | UI : Added "packages" command to open the Packages sidebar
2017-04-15 CMake | Unix : Added CMake variables for base and plugin directories
2017-04-10 Doom | Resources : Added identification rules for Plutonia/TNT variants
2017-04-09 Doom : Added Freedoom Phase 1 as a known game
2017-04-07 CMake | OS X : Added a build option to disable Qt deployment
2017-04-02 Doom : Added support for Doom I/II IWADs from the Doom 3: BFG Edition
2017-04-02 Homepage : Added “Doom Wiki” link to the sidebar
2017-04-01 Homepage | Web : Added release note links to the download pages
March 2017
2017-03-31 Web : Added more URL rewrite rules for BDB
2017-03-27 Info | libcore : Added a string-quoting utility method
2017-03-26 Homepage : Added “latestbuild” query for old versions of Doomsday
2017-03-26 Documentation : Added top bar to Doxygen template
2017-03-24 Homepage : Added Add-ons page; recent servers list in site map
2017-03-21 Web : Added a BDB download statistics query
2017-03-14 Task Bar | UI : Added menu annotations for “Browse Packages” and “Clear Cache”
2017-03-14 Client | libgui : Added UI setting for background translucency
2017-03-12 Homepage : Added more pages, improved layout responsiveness
2017-03-11 Homepage : Added download pages and the bottom site map
2017-03-11 Homepage : Added sidebar and macOS downloads page
2017-03-08 libappfw | Widgets : Added a query method
2017-03-04 Updater : Added a separate channel for RC+stable releases
2017-03-04 Model Renderer : Added variable “uReflection” to model.skeletal.generic shader
2017-03-04 libcore | Scripting : Added more Core.String and Core.File bindings
2017-03-04 Doom | Menu : Added Fast Monsters menu option, cvar “game-monsters-fast”
2017-03-02 Builder | Web : Added an include subdirectory
2017-03-01 Builder | Web : Revised index style, added browser detection, date improvements
2017-03-01 Builder | Web : Added macOS 10.10 platform; revised downloads layout
2017-03-01 Builder | Web : Added version number to build page description
February 2017
2017-02-25 Builder : Added a script for generating release notes
2017-02-24 libcore : Added template function for filtering a container
2017-02-23 Documentation | Readme : Added documentation about the Packages tab
2017-02-23 Amethyst : Added a paragraph heading command to amestd
2017-02-23 Amethyst : Added a basic stylesheet for HTML output
2017-02-19 GL | libgui : Added a uniform type for float arrays
2017-02-18 Home | UI : Added “Packages…” to the context menu of game profiles
2017-02-14 libcore | NativePath | Path : Added move constructors
2017-02-13 FS | libcore : Utility method added
2017-02-12 FS | libcore : Added MetadataBank for caching ZIP archive metadata
2017-02-12 libcore : Block should be serializable; added more utility methods
2017-02-11 libcore : Added a new utility class
2017-02-06 Shell : High-resolution toolbar icons; added Options icon
2017-02-01 libcore : Added a new constructor for ByteSubArray
January 2017
2017-01-29 Home | UI : Added basic information about servers to ServerInfoDialog
2017-01-29 Client | UI : Added stub for ServerInfoDialog
2017-01-19 Audio | FMOD | UI : Added a widget for changing FMOD speaker mode
2017-01-17 Image | libgui : Added a color desaturation filter in ImageFile
2017-01-17 Doom | Resources : Added freedoom1.wad as a recognized IWAD
2017-01-14 Home | UI : Added “Refresh” to the Packages column menu
2017-01-13 FS | libcore : Added file system utility methods
2017-01-12 FS | libcore : Added a shared string constant for package ID
2017-01-11 Homepage : Added post author to news items
2017-01-06 FS | libcore : Added utility methods
2017-01-06 libcore : Added method for processing all command line option parameters
December 2016
2016-12-10 libcore | Scripting : Added new value type for animations
2016-12-07 libcore | Record : Added a new utility method
November 2016
2016-11-22 libcore : Added template functions for mapping container contents
2016-11-22 libcore | Widgets : Added a zero constant rule that can be used everywhere
2016-11-22 OS X | UI : Added menu bar items for loading games
2016-11-21 All Games | Menu : Added Gameplay menu option for switch sound positioning
2016-11-20 All Games | Audio : Added setting for switch sound positioning
2016-11-18 libcommon : Added new shared library “libgamefw” as a game-side foundation
2016-11-17 Doom | Map Data : Added “double” property value type
2016-11-15 UDMF : Added a new, empty plugin intended for reading UDMF maps
2016-11-14 libshell | Shell : Added Options tab in Shell for game options
2016-11-14 String : Added a method for checking for words in a string
2016-11-12 Client | UI : Added a “Refresh List” menu item in the Multiplayer tab
2016-11-12 Client | libcore | Server : Added ‘Config.apiUrl’; use new web API for master server
2016-11-12 Multiplayer | Web : Added new master server web API entry point
2016-11-06 libshell | Network | Refactor : Added ServerInfo and started replacing serverinfo_t
October 2016
2016-10-30 libcore : Added protocol ID for 2.0.0
2016-10-29 Doom : Added some missing copyrights
2016-10-26 Doom | FS | Resources : Loading data files via packages; added "defsPath"
2016-10-19 Linux : Added app launcher shortcuts for the client and Shell
September 2016
2016-09-06 Fixed | GL : Added OpenGL context activations
2016-09-06 libgui : Added GUI-friendly app loop timer
2016-09-06 libcore | Time : Added conversion from TimeDelta to microseconds
2016-09-04 libgui : Added stub for GLDrawQueue
August 2016
2016-08-29 Image | libgui : Added a method for multiplying an image with a color
2016-08-23 Fixed | Input : Hat bindings for different angles; added "inspectinputdevice"
2016-08-23 Client | Input | Refactor : Xbox One preset added; axis scaling factor default is 1.0
2016-08-17 Cleanup | Client | Refactor | World : Added ClientSubsector::ringIdAsText()
2016-08-10 Cleanup | Client | Refactor | World : Added a (stub) ClSkyPlane class
July 2016
2016-07-30 Homepage : Added a second news item
2016-07-27 libcore : Added a utility for converting FlagOp arguments
2016-07-25 Cleanup | libcommon : Added source subdirectories for "game" and "network"
2016-07-25 Cleanup | libcommon : Added a source subdirectory for "world"
2016-07-25 Cleanup : Ambiguities in Hexen HUD widgets; added "network/base/" source dir
2016-07-23 libcore | Widgets : Added method for walking the widget tree
2016-07-20 Client | libappfw | UI : Added a Quit button to the client window
2016-07-17 Doom : Added audience for observing beginning of game loads
2016-07-08 Client | Resources | Server : Added dialog for add-on compatibility checks
2016-07-03 Home | UI : Added menu option for configuring .box add-ons
June 2016
2016-06-29 libappfw | ListData : Added utility template ListDataT
2016-06-29 libappfw : Added ui::FilteredData for filtering other data models
2016-06-24 Home | UI : Added dialog for selecting where add-ons are searched from
2016-06-20 libappfw | Widgets : Added widgets for managing a list of strings/directories
2016-06-19 Doom | Log | Resources : Added log entry about data bundle identification
2016-06-18 Home | UI : Added an alert icon for game profiles that are not playable
2016-06-18 libappfw | Widgets : Added an optional close button to DocumentPopupWidget
2016-06-17 FS | libcore : Added a common string as a Package class member
2016-06-11 libcore : Added conversion of DOS code page 437 to Unicode
2016-06-02 FS | Refactor : Added a method for getting file extension
2016-06-02 Model Renderer : Added new property "viewAlign" for 2.0 models
April 2016
2016-04-19 libcore : Added IAssetGroup interface
2016-04-11 CMake | Windows : Added command line options for Amethyst
2016-04-05 Home | UI : Added a widget for showing information about a package
2016-04-05 Client | UI : Added a new dialog for User Interface settings
2016-04-05 libappfw | libgui : Added a Config variable for scaling the UI as a whole
2016-04-04 Home | UI : Added Home settings option for hiding game family descriptions
2016-04-03 Updater | Windows : Added 64-bit Windows support, install via msiexec
2016-04-03 Build Repository | Homepage : Added the win-x64 and fedora-x86_64 platforms
March 2016
2016-03-29 Doom | Resources : Added LumpCatalog: package-aware WAD lump indexer
2016-03-27 Client | Default Style | UI : Added icons for Create action and Home
2016-03-27 CMake : Added option for extra package file name suffix
2016-03-25 Client | UI : Added a sidebar for loading/unloading packages
2016-03-23 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added shader "model.skeletal.opaque.matte"
2016-03-20 libcore | Writer : Added method for writing text
2016-03-20 libcore | String : Added printf-style formatting, utility methods
2016-03-20 Doom : Added /tmp folder for temporary native files
2016-03-20 MSVC | Windows : Added prebuilt zlib library for MSVC2013
2016-03-20 MSVC | Windows : Added prebuilt zlib library for MSVC2013
2016-03-16 ImageFile | libgui : Added the "Multiply:(path)" filtering operation
2016-03-16 ImageFile | libgui : Added the "Multiply:(path)" filtering operation
2016-03-09 Doom : Added forAll iteration for GameProfiles
February 2016
2016-02-27 Home | UI : Added button for clearing the package search terms
2016-02-21 Home | UI : Added a Home settings popup and config variables
2016-02-16 Home | UI : Added HomeItemWidget (icon, label, action buttons)
2016-02-13 Home | UI : Added a Packages widget to the Packages column
2016-02-11 Home | UI : Added HomeMenuWidget for common menu behavior
2016-02-11 : Added the Multiplayer Games column (stub); header owned by ColumnWidget
2016-02-09 Input | libgui : Added a mouse button double-click event
2016-02-07 Home | UI : Added Packages/Play buttons for each game
2016-02-06 libappfw | Widgets : Added focus indicator and Focusable flag
2016-02-04 Client | UI : Added a data item model for represented saved sessions
January 2016
2016-01-29 libappfw | Widgets : Added CallbackAction for calling a std::function
2016-01-29 libappfw | Widgets : Added utility methods for Margins
2016-01-27 Home | UI : Added a widget for the "no games" column; tab switching with keys
2016-01-26 Home | UI : Added needed widgets and inserted HomeWidget to the window
2016-01-24 Doom | Game : Added a simple way to specify addition data file paths
2016-01-24 DocumentPopupWidget | libappfw : Added an optional action button
2016-01-24 Client | UI : Removed first startup busy mode, added a splash window
2016-01-22 Cleanup | Fixed : Added missing includes
2016-01-21 CI : Added appveyor.yml configuration for AppVeyor CI
2016-01-19 libcore | String : Added path concatenation operator
2016-01-19 libcore | Record : Added variadic template for creating a record with members
2016-01-18 Model Renderer : Added animation variables
2016-01-18 Git : Added Travis status badge in repository read-me
2016-01-18 Travis : Added a bunch of Linux dependencies
2016-01-18 : Added basic configuration for Travis CI (Linux builds)
2016-01-17 Doom : Improved data file detection, added legacy PK3s
2016-01-17 libcore | Version : Added support for a version label string (x.y.z-label)
2016-01-17 Homepage : Added a notice about the unstable 2.0 builds
2016-01-13 libcore | Math : Added a function for calculating CRC32
2016-01-09 Doom | FS : Added DataBundle as a base class for classic data files
2016-01-09 Doom : Added DataFile
2016-01-05 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added uMapTime to model.skeletal.unlit.diffuse
2016-01-04 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added UV transform macro to all "net.dengine" shaders
2016-01-03 Model Renderer | UI : Added "Position" group for offset sliders
2016-01-01 Client | UI : Added model asset editor
2016-01-01 libcore | Scripting : Added method to query NumberValue semantic hints
2016-01-01 Client | Refactor | UI : Added SidebarWidget: base class for sidebars
December 2015
2015-12-31 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added uSpecular factor for specular highlights
2015-12-29 Refactor : Added LoopCallback for making deferred calls in main thread
2015-12-26 Model Renderer : Added a shared reflection cube map
2015-12-26 Renderer | Shaders : Added a GLSL include file for reflection cube maps
2015-12-26 Doom : Added Freedoom's FreeDM as a recognized IWAD
2015-12-22 GLState | libgui : Added alpha test and alpha limit parameters
2015-12-20 Model Renderer | Shaders : Added "model.skeletal.unlit.diffuse" shader
2015-12-20 Model Renderer : Added "alwaysTrigger" option for animation sequences
2015-12-07 Homepage : Added a donation link
2015-12-06 libgui : Added a vertex attribute for vertex color in ModelDrawable
November 2015
2015-11-28 Model Renderer : Added the common uMapTime uniform
2015-11-28 libappfw | Oculus Rift : Added a method for checking OVR support at runtime
2015-11-23 libcore | Model Renderer : Added `worldOffset` for model assets
2015-11-22 libcore | Qt : Added macros for checking Qt versions 5.4+
2015-11-20 Codex : Added author aliases
2015-11-20 Homepage : Update the source code page, added API docs and Codex
2015-11-16 Forums | Homepage : Added an icon for sticky topics
2015-11-15 libcore | Scripting : Added Math module with random number functions
2015-11-13 Blog | Homepage : Added a WordPress child theme for the blog
2015-11-11 Builder | Pilot : Added a step for mirroring files to
2015-11-08 Model Renderer : Added uColor and uOffsetUV variables for shaders
2015-11-05 Model Renderer : Added a couple of shaders suitable for opaque objects
2015-11-05 Model Renderer : Added fog to the model shaders
2015-11-02 Cleanup | Refactor : Added IObject interface, used it in various classes
2015-11-02 Model Renderer : Renamed the generic model shader; added another shader
2015-11-01 Refactor | Renderer : Added tangentspace.glsl; moved lighting functions
October 2015
2015-10-30 Model Renderer | Scripting : Added bindings for StateAnimator
2015-10-30 Scheduler | Scripting : Added a method for checking if a scheduler has finished
2015-10-30 Scripting : Added a utility for calling script functions from native code
2015-10-28 Scripting | World : Added the World.Thing class for mobj bindings
2015-10-26 libgui | MultiAtlas : Added a clear() method to release all atlases
2015-10-25 libgui | Refactor : Added abstract IAtlas interface
2015-10-25 Model Renderer : Added a "uAlpha" variable for the default model shader
2015-10-25 libgui : Added MultiAtlas: expanding collection of atlases
2015-10-24 libcore : Added SourceLineTable, used it in Info and ScriptedInfo
2015-10-23 Fixed | Model Renderer : Added missing "material" variable
2015-10-23 Fixed | Model Renderer : Added missing "material" variable
2015-10-19 libgui | Model Renderer | Refactor : Added ModelDrawable::Appearance
2015-10-17 FS | libgui : Added ImageFile
2015-10-16 libcore : Added new AS_IS method expectedAs<>()
2015-10-16 libcore : Added new AS_IS method expectedAs<>()
2015-10-15 libgui | ModelDrawable : Added the concept of variants
2015-10-15 Client | Renderer : Added a native Doomsday Script module called "Render"
2015-10-12 libgui | ModelBank : Added a typed template for accessing model and data
September 2015
2015-09-24 libcore | Range : Added a method for random number generation
2015-09-17 All Games : Added impulse "flymode" (modifier 2)
2015-09-17 Console | Doom : Regex-matching known words; added Console.listVars()
2015-09-17 Doom | Scripting : Added native "Console" module
2015-09-16 Client | Input | UI : Added Game Controller settings to the Input Settings dialog
2015-09-14 Client | Input : Added method for removing all bindings of a device
2015-09-14 libcore | Scripting : Added built-in typeof() for checking value types
2015-09-14 Cleanup : Joystick C++ functions, added name query
2015-09-06 Model Renderer : Added "uAlphaLimit" variable to the generic model shader
August 2015
2015-08-28 Default Style | UI : Added a "refresh" icon
2015-08-25 LabelWidget | libappfw : Added method for querying the text alignment
2015-08-25 libappfw : Added PopupButtonWidget for controlling button-attached popups
2015-08-25 libcore : Added Select operator rule, copy constructor for Vector2<>
2015-08-25 libappfw : Added inverted color mode for PopupMenuWidget
2015-08-24 Default Style | UI : Added the label.shadow color for text shadows
2015-08-24 Default Style | UI : UI package is tagged "core", added missing Package icon
2015-08-23 libappfw : Added fade-to-black utility and GuiWidgetRef smart reference
2015-08-23 Client | UI : Added icons to dialog titles
2015-08-21 Client | UI : Added Packages dialog info popup, visual tweaks
2015-08-19 libcore : Added Deletable; made use of NativeValue safe
2015-08-18 Task Bar | UI : Added "Packages" to the Config menu
2015-08-17 Cleanup | libcore | Scripting : Added Core.Animation bindings
2015-08-17 libcore | Scripting : Added NativeValue to facilitate native bindings
2015-08-16 libcore | Scripting : Added Scheduler for time-based script execution
2015-08-16 Client | UI : Added empty stub for the package management dialog
2015-08-09 CMake | FMOD : Added build option to enable or disable the FMOD plugin
2015-08-06 Audio | Client : Added audio::System (stub) for the client
July 2015
2015-07-31 All Games | Doom : Added notification about psprite state changes
2015-07-31 Client | UI : Added a PrivilegedLogWidget into the window
2015-07-31 Client | libappfw | Log : Added PrivilegedLogWidget (developer utility)
2015-07-27 Refactor | World : Added world::System and world::Map base classes in libdoomsday
2015-07-27 Doom | Player : Added a tick() method
2015-07-26 Client : Added PlayerWeaponAnimator for animating new HUD models
2015-07-23 Builder | RSS : Added fallback download links to the build reports
2015-07-22 Client : Added test 3D model that illustrates the XYZ axes
2015-07-20 Definitions | Model Renderer : Added "autoscale" to model metadata
2015-07-20 Definitions | Model Renderer : Added "autoscale" to model metadata
2015-07-19 Refactor | Resources : Added res::System base class in libdoomsday
2015-07-07 libcore | Scripting : Added Core.importPath() to show module import path
2015-07-06 Definitions | Scripting : Added SN_*/SDN_* constants to Defs
2015-07-04 Scripting : Added /home/modules to the standard import path
2015-07-04 Client | Server : Added a shared base class for Doomsday applications
2015-07-03 Console | World : Added 'inspectline' console command
2015-07-03 Console | World : Added 'inspectsector' console command
June 2015
2015-06-26 Client | Doom | Server : Added stubs for new player classes
2015-06-25 Renderer : Added vissprite type for GL2 HUD models
2015-06-25 Task Bar | UI : Added Help submenu, reordered items
2015-06-20 Documentation : Added some comments
2015-06-13 Installer | Windows | WiX : Added license document as RTF, application icon
2015-06-08 Builder | Fixed : Added .msi as a known file extension for Windows
2015-06-02 Client | libcore : Added Git information to About dialog and version info
May 2015
2015-05-24 App | libcore : Added -libdir option and a fallback for the Unix plugin dir
2015-05-23 Hexen | Light Decorations : Added a subtle light on the MONK18 texture
2015-05-16 Cleanup | GridLayout | libappfw : Added an assertion
April 2015
2015-04-04 Client | UI : Added "Pixel Density" slider to the Renderer Settings
2015-04-04 Client | UI : Added "Pixel Density" slider to the Renderer Settings
March 2015
2015-03-02 Documentation | Doxygen | libcore : Added missing argument
February 2015
2015-02-17 CMake : Added projects for plugins, bundling for OS X
2015-02-15 CMake : Added CMake project files; added sdk, apps subdirectories
December 2014
2014-12-14 libcommon | Refactor : Added a common console registration function
November 2014
2014-11-30 Client | Home | UI : Added a background for the game filter area
2014-11-30 GuiWidget | libappfw : Added blurred background with a solid fill
2014-11-30 Documentation | libcore | String : Added comment about default codec
2014-11-28 Console : Added 'vid-fps' as a mapping for 'Config.window.main.showFps'
2014-11-17 DED | Doom : Added if (not) custom condition to Mods directive
2014-11-16 Task Bar | UI : Added a separate in the Log menu
2014-11-06 Client | UI : Added an icon for a "Close" action
2014-11-02 libappfw : Revised notification area, added RelayWidget
2014-11-01 libappfw : Added a smart pointer for owning a GuiWidget
October 2014
2014-10-29 Data | libappfw : Added method for iterating all items of a data model
2014-10-29 libcore | RuleRectangle : Added convenience method for defining mid X/Y rules
2014-10-19 LensFX | Renderer : Added a resizing filter (pixel density)
2014-10-18 Client | Fixed | Manifest : Added missing header
2014-10-16 FS | libcore : Added methods for iterating all found files
2014-10-01 Deh Reader : Added support for [Strings] replacement in BEX patches
September 2014
2014-09-29 DED : Added 'Title image' MapInfo definition property
2014-09-09 API : Added HOOK_GAME_INIT
August 2014
2014-08-26 Oculus Rift | Windows : Updated linker options, added ATL dependency
2014-08-24 All Games | Menu : Added "Reset Tracking" in the Controls menu
2014-08-23 Oculus Rift | UI : Added slider for configuring pixel density
2014-08-23 libgui | Windows : Added missing entry point glUniform3fv
2014-08-19 DED | Doom : Added defn::Finale
2014-08-16 libcore | Variable : Added an automatic cast to non-const Record
2014-08-14 App | libcore : Added utility for finding files from loaded packages
2014-08-14 Tests : Added a test application for libappfw
2014-08-14 libcore | libgui : Added more Core.String bindings, gui.dpiScaledImagePath()
2014-08-14 GLBuffer | GLProgram | libgui : Added a fourth set of texture bounds
2014-08-12 qmake | Unix : Added build option "deng_distcc"
2014-08-11 libgui : Added HeightMap
2014-08-10 GLBuffer | GLProgram | libgui : Added more vertex attributes for texture bounds
2014-08-10 DED | Doom : Added defn::Music
2014-08-09 libcore | Matrix : Added Matrix4::frame()
2014-08-09 Bank | libcore : Added new priority level, isLoaded() method, iterate()
2014-08-07 Cleanup | Doom | Refactor : Added base class for definition records
2014-08-07 DED | Doom : Added defaults for MapInfo.title and
2014-08-07 DED | Doom : Added MapGraphNode (RecordAccessor)
2014-08-03 libcore | RecordAccessor : Added a has() method
July 2014
2014-07-29 DED : Added 'Episode' definitions
2014-07-28 Doom : Added defn::Episode (RecordAccessor)
2014-07-26 Doom : Added ThinkerData and MobjThinkerData
2014-07-25 Client | Refactor : Added MobjThinker and applied ThinkerT
2014-07-25 Doom : Added ThinkerT template and improved functionality
2014-07-24 All Games | Menu : Added an episode selection menu to all games
2014-07-23 libcommon : Added 'menuHelpInfo' and 'menuShortcut' to EpisodeInfo
2014-07-22 libcommon | Menu : Added a generic "focused item help" mechanism to the game menu
2014-07-17 Fixed | Windows : Build error, added missing exports
2014-07-17 Client | Renderer : Added ModelRenderer to oversee GL2 model rendering
2014-07-17 libgui : Added ModelBank
2014-07-09 FS | libcore | Refactor : Added FileIndex as a separate class
2014-07-04 FS | libcore | Scripting : Added built-in functions 'File' and 'globals'
2014-07-02 FS | libcore : Added Package, PackageLoader, PackageFeed
June 2014
2014-06-30 libcore | PathTreeT : Added tryFind() specializations to PathTreeT
2014-06-30 FS | libcore : Added LinkFile for symbolic links
2014-06-30 FS | libcore | Refactor : Added a Node base class for files
2014-06-30 libcore : Added PathRef utility class
2014-06-28 F API : Added F_LumpIndex() (returns the global index), use in wadmapconverter
2014-06-24 Plugins : Added libdoomsday to dependencies
2014-06-20 GuiWidget | Refactor : Added widget attributes
2014-06-19 libappfw : Added a new "annotation" semantic for UI items
2014-06-15 libcore | Scripting : Added built-in "dir" function
2014-06-14 Refactor | Scripting : Added Core.String, use it in existing modules
2014-06-14 Doom | FS1 : Added FS1::lump(), LumpIndex::contains()
2014-06-14 Doom | LumpIndex | Refactor : Added LumpIndex::findAll(), renamed other members for consistency
2014-06-13 libcore | Scripting : Added the name scope keyword (->)
2014-06-13 libcore | Scripting : Added ScopeStatement
2014-06-11 Scripting | Tools : Added "doomsdayscript" tool for running a script
2014-06-09 Fixed | libcore | Windows : Noise from Windows system headers, added missing exports
May 2014
2014-05-30 libcore | NumberValue : Added a semantic hint for hexadecimal values
2014-05-22 Builder | Ubuntu : Added a source-only builder for 14.04 LTS
2014-05-21 qmake | SDL : Upgraded to SDL 2.0, added a dep_sdl2.pri
2014-05-18 Definitions : Added the "Defs" native module, updated Def API
2014-05-18 Doom | Refactor : Added DEDRegister and used it for DED flags
2014-05-18 libcore : Added more audiences in Record and Variable
2014-05-18 libcore | String : Added method to make only the first character uppercase
2014-05-13 FS | libcore : Added more log entries about file pruning
2014-05-12 liblegacy : Added a C-string duplication function
2014-05-11 Doom | Refactor : Added dedarray.h for DED array management
2014-05-11 Doom | Refactor : Added a header for individual DED data structs
2014-05-07 BinaryTree | libcore : Added subtree type counting and summary methods to BinaryTree
2014-05-02 Refactor : Added libdoomsday, relocated some files
2014-05-01 libdeng2 : Added NoneId utility
2014-05-01 Client | Resources : Added a separate resource pack for lens flares
April 2014
2014-04-28 libgui | qmake : Added build option to use libassimp under external
2014-04-28 Git : Added Open Asset Import Library as a Git submodule
2014-04-28 qmake : Added precompiled headers for SDK libs and client/server apps
2014-04-28 Git : Added information about external dependencies to repository readme
2014-04-28 libdeng2 : Added a precompiled header
2014-04-25 libdeng2 | Time : Added time delta since start of native process
2014-04-25 Installer | Windows : Added a small icon for uninstalling
2014-04-14 GuiWidget | libappfw | Refactor : Added a slot for deleting later
2014-04-13 libdeng2 | Socket : Added an error signal, improved closing
2014-04-11 libappfw : Added VariableSliderWidget
2014-04-10 FX | Renderer : Added a method to query if bloom is enabled
2014-04-10 OS X | qmake : Added build option "deng_c++11"
2014-04-10 Tutorial : Added introduction to renderer appearance
2014-04-09 libappfw : Added a line edit widget for Variable editing
2014-04-09 libgui | Sound : Added Play and Change audiences
2014-04-07 libdeng2 | Vector : Added a setLength() method
2014-04-06 Map | Refactor : Added Map::isCustom()
2014-04-05 FS | libdeng2 | Refactor : Added file list printer, applied pimpl idiom
2014-04-05 FS | libdeng2 : Added file system utilities
2014-04-04 libgui | Sound : Added more 3D audio properties
2014-04-02 SDK : Added a macro for adding a gcc/clang dynamic link path
2014-04-02 Image | libgui : Added support for reading Targa format
March 2014
2014-03-31 libdeng2 : Added some math utilities
2014-03-30 Documentation | libappfw : Added note about fold panel contents
2014-03-28 libappfw : Added a waveform bank to BaseGuiApp
2014-03-28 libdeng2 | Reader : Added a method to query remaining size
2014-03-28 libgui : Added an abstract base class for sounds
2014-03-28 ResourceSystem | Scripting : Added built-in Doomsday Script 'SavedSession' module
2014-03-27 Scripting : Added a GameAdditionScriptAudience for delegating notifications
2014-03-27 libgui : Added Waveform and WaveformBank
2014-03-27 libdeng2 | Reader : Added a method to read a specific number of bytes
2014-03-27 libdeng2 | Reader : Added a method to read a specific number of bytes
2014-03-26 Info | libdeng2 : Added an include directive
2014-03-26 GLBuffer | libgui : Added a new vertex format (Vertex3)
2014-03-25 GLUniform | libgui : Added vector array as uniform type
2014-03-25 Cleanup | libdeng2 | SavedSession : Added convenient accessors to SavedSession::MapStateReader, cleanup
2014-03-23 libdeng2 | SavedSession : Added convenient methods for locating state data files
2014-03-20 Console | Documentation | FX : Added help for bloom cvars
2014-03-20 Savegame Tool : Added -output option to redirect .save output to another directory
2014-03-20 App | libdeng2 : Added option "-errors" for secondary warning/error output
2014-03-20 GUI | Shell : Added options for public server and shell password
2014-03-18 Savegame Tool : Added stub for VanillaSaveFormat
2014-03-17 libcommon | MapStateReader : Fix map state value reading, added a read-float method
2014-03-17 libgui : Added TextureBank, a very simple atlas-based bank for images
2014-03-16 SavegameSelectionWidget | UI : Added a basic UI widget for saved session management
2014-03-16 Debug | libdeng2 | Unix : Added a backtrace print macro
2014-03-15 FX | Renderer : Added bloom to appearance profiles
2014-03-15 FX | Renderer : Added a bloom post-processing effect
2014-03-14 API : Added HOOK_SAVEGAME_CONVERT for use by savegame converter plugins
2014-03-14 Image | libgui : Added fromData() method, support for loading PCX images
2014-03-14 Image | libgui : Added fromData() method, support for loading PCX images
2014-03-13 GLSandbox | Tests : Added textures for the MD5 test model
2014-03-13 libgui : Added vertex attributes for bone IDs and weights
2014-03-13 GLUniform | libgui : Added support for matrix arrays
2014-03-12 libdeng2 | Record : Added an explicit setter for char const*
2014-03-12 libdeng2 | Record : Added an explicit setter for char const*
2014-03-12 libdeng2 : Added min/max functions with three arguments
2014-03-11 GL | Tests : Added a MD2 test model for GLSandbox
2014-03-11 GLBuffer | libgui : Added a 3D vertex with tangent-space
2014-03-11 libgui : Added stub for ModelDrawable
2014-03-11 Cleanup | Documentation | SDK : Added sdk.doxy, cleaned up some Doxygen errors
2014-03-10 Console | Tutorial : Added a console command to start the tutorial
2014-03-10 libappfw : Added an inverted style for TabWidget
2014-03-10 libappfw : Added Untrapper for mouse untrapping convenience
2014-03-10 Client | Tutorial : Added a glow to highlight UI elements
2014-03-10 GuiRootWidget | libappfw : Added method for finding GuiWidgets
2014-03-09 Console | UI : Added menu item for setting console shortcut key
2014-03-09 Tutorial : Added console key binding widget
2014-03-09 Bindings | UI : Added widget for making an input binding
2014-03-09 libdeng2 : Added more character symbols (Alt)
2014-03-09 libappfw : Special button with a small auxiliary button inside
2014-03-08 Client | UI : Added a tutorial dialog
2014-03-08 Client | Log | UI : Added Config variable to show/hide entry metadata
2014-03-08 : Savegame Tool console application
2014-03-08 App : Added flag to disable App's persistent data
2014-03-07 libgui : Added new vertex format for indirect texturing
2014-03-07 Atlas | libgui : Added support for borders around allocations
2014-03-06 libdeng2 | Rectangle : Added utility method for making an (x,y,w,h) vector
2014-03-05 GLTexture | libgui : Added maximum anisotropy parameter
2014-03-05 libgui | VertexBuilder : Added cube and 3D quad methods with indirect UV
2014-03-05 GLBuffer | libgui : Added "TexBounds0" vertex attribute
2014-03-02 DialogWidget | libappfw : Added an action for dialog acceptance
2014-03-02 Action | libdeng2 : Added as/is methods for Action classes
2014-03-02 libappfw | LineEditWidget : Added a frame for text edit widgets
2014-03-02 ButtonWidget | libappfw : Added a method for triggering a button
February 2014
2014-02-28 libdeng2 | RuleRectangle : Added midX/midY output rules
2014-02-28 OS X | qmake | SDK : Added Mac deployment for apps
2014-02-27 qmake | SDK : Added an app deployment macro
2014-02-26 SDK : Added a .pri files for apps using the SDK
2014-02-25 qmake | SDK : Added, install rules for headers
2014-02-25 Client | UI : Added "24-bit" color depth to Video Settings
2014-02-25 Client | UI : Added "24-bit" color depth to Video Settings
2014-02-25 LabelWidget | libappfw : Added overlay image drawing for labels
2014-02-24 LabelWidget | libappfw : Added special "separate" align mode for labels
2014-02-22 Client | UI : Added a rudimentary manual "Connect to Server" dialog
2014-02-22 Documentation : Added Doxygen configs for libappfw and libgui
2014-02-21 FoldPanelWidget | libappfw : Added a fold state indicator
2014-02-20 BaseGuiApp | libappfw : Added "UIState" into persist.pack
2014-02-20 libappfw : Added PersistentState and IPersistent
2014-02-20 libdeng2 : Added Refuge, a persistent data store
2014-02-19 libappfw : Added TabWidget, changed ui::Data audience methods
2014-02-19 libappfw | Refactor : Added ui::ImageItem, an item with an image
2014-02-18 Client | UI : Added a filter widget for the game selection menu
2014-02-18 Resources : Added cmd "inspectgamesave" for logging details of a saved game session
2014-02-15 libcommon : Added a basic GameStateReaderFactory
2014-02-15 libcommon | Refactor : Added IGameStateReader interface
2014-02-12 libgui : Added swap control for X11, debugging Canvas recreation
2014-02-11 libappfw : Added convenience header for BaseWindow
2014-02-11 Documentation | libappfw : Added API documentation for VRConfig
2014-02-10 libcommon | SaveSlots : Added a C wrapper API for SaveSlots and made use of it
2014-02-05 libcommon | SaveInfo : Added method of returning the current map URI from SaveInfo
2014-02-04 GameRuleset | libcommon : Added a (de)serialization mechanism
2014-02-02 GridLayout | libappfw : Added method for querying the layout's paddings
2014-02-01 Client | UI : Added more network settings to dialog
2014-02-01 Client | UI : Added more network settings to the dialog
2014-02-01 libdeng2 | ScalarRule : Added method to finish current animation
2014-02-01 Client | Console | UI : Added a line editor for cvars
2014-02-01 Cleanup | libcommon : Added G_CurrentMapUri()
January 2014
2014-01-31 Debug | libdeng1 : Added an assert
2014-01-29 API | Uri : Added new Uri constructor Uri_NewWithPath3
2014-01-28 Game | Refactor : Added a method for getting a text description
2014-01-28 libappfw : Added DocumentPopupWidget
2014-01-27 Multiplayer | UI : Added an info popup for full server information
2014-01-27 libdeng2 : Added M-dash character symbol
2014-01-26 Client | Default Style | UI : Added and applied an alternative accent color
2014-01-26 libdeng2 | Vector : Added a method for swapped X and Z components
2014-01-26 Client | Default Style | OS X : Added mappings for native font styles
2014-01-26 libdeng2 | Vector : Added method for converting to Vector4f
2014-01-25 libgui | OS X : Added a native font class for Core Text
2014-01-24 API : Added Def_Get() identifier DD_DEF_MUSIC_CDTRACK
2014-01-23 API | libdeng1 : Added Str_StartsWith()
2014-01-23 API : Added M_ReadFileIntoString()
2014-01-22 Multiplayer | UI : Added empty stub for Multiplayer Games dialog
2014-01-19 Thinkers | World : Added Thinkers utility method for counting active thinkers
2014-01-19 BspNode | World : Added BspNode method for calculating the height of a subtree
2014-01-17 Client | Script : Added the script binding App.quit()
2014-01-14 libdeng2 : Added a header for some printable character symbols
2014-01-14 libdeng2 : Added the Property utility for observable native variables
2014-01-12 Cleanup | World : Added Thinker_Map() (returns the map in which the thinker exists)
2014-01-12 Refactor : Added App_Log() to the libdeng2 C wrapper, use it everywhere
2014-01-12 Client | libgui : Added some log messages
2014-01-07 AlertDialog | Client | UI : Added a Gear button for alert settings
2014-01-06 Client | UI : Added VariableChoiceWidget
2014-01-06 Console : Added the “Log Filter & Alerts” dialog in the console menu
2014-01-06 Client | Log | UI : Added a stub for the log settings dialog
2014-01-04 Log | Refactor : Added bits for target audience, more LOG_* macros
2014-01-04 Game | Resources : Added method of querying the logical status of a Game
2014-01-04 Resources : Added cmd "inspectgame" for logging details of a registered game
2014-01-03 libdeng2 | Range : Added utilities for finding and printing contiguous integer ranges
2014-01-02 Debug | Renderer : Added assertion
2014-01-02 Client | UI : Added a stub from the alerts dialog
2014-01-01 libshell | ServerFinder : Added option to prevent automatic server discovery
December 2013
2013-12-25 Documentation | Readme : Added stereoscopic rendering to feature list
2013-12-24 Oculus Rift | UI : Added a button to restore desktop settings
2013-12-23 Client | Server | Unix : Added command line options --version and --help
2013-12-23 Documentation | Readme : Added Oculus Rift support
2013-12-22 Default Style | Stereo 3D : Added an icon for 3D & VR config
2013-12-22 Stereo 3D | UI : Added settings to the “3D & VR Settings” dialog
2013-12-22 Stereo 3D | UI : Added a VR settings dialog
2013-12-22 Debug | libdeng2 : Added assertions regarding valid use of Observers and Widgets
2013-12-21 Style | UI : Added “-fontsize” option to change font sizes
2013-12-20 Map | World : Added cmd "inspectmap" for logging details of the current map
2013-12-17 Client | GuiWidget | UI : Added a method for hit-testing a widget tree
2013-12-09 libdeng2 | Vector : Added a conversion method to an unsigned int vector
2013-12-07 Resources | Sprite : Added support for sprites with 16 view angle rotations
2013-12-07 GLState | libgui : Added color mask
2013-12-05 libdeng2 : Added ceilPow2
2013-12-05 libgui : Added GLInfo, moved extensions and limits from client
2013-12-03 FX | Renderer : Added API and todos for light source visibility marking
2013-12-03 libgui | Refactor | Renderer : Added GLTarget::AlternativeBuffer
2013-12-02 libgui | Refactor : Added GLFramebuffer
2013-12-02 libdeng2 : Added template de::lerp()
November 2013
2013-11-29 libgui : Added GLPixelFormat (replaces Image::GLFormat)
2013-11-27 Homepage | Style : Added support for high-DPI displays; improved forum font scaling
2013-11-27 Homepage | Style : Added support for high-DPI displays; improved forum font scaling
2013-11-26 FX | Renderer : Working on lens flare arrangement; added angle condition
2013-11-24 libgui : Added KdTreeAtlasAllocator
2013-11-23 FX | Renderer : Added a basic set of lens flare textures
2013-11-22 libdeng2 | Widgets : Added method for querying RuleRectangle’s size in integer
2013-11-22 Debug | libdeng2 | Log : Added assert for possible out-of-range list access
2013-11-21 Client | UI : Added shadow behind ProgressWidget’s text
2013-11-21 qmake | Unix : Added build option for using ccache
2013-11-21 qmake | Unix : Added build option for using ccache
2013-11-18 Refactor | RenderSystem : Moved the shader bank to RenderSystem, added renderer.pack
2013-11-18 FX | Renderer : Added missing model-view transformation in fx::LensFlares
2013-11-17 FX | Renderer : Added a convenience method for accessing GLShaderBank
2013-11-17 libdeng2 | Vector : Added a method for xzy swapping
2013-11-15 GLBuffer | libgui : Added vertex formats with more texture coordinates
2013-11-15 FX | Renderer : Added some API documentation
2013-11-15 Renderer : Added an interface for point light sources
2013-11-15 Console | FX | Renderer : Added cmd ‘postfx’ for setting the post-processing shader
2013-11-15 Client | Fonts | Refactor | Resources : Split up fonts.cpp/h; added convenience headers
2013-11-14 Client : Frame post-processing effect as part of LensFx
2013-11-13 libdeng2 : Added template for creating shared, reference-counted objects
2013-11-12 Renderer : Added console effect for lens flares
2013-11-12 Renderer : Added stub for camera lens effects
2013-11-10 Client | Fonts | Refactor : Added convenience headers for font components
2013-11-09 Builder : Added autobuild command to package the source tarball
2013-11-09 : ResourceSystem (stub)
2013-11-08 : Added hooks for maintaining separate Rift/non-Rift field of view (see below) CVAR rend-camera-fov always represents the current field of view, whether in Rift mode or not (so culling can work correctly). CVAR rend-vr-rift-fovx represents stored/curre
2013-11-05 Stereo 3D : Added GPL banner
2013-11-05 Client : Added RenderSystem
2013-11-05 Client | Map Renderer : Added DrawLists
2013-11-05 Client | Map Renderer : Added DrawList
2013-11-04 Client : Added CompositorWidget, testing it in ClientWindow
October 2013
2013-10-31 libcommon : Added lookpitch/lookyaw controls
2013-10-31 API | Client : Querying if a control has bindings, added new look controls
2013-10-30 libgui : Added Vertex3Tex format, handle #version in GLShader
2013-10-28 Client | Input | libcommon : Added 'Head Tracker' input device; raw axis mode
2013-10-25 API | GL : Public GL API now uses GLState for scissor; added push/pop state
2013-10-22 AudioSettings | Client | UI : Added toggle and default for sound-overlap-stop
2013-10-09 World : Added LineBlockmap
2013-10-08 Cleanup | Lumobj | Mobj | World : Added Mobj_AABox() and Lumobj::aaBox() methods; cleanup
2013-10-04 libdeng2 | Vector : Added an explicit toVector3f() conversion method
2013-10-04 Client | Input Settings | UI : Added a Key Grabber utility
September 2013
2013-09-23 Updater : Added option to download available updates automatically
2013-09-22 Client | Renderer Appearance : Renamed built-in profiles, added "Defaults"
2013-09-21 Client : Read-only setting profiles; added "Retro" and "Enhanced"
2013-09-21 Client : Read-only setting profiles; added "Retro" and "Enhanced"
2013-09-21 Doom : Added compatibility option "game-objects-gibcrushednonbleeders"
2013-09-21 Client | Documentation | libdeng2 : Added comments
2013-09-20 Client | UI : Added a 'gauge' popup for Audio Settings dialog
2013-09-20 Client | Refactor | UI : Added a popup widget with a grid
2013-09-20 Client | Console : Added console command 'rendedit'
2013-09-19 Renderer | UI : Moved HUD mirroring option, added "Behavior" subtitle
2013-09-14 Renderer Appearance | UI : Added "Volume Lighting" group, other new settings
2013-09-13 Default Style | Task Bar : Added a set of basic settings icons
2013-09-13 Default Style : Added a 'gauge' icon
2013-09-12 Client | Refactor | UI : Added widget for settings profile manipulation
2013-09-10 Console : Added interactive Doomsday Script mode for the command line
2013-09-10 Client | libgui : Added rich style 'm' to choose a monospace font
2013-09-09 MessageDialog | UI : Added InputDialog for querying text from user
2013-09-05 BspLeaf | Client | World : Added mechanism for linking Lumobjs to BspLeafs
2013-09-05 Client | Refactor : Added SettingsRegister, renderer & input settings
2013-09-05 Client | Refactor | UI : Added PanelWidget as base class of PopupWidget
2013-09-04 Client | Task Bar | UI : Added Renderer Settings
2013-09-04 Client | UI : Added Stylist and DialogContentStylist
2013-09-03 Client | Control Panel | UI : Added Input Settings, removed old "Input" page
2013-09-03 Client | Control Panel | UI : Added Network Settings, removed old Network/Console pages
2013-09-02 Client | Refactor | UI : Added CVarChoiceWidget, used it in Audio Settings
2013-09-02 Client | UI : Added "Preferred Music" option, apply resampling rate changes
2013-09-02 Client | Task Bar | UI : Added the Audio Settings dialog
2013-09-02 Client | DialogWidget | UI : Added an optional heading for dialogs
2013-09-01 Client | UI : Added the color adjustment dialog in ClientWindow
August 2013
2013-08-31 Client | Fixed | UI : Initial viewResized event to mewly added children
2013-08-30 Client | GuiRootWidget | UI : Added tiny dot texture, tweaked frame texture
2013-08-29 Client : Added convenience headers for the client-side UI framework
2013-08-29 Client | Refactor | UI : Added TextDrawable; used now in DocumentWidget
2013-08-28 Cleanup | Default Style : Cleanup of fonts.dei, added slider.label font
2013-08-28 Client | UI : Added stub for SliderWidget
2013-08-27 libdeng2 | OperatorRule : Added a static 3-way maximum method
2013-08-27 libgui | PersistentCanvasWindow : Added audience for attribute changes
2013-08-25 Client | Map Renderer : Added TODO comments where sector clusters should be used
2013-08-24 Client | Refactor | UI : Added rule-based ui::Margins to handle widget margins
2013-08-24 Line | MapElement | Plane | World : Added const overloads for various methods of MapElement derived types
2013-08-23 Cleanup | Sector | World : Added SectorCluster typedef
2013-08-23 Cleanup | Line | World : Added LineSide and LineSideSegment typedefs
2013-08-23 Default Style : Added a HiDPI version of the on/off toggle graphic
2013-08-23 Client | Default Style | Windows : Added the "Open Sans" font into the style package
2013-08-23 Client | Map Renderer : Added variable 'rend-dev-sector-show-indicies'
2013-08-21 Client | UI : Added a separate color for dialog backgrounds
2013-08-21 Client | ProgressWidget | UI : Added a "mini" style of progress indicator
2013-08-21 Client | UI : Added MessageDialog; relocated rest of updater sources
2013-08-20 Cleanup : Added SoundEmitter typedef of ddmobj_base_t
2013-08-19 Fixed | libdeng2 | Observers : Added missing const += by-ref operator
2013-08-18 libdeng2 | OperatorRule : Added sumInto() and another version of maximum()
2013-08-18 Sector : Added Sector::Cluster
2013-08-18 Client | UI | Widgets : Added basic implementation of GridLayout
2013-08-18 libdeng2 | Widgets : Added IndirectRule
2013-08-18 Client | UI | Widgets : Added SequentialLayout
2013-08-18 libdeng2 | Refactor : Added a macro for defining as/is conversion templates
2013-08-17 Client | Task Bar | UI : Added an About dialog; "About Doomsday" in DE menu
2013-08-17 Client | UI : Added DialogWidget
2013-08-17 Client | GuiWidget | UI : Added a blurred background with border glow
2013-08-17 Client | UI : Added basic implementation for ChoiceWidget
2013-08-17 Client | UI : Added a method for finding data context items
2013-08-17 Client | PopupWidget | UI : Added method for setting anchor and opening direction
2013-08-16 Client | Refactor | UI : Added ui::SubmenuItem representing a submenu with items
2013-08-16 Client | UI : Added specialized ui::Items for actions and variable toggles
2013-08-16 Client | UI : Added a controller that creates widgets out of a data model
2013-08-16 Client | UI : Added a data model abstraction (context with items)
2013-08-16 Client | GuiWidget | UI : Added a nicer way to get child widgets
2013-08-16 libdeng2 | Widget : Added Deletion audience; children can be reordered
2013-08-14 Client | UI : Renamed alignment.h to uidefs.h; added stub for ChoiceWidget
2013-08-11 libdeng2 : Added version define for Qt 5.2
2013-08-10 Client | Console | UI : Added option for scrolling log to bottom on Enter
2013-08-10 Client | UI | VariableToggleWidget : Added widget for toggling script variables
2013-08-10 Client | ToggleWidget | UI : Added ToggleWidget
2013-08-10 Client | Default Style : Added an on/off toggle graphic
2013-08-09 Client | Refactor | UI : Added ProceduralImage base class; use it in LabelWidget
2013-08-09 Add-on Repository | Homepage : Featured veirdo's Mage Weapons Pack; added XCCP
2013-08-05 AbstractLineEditor | libshell : Added word deletion
2013-08-02 Client | Shadow Bias : Added BiasSurface base class
2013-08-01 Client | Default Style : Added the border glow definitions and image
2013-08-01 Client | UI : Added ProgressWidget
July 2013
2013-07-31 Client | libdeng2 | libgui : Added a way to reset indent in rich format
2013-07-30 AbstractLineEditor | libshell : Added notifications about autocompletion
2013-07-30 Client | GuiWidget | UI : Added method for calculating normalized content rectangle
2013-07-30 GLState | libgui : Added missing assignment operator
2013-07-29 Client | UI : Added DocumentWidget for larger blocks of text
2013-07-28 Codex : Added breakdown of authorship for each tag
2013-07-28 Codex : Added related tags (manually chosen)
2013-07-28 libdeng2 | Range : Added isEmpty() method
2013-07-27 Codex : Added a 'style' parameter for the find_tag.php redirector
2013-07-27 Builder | Codex : Added the Doomsday Codex generator script
2013-07-26 Client | Documentation : More comments added to FontLineWrapping
2013-07-24 libcommon | Refactor : Reuse existing title patch finder; added R_StatusBarSize
2013-07-23 Automap | libcommon : Added cvar 'map-title-position'
2013-07-20 Client | Task Bar : Added DE menu item "Toggle Fullscreen"
2013-07-16 Client | MenuWidget : Added an optional sort order for menu items
2013-07-15 libdeng2 | Refactor : Added HighPerformanceTimer, refactored Time to use it (and pimpl)
2013-07-15 Doom | Fixed : Added missing glow definition for textures:FIRELAV2
2013-07-12 Console | Documentation : Removed obsolete vars/cmds, added 'taskbar' cmd
2013-07-09 Heretic : Added a comment about vanilla code
2013-07-08 Client | UI : Added a notification widget to ClientWindow
2013-07-08 Client | UI : Added a basic implementation of NotificationWidget
2013-07-08 App | Client : Added the script function App.gamePlugin()
2013-07-07 Client : Added the bootstrap script; autobind Tilde for opening taskbar
2013-07-07 App | libdeng2 | ScriptSystem : Added the native App module
2013-07-07 Client | InputSystem : Added built-in Doomsday Script 'Input' module
2013-07-04 Atlas | libgui : Added OutOfSpace audience
2013-07-02 Client | Console : Added popup menu for the [>] button
2013-07-01 FrontController | Homepage | Refactor : Added static method FrontController::contentCache()
2013-07-01 libdeng2 : Added Path slash normalization methods
June 2013
2013-06-28 Debug : Added "deng_fakememoryzone" build option
2013-06-26 libdeng2 : Overload of de::fequal() with precision argument
2013-06-25 Client | Task Bar : Added build number, "Check for updates" in DE menu
2013-06-25 World : Integrated Hand and added FrameBegin, FrameEnd audiences
2013-06-25 : Grabbable, Hand
2013-06-20 Client | UI : Added popup widget and popup menu widget
2013-06-20 Client | UI : Added Direction to the ui namespace
2013-06-20 Client | GuiWidget : Added virtual methods about child addition/removal
2013-06-20 Default Style : Added inverted text and background colors
2013-06-20 Fixed | libdeng2 | OperatorRule : Broken Double operator, added clamped
2013-06-20 libdeng2 | Rectangle : Added a new contains() and intersection methods
2013-06-20 libdeng2 | Range : Added clamp() method
2013-06-16 Refactor | Server : Added ServerApp
2013-06-15 Default Style : Added logos for game plugins
2013-06-15 Client | UI : Added MenuWidget and a game selection menu
2013-06-15 Client | UI : Added colors for LabelWidget and a missing function
2013-06-15 Client | Refactor | UI : Added "ui" namespace for UI related enums and defs
2013-06-15 Games : Added notification about added new games
2013-06-14 Counted | libdeng2 : Added new variants of holdRef()
2013-06-13 Surface : Added methods (setFlags, isFlagged)
2013-06-12 ConvexSubspace | Fixed : Added missing assignment operator
2013-06-12 Client | Widgets : Added BlurWidget
2013-06-11 Client | Default Style : Added the window background image
2013-06-11 libdeng2 | Matrix : Added 2D variant of scaleThenTranslate()
2013-06-11 libdeng2 | RuleBank : Added a 'zero' rule
2013-06-11 All Games | UI : Added "taskbar" cmd, replaced the Control Panel menu item
2013-06-09 Client | Widgets : Added basic implementation of ScrollAreaWidget
2013-06-08 libdeng2 : Added a shorter macro for DENG2_ESC()
2013-06-08 World : Added World abstraction and encapsulated various global functions
2013-06-07 libdeng2 : Added EscapeParser
2013-06-07 Font | libgui | RichFormat : Added escape sequences for tab positions
2013-06-07 Mesh : Added (Element) base class for all mesh geometry elements
2013-06-06 Mesh : Added mesh element count accessors
2013-06-04 libdeng2 | Widget : Added the behavior flag 'ContentClipping'
2013-06-02 Default Style | Task Bar : Added a gear icon for the Control Panel
2013-06-02 Client | Task Bar : Added buttons for toggling console, opening panel
2013-06-01 Client | Widgets : Added a top margin for LogWidget
May 2013
2013-05-31 libdeng | Widget : Added generic event routing mechanism
2013-05-31 Client | Refactor | Widgets : Added common GuiWidget background geometry
2013-05-31 libdeng2 | Widget : Added behavior flag for marking widget 'unhittable'
2013-05-30 Animation | libdeng2 : Added copy constructor and assignment operator
2013-05-29 Client | Widgets : Added LabelWidget
2013-05-29 Client | Default Style : Added square logo graphic, tweaked fonts of OS X
2013-05-29 BSP Builder | Refactor | SuperBlockmap : Added SuperBlock::collateAllSegments()
2013-05-28 libdeng2 | Rectangle : Added methods (area, isNull, moved)
2013-05-28 Client | Refactor : Moved alignment flags to a separate header, added templates
2013-05-27 Font | libgui : Added the Dim Accent color
2013-05-27 BSP Builder | ConvexSubspace : Added convenient overload of operator << and improved apidoc
2013-05-27 BSP Builder | ConvexSubspace : Added ConvexSubspace
2013-05-26 libdeng2 | Range : Added more operators
2013-05-26 Asset | libdeng2 : Added a new Asset state (Recovering)
2013-05-26 libdeng2 | Range : Added operator to extend the range to include a value
2013-05-25 WallSpec : Added flags NearFade and SortDynLights
2013-05-24 Fixed | Resources : Added ML_TWOSIDED to ML_VALID_MASK
2013-05-24 libgui | VertexBuilder : Added makeQuad() for constructing 2D rectangles
2013-05-24 libgui | Refactor : Added the VertexBuilder template
2013-05-24 libdeng2 | Vector : Added the missing Vector4<>::operator /
2013-05-23 Map Renderer : Added WallSpec; consolidated more geometry construction logic
2013-05-22 libdeng2 : Added Range, relocated Matrix, Vector, Rectangle, Version to core
2013-05-22 Polyobj : Added convenience accessors returning the linked Sector
2013-05-21 Client | Widgets : Added a console command widget
2013-05-21 Games | Refactor : Updated for DENG2_PIMPL, added game change audience
2013-05-21 AbstractLineEditor | libshell : Added a way to determine index's position on wrapped lines
2013-05-21 KeyEvent | libgui : Added key modifiers into a key event
2013-05-19 libshell : Added equality operator for Range
2013-05-18 Client | Widgets : Added several widgets (in various states of development)
2013-05-18 Client : Added FontLineWrapping, utility for wrapping text
2013-05-18 Client | GL : Added GLTextComposer, utility for drawing GL text
2013-05-18 Client | Default Style : Added monospace font, widget-specific fonts
2013-05-18 libdeng2 | Widget : Added widget deinitialization method
2013-05-18 libdeng2 | Rectangle : Added shrunk() and an inequality operator
2013-05-16 libgui : Added GLShaderBank
2013-05-16 Refactor | Rule : Added valuei() for accessing value as integer
2013-05-15 libdeng2 | libshell | Refactor : Added MemoryLogSink, used it in shell::LogWidget
2013-05-14 libdeng2 | Math : Added a template for rounding a number
2013-05-14 Client | Default Style : Added definitions for colors, images and rules
2013-05-14 libdeng2 | Refactor : Added a new convenient constructor for RecordValue
2013-05-14 libdeng2 : Added InfoBank, an abstract base class for banks that use Info
2013-05-14 Client : Added Style
2013-05-14 libdeng2 : Added RuleBank, a collection of Rules
2013-05-13 libgui : Added ColorBank
2013-05-13 libdeng2 | ScriptedInfo : Added the "namespace" blocks
2013-05-13 libdeng2 | scriptsys : Added the eval() function
2013-05-12 Client : Added the default UI style package
2013-05-12 libgui : Added Font and FontBank
2013-05-12 DSSL : Added the "gui" module for GUI related utility functions
2013-05-12 libdeng2 | scriptsys : Added built-in function "floor"
2013-05-10 Info | libdeng2 : Added a semantic hint for script values
2013-05-10 libdeng2 | scriptsys : Added ScriptedInfo
2013-05-05 libdeng2 | Loop : Added static accessor for the app's Loop
2013-05-02 libdeng2 : Added concurrent tasks (Task and TaskPool)
2013-05-02 libdeng2 | Refactor : Added concurrency source module, ReadWriteLockable
2013-05-01 libgui : Added ImageBank, a Bank containing Images
2013-05-01 libdeng2 : Added Bank, an abstract data bank with tiered caching
2013-05-01 libdeng2 : Added FIFO, Waitable::reset()
April 2013
2013-04-30 libdeng2 : Added FlagOp enum (operation on a set of flags)
2013-04-30 libdeng2 : Added FlagOp enum (operation on a set of flags)
2013-04-29 GLBuffer | libgui : Added 2D vertex format with just a texcoord
2013-04-28 GLBuffer | libgui : Added a 3D vertex format
2013-04-28 Fixed | GL | libgui : Bind texture when uploading, added GL error assertion
2013-04-25 GL | Tests : Added glsandbox, test app for all GL related stuff
2013-04-25 Image | libgui : Added basic image editing methods (using QImage)
2013-04-25 libdeng2 | Vector : Added Vector4ub typedef, suitable for RGBA colors
2013-04-25 libdeng2 | Rectangle : Added expanded(), fromSize() constructor, union
2013-04-25 Id | libdeng2 : Added isNone() method and a qHash() function
2013-04-24 libgui : Added de::Image, a wrapper that extends QImage
2013-04-24 ByteRefArray | libdeng2 : Added a default constructor, data accessors
2013-04-23 libgui : Added Drawable, a combination of buffers, programs and states
2013-04-23 BitField | libdeng2 : Added assignment operator, method to get all element ids
2013-04-23 DMU | Fixed : Added missing element/property name for DMU_SURFACE
2013-04-22 DMU API : Added property DMU_ARCHIVE_INDEX
2013-04-22 GL | libgui : Added the de::gl namespace for GL related enums
2013-04-22 libdeng2 : Added BitField, a dynamic array of packed integer values
2013-04-22 libdeng2 | Vector : Added missing Vector2<> operator /
2013-04-22 libdeng2 | Vector : Added missing Vector2<> operator /
2013-04-22 LineSightTest : Added default values for bottom/top slope and flags
2013-04-22 Partition : Added intersection; intercept; isParallelTo
2013-04-22 libdeng1 : Added a couple of new 2D vector box methods
2013-04-19 libdeng2 | Refactor : Added de::zap and de::zapPtr
2013-04-19 Tests : Added a test of the Vector3 cross product
2013-04-19 libdeng2 : Added 3x3 and 4x4 matrix templates
2013-04-19 libdeng2 | Vector : Added more methods, explicit Euclidean/homogeneous conversion
2013-04-19 libdeng2 | Vector : Added more methods, explicit Euclidean/homogeneous conversion
2013-04-18 Asset | libdeng2 : Added missing member
2013-04-17 libdeng2 : Added Asset, a generic declaration of an asset's state
2013-04-17 API : Fixed-point math variants of BSP lookup/query functions
2013-04-17 libdeng2 | VectorN<> : Added multiplication assignment operators
2013-04-16 libgui : Added a header for OpenGL (ES) 2
2013-04-16 libdeng2 : Added an operator+= for Block with IByteArray argument
2013-04-16 : Convenience headers for all important map domain classes
2013-04-15 GL | libgui : Added stubs for GL classes, with basic implementation for GLBuffer
2013-04-13 Client | Refactor : Added InputSystem, CommandAction, WidgetActions
2013-04-13 libdeng2 : Added Action, a base class for UI actions
2013-04-13 Partitioner : Added build option DENG_BSP_COLLAPSE_ORPHANED_LEAFS
2013-04-11 Script | Tests : Added a new case for the Kitchen Sink
2013-04-11 Surface : Added audience for MaterialOriginChange notification
2013-04-10 Plane : Added audience for HeightChange notification
2013-04-09 libdeng1 : Added macro DBL2FIX
2013-04-09 App | libdeng2 : Added audience for startup completion
2013-04-09 libdeng2 : Added the -reconfig option for rerunning the Config script
2013-04-06 Client : Added commands for maximizing/centering the window
2013-04-05 Client | Refactor : ClientWindow implemented, added GuiRootWidget
2013-04-05 libgui : Added template for new classes
2013-04-05 libdeng2 : Added an easier way to get the appClock's current time
2013-04-05 libdeng2 : Added methods to the Rectangle template
2013-04-03 libgui : Added Window base class, synced version with project version
2013-04-03 App | libdeng2 : Added -reset for emptying persist.pack to defaults
2013-04-02 Console | Documentation : Added "listbcontexts"
2013-04-02 Console | Documentation : Added (de)activebcontext, cleaned up help output
2013-04-01 Amethyst : Added Doomsday Help output style to lib
March 2013
2013-03-31 Documentation : Added scripts and Control Panel help as Amethyst sources
2013-03-31 Documentation | OS X | TextMate : Added a .tm_properties for the Amethyst docs
2013-03-29 Documentation : Added wiki template for the doomsday-server man page
2013-03-28 Master Server : Added a 'locked' property for future use
2013-03-28 Readme : Added wiki link to the Shell
2013-03-28 Homepage : Added Version class
2013-03-28 Build Repository | Homepage : Added support for the OS X 10.8 packages
2013-03-26 Builder : Added handling of the Mac OS X 10.8 build
2013-03-26 Builder | OS X : Added a new build for OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
2013-03-24 libcommon : Added cvar 'game-pause-mapstart-tics'
2013-03-24 String | Tests : Added a further example of string formatting
2013-03-23 Unix : Added a man page for doomsday-server
2013-03-22 Unix : Added man page for doomsday-shell-text
2013-03-22 Tests : Added a test for string pattern format
2013-03-20 GUI | Shell : Added a link to the project home page
2013-03-20 GUI | Refactor | Shell : Added mouse wheel scrolling and refactored console page
2013-03-19 Hexen : Added a values.ded
2013-03-17 GUI | Shell : Added a link to Help in the wiki
2013-03-17 SideDef : Added getter methods for all SideDef property values
2013-03-17 HEdge : Added getter methods for all HEdge property values
2013-03-16 Surface : Added getter methods for the rest of Surface's property values
2013-03-15 Server | Shell : Added basic player info packet
2013-03-15 Surface : Added getter methods for more Surface property values
2013-03-15 Sector : Added getter methods for all Sector property values
2013-03-14 LineDef : Added getter methods for all LineDef property values
2013-03-12 : Fix typos and added a @todo re BSP tree element types
2013-03-12 BspNode : Added getter methods for all BspNode property values
2013-03-12 BspLeaf : Added getter methods for all BspLeaf property values
2013-03-10 Vertex : Added getter methods for all Vertex property values
2013-03-09 Plane : Added getter methods for all Plane property values
2013-03-08 Debug | Server : Added assert in def_main
2013-03-05 Fixed : Added missing header (QMap in material.h)
2013-03-03 libdeng2 : Added a serialization protocol label for 1.10
2013-03-01 Fixed | Unix : Added missing <cstring> header (platform-wide)
2013-03-01 Uri : Added Uri::fromUserInput()
February 2013
2013-02-28 Refactor : Added texture wrap args for GL_BindTextureUnmanaged()
2013-02-28 : Material definitions for all System UI textures
2013-02-28 Cleanup : Added isFlagged() method to various material/texture system classes
2013-02-27 Documentation | libshell : Added a @todo about DoomsdayInfo
2013-02-27 Documentation : Added a @todo about the future of the Uri API
2013-02-27 GUI | Shell : Added preferences option for choosing the console font
2013-02-27 libdeng2 : Added a preprocessor define for detecting Qt 5.1
2013-02-26 Snowberry : Added Italian translation
2013-02-25 Client | Refactor | Server : Removed loop callbacks, added BusyWidget
2013-02-25 libdeng2 | Widget : Added a behavior flag for disabling the widget
2013-02-25 libdeng2 | Vector : Added inequality operators for 2D/3D/4D integer Vectors
2013-02-24 Client | Refactor : Added ClientApp
2013-02-23 Client : Added GUI widget base class and stubs for LegacyWidget
2013-02-23 Client : Added LegacyWidget
2013-02-23 Client : Added a RootWidget to CanvasWindow
2013-02-21 Client : Added ServerLink (derived from shell::AbstractLink)
2013-02-21 libdeng2 | Observers : Added macro for notifying a public audience
2013-02-19 libshell | Refactor : Added AbstractLink (based on Link)
2013-02-19 libdeng2 | Network : Added BlockPacket
2013-02-19 Refactor | Server : Removed use of LegacyNetwork, added RemoteUser
2013-02-18 Client | Refactor | Server : Added ServerSystem, splitting sys_network between apps
2013-02-17 Refactor : Added ScriptSystem, relocated modules there (from App)
2013-02-17 libdeng2 : Added System class, moved Event to core
2013-02-17 GUI | Shell : Added placeholder buttons for future functionality
2013-02-16 Installer | Windows : Added shortcut icons for the Shell
2013-02-16 GUI | Shell | Unix : Added .desktop file for the Shell
2013-02-14 Installer | Windows : Added server, shell, deng_shell, deng_gui to the deployment
2013-02-13 GUI | Shell | Windows : Minor improvements and fixes, added window icon
2013-02-12 GUI | Shell : Added Preferences, FolderSelection widget, various tweaks
2013-02-12 Cleanup : Added convenience typedefs MaterialDecoration and MaterialVariant
2013-02-12 qmake : Added build option "deng_noclient"
2013-02-10 Server : Added a todo about needed future work (de::World class)
2013-02-09 GUI | Shell : Added StatusWidget, renamed MainWindow to LinkWindow
2013-02-09 libdeng2 : Added NativePath::exists()
2013-02-09 libshell : Added DoomsdayInfo
2013-02-09 GUI | Shell : Improved window behavior, menu items, added about dialog
2013-02-07 GUI | Shell : Setting up the menus, added ServerFinder
2013-02-07 Qt | Shell : Improved QtRootWidget, added command line and log widgets
2013-02-06 Refactor : Added libgui, separated TextApp and GuiApp
2013-02-05 libdeng2 : Added de::wrap template for wrapping inside a range
2013-02-05 libdeng2 | String : Added length-restricted, case-insensitive string comparison
2013-02-04 Shell : Added PersistentData and updating menu with found servers
2013-02-04 libshell : Added ServerFinder
2013-02-04 libdeng2 | Network : Added Beacon, UDP-based peer discovery mechanism
2013-02-03 libshell : Added LocalServer for controlling local servers
2013-02-03 libdeng2 : Added a method for reconnecting to previous address
2013-02-03 Shell : Added dialog for starting a local server
2013-02-03 libshell : Added ChoiceWidget that combines a label and a popup menu
2013-02-03 libdeng2 | Widgets : Defining focus cycle, added focus gained/lost events
2013-02-02 Shell : Added an About dialog
2013-02-01 libshell | Refactor : Added InputDialog, base class for text query dialogs
January 2013
2013-01-31 Shell : Added dialog for opening a connection
2013-01-31 libshell : Added DialogWidget, updated with revised Rule conventions
2013-01-31 libdeng2 : Added Rectangle<>::adjusted()
2013-01-30 libshell : Added a utility routine for determining line wrapping
2013-01-30 Fixed | Shell : Added menu items, fixed MenuWidget
2013-01-30 libshell : Added MenuWidget
2013-01-29 libshell : Added Action and LabelWidget
2013-01-29 Documentation : Added Doxygen config for libshell API docs
2013-01-28 Fixed | Shell : Added missing header
2013-01-27 Client | Server : Segregated functionality in sys_network, added ShellUsers
2013-01-27 Server : Added ShellUser and ShellUsers
2013-01-26 libdeng2 : Added a way to adjust line width of MonospaceLogSinkFormatter
2013-01-26 libdeng2 : Added copy constructor for LogEntry::Arg
2013-01-26 libdeng2 : Added DENG2_STR_ESCAPE macro for forming escape sequences
2013-01-25 Shell : Added status widget
2013-01-25 libdeng2 : Improved Socket opening, added better Address constructor
2013-01-25 Shell : Added Link and Protocol classes
2013-01-23 MaterialSnapshot : Added convenience method MaterialSnapshot::material()
2013-01-22 libdeng2 : Added de::refless()
2013-01-22 Fixed | libdeng2 | Widgets : Added missing destructor for RectangleRule
2013-01-22 libdeng2 : Added more methods for de::Rectangle<>
2013-01-22 libdeng2 | Math : Added de::floor() function
2013-01-20 libdeng2 : Added equality operators for integer vectors
2013-01-20 Shell : Added text canvas classes for text-based drawing
2013-01-19 Shell | Unix : Added a stub for the text mode shell interface
2013-01-18 qmake | Windows : Added instructions into
2013-01-18 MaterialManifest | Refactor : Added MaterialManifest::hasMaterial()
2013-01-16 Refactor : Added C++ material_t class
2013-01-15 Documentation | SideDef : Added a comment re the future of SideDef
2013-01-15 DMU : Added a typedef for void* arguments in public API
2013-01-14 Refactor : Added C++ HEdge class
2013-01-14 Refactor : Added C++ Plane class, replaced planelist_t with a QSet
2013-01-14 libdeng2 | Revert : Added function_cast for casting pointers to function pointers
2013-01-13 libdeng2 : Added function_cast for casting pointers to function pointers
2013-01-11 Documentation : Added description for EntityDatabase
2013-01-07 Shell : Added a stub for the Shell application and shared lib
2013-01-04 : Added public API for R (Resource) subsystem
2013-01-04 : Added public API for Rend (renderer) module
2013-01-04 : Added public API for MaterialArchive
2013-01-04 GL : Added public API for the GL module
2013-01-03 : Added public APIs for Client and Server
2013-01-03 : Added public API for Map (DMU) and other game world data
2013-01-03 : Added public API for the Infine module
2013-01-03 : Added public API for the Svg module
2013-01-03 : Added public API for the S (Sound) module
2013-01-03 : Added public API for Player routines; expanded Base API
2013-01-03 : Added public API for B (Bindings) and more Con API functions
2013-01-03 : Added public API for Thinker; renamed header and functions
2013-01-03 : Added public API for FR (Font Render) module
2013-01-03 Cleanup | MaterialVariant : Added implicit MaterialVariant => material_t indirection
2013-01-02 : Added public API for the busy mode
2013-01-02 : Added public API for Material module
2013-01-02 : Added a public API for the map editor (MPE)
2013-01-02 : Added a public API for the Con module
2013-01-02 : Added a public API for Base domain
2013-01-02 : Added the F module public API (file system)
2013-01-02 : Added public APIs for Plug and Def modules
December 2012
2012-12-29 Server : Added more dummy functions
2012-12-29 Materials | Refactor : Added Materials class instance
2012-12-29 Materials | Refactor : Added C++ class Materials
2012-12-28 Server : Added more dummy functions needed by game plugins
2012-12-21 qmake : Added separate for the server
2012-12-20 Chex Quest : Added weapon name and obituary texts
2012-12-14 Documentation | Window Manager : Added a note about window state
2012-12-13 libdeng2 | Reader : Added a convenient method for reading a line of text
2012-12-11 : Added a todo about rewriting directory_t with libdeng2
2012-12-09 Cleanup | Config : Added get() method for array values
2012-12-09 Patch : Added second Patch::composite() with an xlatTable argument
2012-12-08 : Added a Doomsday Script binding for DisplayMode_OriginalMode()
2012-12-08 App | libdeng2 : Added native module "Version" for version information
2012-12-08 Debug | libdeng2 : Added OS, CPU bits and debug mode to de::Version
2012-12-06 libdeng2 | Refactor : Added a separate method for removing base path
2012-12-03 libdeng2 | Refactor | Script : Added DeleteStatement
2012-12-03 libdeng2 | Script : Added built-in function Record
2012-12-02 Fixed | libdeng2 : Added TimeValue, fixed bugs in de::Time
November 2012
2012-11-30 libdeng2 : Added persist.pack for storing state persistently
2012-11-30 libdeng2 : Renamed ArchiveFile to ArchiveEntryFile, added PackageFolder
2012-11-30 Homepage : Added "libdoom" etc. to keywords
2012-11-30 Documentation | libdeng2 : Added a clarifying comment in
2012-11-30 libdeng2 : Added a semantic hint for number values
2012-11-29 libdeng2 | Script : Added "export" statement and keyword
2012-11-29 libdeng2 : Added LOG_DEV_TRACE macro
2012-11-28 Refactor : Added Uri constructor for "scheme + path" use case
2012-11-26 : PatchName models a named id-tech 1 Patch reference
2012-11-26 : PatchCompositeTexture models an id-tech 1 texture definition
2012-11-26 LumpIndex | Refactor : Added firstIndexForPath()
2012-11-23 libdeng2 | Refactor : Slight tweaks to de::Path; added missing methods
2012-11-22 Test : Added the "log" test for testing libdeng2 log output
2012-11-20 Fixed : Added a missing extern "C" block
2012-11-18 Refactor : Added App_BasePath() for easier access to FS1-compatible base path
2012-11-18 : Added a new test case for Uri and some final tweaks
2012-11-18 Refactor : Improving Uri implementation, added DualString
2012-11-16 App | libdeng2 : Added options -v/-verbose and -loglevel
2012-11-16 Documentation | ResourceType : Added apidocs for ResourceType
2012-11-16 Documentation | ResourceClass : Added apidoc for ResourceClass
2012-11-14 libdeng2 : Added NativePath::withSeparators()
2012-11-13 Uri : Added Uri::fromNativePath()
2012-11-09 libdeng2 : Added App::currentWorkPath()
2012-11-09 Tests : Added StringPool test
2012-11-08 Refactor : Added de::NativePath and applied it where appropriate
2012-11-07 Readme | Unix : Added mention of the 'defaults' config file
2012-11-06 Fixed | qmake | Windows : Fixed, added "deng_nodirectsound" option
2012-11-06 Refactor | StringPool : Added a C++ interface to StringPool
2012-11-05 libdeng2 : A couple of new utility routines for file paths
2012-11-03 Refactor : Added PathMap C++ ctor/dtor plus minor PathTree refactorings
2012-11-01 : URI symbolic reference $(GamePlugin.Name)
October 2012
2012-10-31 Documentation | Library : Added some internal apidoc about the libdeng1 Library
2012-10-29 PathTree : Added an integer user value to PathTree::Node
2012-10-25 libdeng2 | Tests : Added the Archive test
2012-10-25 libdeng2 | Tests : Added the Record test
2012-10-25 libdeng2 | Tests : Added the vectors test
2012-10-24 Tests : Added some comments to the kitchen sink script
2012-10-17 FS1 | Refactor : Added exception class for notfound errors
2012-10-16 Refactor : Added more convenient way to create AutoStrs from text
2012-10-14 Installer | Windows : Added an installer component for Tools
2012-10-08 FMOD : Added speaker mode override options
2012-10-07 Refactor | WadFile : Added exception classes for format and notfound errors
September 2012
2012-09-26 Documentation | libdeng : Added apidoc for the CPP_BOOL macro
2012-09-25 WM : Added a callback for closing a CanvasWindow
2012-09-24 Build Repository | Homepage : Added "release_date" to the package JSON object graph
2012-09-24 Build Repository | Homepage : Added a releaseDate property to iDownloadable
2012-09-24 Build Repository | Homepage : Added static packages for Doomsday 1.9.7 and 1.9.8
2012-09-22 : Cleaned up s_environ.cpp and added a todo comment re a design fault
2012-09-18 OS X : Added TextMate 2 properties for the Doomsday folder
2012-09-15 Windows : Added new exported public function
2012-09-10 libdeng : Added C++ constructors for the AABox family of structs
2012-09-05 libdeng : Added a C++ constructor for RectRaw
2012-09-04 libdeng : Added a C++ constructor for Point2Raw
2012-09-04 API : Added Def_Get() type argument DD_DEF_VALUE_BY_INDEX
August 2012
2012-08-27 DED : Added special "no flags" value (0) for Flags
2012-08-24 Refactor : Added a C++ constructor for Size2Raw
2012-08-24 libdeng : Added Str_Size() that returns size_t
2012-08-23 Deh Reader : Added support for Text patch remapping of Finale backgrounds
2012-08-22 Deh Reader : Added support for Sound "Zero/One" patches
2012-08-22 Deh Reader : Added support for [MUSIC] and [SOUNDS] patches
2012-08-22 Deh Reader : Added Text patch support for replacing sound lumpnames
2012-08-22 Deh Reader : Added Sound patch support
2012-08-19 Deh Reader : Support for hexadecimal and octal notations in DEH patches
2012-08-19 : Console command "listlumps" - list all lumps loaded from containers
2012-08-12 All Games : Additional default control bindings for answering game messages
2012-08-12 Deh Reader : Support [CODEPTR] DeHackEd patches
2012-08-05 Console : Added notes to "help" command ouput re "listgames" and "listvars"
July 2012
2012-07-31 All Games : Optional load confirmation on player reborn
2012-07-30 Game Menu : Simple menu page for configuring game save options
2012-07-29 libdeng2 : Added macro DENG2_UNUSED for hiding unused parameter warnings
2012-07-26 Doom : Support for some of BOOM's material scroll specials
2012-07-24 libdeng2 : Added LegacyCore_LogAs() to the C wrapper API
2012-07-23 Debug : Added assert to PathDirectoryNode_MatchDirectory()
2012-07-22 Documentation : Added missing Doxygen stylesheet for libdeng2
2012-07-22 Documentation : Added missing Doxygen stylesheet for libdeng2
2012-07-19 libdeng2 : Added the basic engine config script
2012-07-17 DEW | Documentation : Added template for the Readme articles
2012-07-15 Game Menu : Delete save state from "SaveGame" and "LoadGame" pages
2012-07-15 : Console command "deletegamesave"
2012-07-13 : Added an AutoStr constructor from C string
2012-07-13 Audio | Refactor : Added audiodriver_music module
2012-07-13 FS | Refactor : Added F_Dump() for writing data to a file
2012-07-12 Debug : Added debug message about Mus_Start()
2012-07-12 Audio : Added a mechanism for streaming samples
2012-07-10 : Added the dsFluidSynth music plugin
2012-07-10 Documentation | libdeng : Added comment about memoryzone_private.h
2012-07-09 Homepage : Added openSUSE repository, cleaned up the Linux page
2012-07-09 Renderer : Added a camera vignette effect
2012-07-08 : Added source directory for v1 renderer
2012-07-05 Testing : Added a special mobj trigger type * for particle generators
2012-07-03 Fixed | libcommon : Menu object flags for fixed position and layout offset
2012-07-02 GCC : Added warning diagnostics option
June 2012
2012-06-29 Homepage : On the Linux page, added a link to the Ubuntu download page
2012-06-29 Homepage : RPM packages on the Linux page
2012-06-27 Game Menu : Added a (soft) maximum character limit to MNEDIT widgets
2012-06-27 Debug | Hexen : Added assertion to catch a crash when opening a swing door
2012-06-26 Builder : Added Pilot commands for branch selection and building
2012-06-23 All Games | Menu : Added MNList method for getting item's data
2012-06-23 Updater : Added missing comment banners; removed context help buttons
2012-06-21 All Games : Added "game-save-last-loadonreborn" option
2012-06-21 Chex Quest | Doom | HacX | Heretic : Added: "game-save-auto-loadonreborn" option
2012-06-21 Chex Quest | Doom | HacX | Heretic : Autosave the player's progress on entering a new map
2012-06-21 libcommon : Added 'userValue' argument to Hu_MsgStart()
2012-06-21 : Added an empty project for libdeng
2012-06-21 : Variable "game-unpause-focusgained" (default: 0)
2012-06-20 libcommon : Added SV_GetGameSavePathForMapSlot()
2012-06-19 Build Repository | Homepage : Added 'direct_download_fallback_uri' to JSON package graphs
2012-06-19 libdeng : Added extern "C" to some headers
2012-06-19 Builder : Added the download fallback URI to the XML feed
2012-06-18 Updater : Added a "Reinstall" button when up to date
2012-06-18 Hexen : New game mode for the Hexen version 1.0 IWAD
2012-06-16 : Look for a skin named similarly to the model if none found
2012-06-15 Fixed | Homepage | Url : Fixed Url parsing and added setScheme() and setHost() methods
2012-06-15 : JPG as a recognized graphics resource type
2012-06-14 Homepage : Embed the
2012-06-14 Homepage : Embed the
2012-06-14 Updater : Added "lastupdated" command
2012-06-13 Memory Zone : Added Z_MemDup() for duplicating a block of memory
2012-06-13 Updater : Added way to show the "checking…" page right away
2012-06-13 Updater : Added option for checking "At startup"; adjusted frequency logic
2012-06-09 Updater : Added "updateandnotify" and better name for the default download folder
2012-06-09 Fixed | Updater | Windows : Fixed build, added comment about use of windowed mode
2012-06-09 Updater : Added shortcuts for the settings dialog
2012-06-07 Updater : Added the "update" console command
May 2012
2012-05-28 Updater : Added title for the updater settings dialog
2012-05-27 Updater : Added a dialog for auto update settings
2012-05-24 Build Repository | Homepage : Added "release_changeloguri" to build JSON object graph
2012-05-24 : Updater class and a simple JSON parser
2012-05-23 Fixed | Windows : Fixed build and added DENG2_C_API_ONLY
2012-05-21 Revert | ZipFile : Added an assertion to catch a write past end of buffer
2012-05-21 : Command line argument -noaudio (an alias of -nosound)
2012-05-21 ZipFile : Added an assertion to catch a write past end of buffer
2012-05-20 libdeng2 : Added an instance of de::CommandLine to de::App
2012-05-20 : Copied de::CommandLine from Hawthorn
2012-05-19 libdeng2 : Added WIN32 binary metadata to deng.dll
2012-05-18 Builder : Added <changeLog> to the feed for each build
2012-05-12 : Crosshair rotation
2012-05-12 Input | Windows : Added missing mapping for virtual key 0xE2
2012-05-07 Control Panel : Graphics quality options FSAA and Vsync
2012-05-04 Documentation | Input | Smoother : Added some missing apidocs
2012-05-03 : Cleaned up DirectInput module and added apidoc
2012-05-02 : Typedef for AutoStr
2012-05-01 : Garbage collector
April 2012
2012-04-30 : "global" context for bindings that are globally active
2012-04-24 : Log missing SideDef materials during map load if verbose
2012-04-23 Fixed | HacX : Added space character patch for the BIGFN font
2012-04-22 Documentation | Unix : Added mention of the system-level paths configuration
2012-04-22 Unix : Added system-level config value "iwaddir"
2012-04-22 libdeng2 : Added a C wrapper for de::Info
2012-04-22 API : Added DMU properties DMU_FLOOR_PLANE and DMU_CEILING_PLANE
2012-04-22 libcommon : Added dmu_lib macro aliases for SideDef surface sound origins
2012-04-21 Debug : Sound origin debug visual [cvar] rend-dev-soundorigins
2012-04-21 : Initialize and update all map surface sound origin coordinates
2012-04-20 Input : Added a todo comment
2012-04-20 Debug | Hexen : Added assert() to catch a particle in NULL sector
2012-04-20 Build Repository | Homepage : Added tooltips to better describe the package issue display
2012-04-19 Heretic : Added todo comment in Z move check
2012-04-19 Doom | Heretic : Added compatibility menu option for monsters floating over obstacles
2012-04-19 Doom | Heretic : Added "game-monsters-floatoverblocking" (default: 0)
2012-04-16 Windows : Added compiler warning about unused static functions
2012-04-12 Hexen : Separate game mode for the Beta Demo
2012-04-12 BSP Builder | Cleanup : Added an API mechanism for obtaining ownership of built objects
2012-04-08 BSP Builder | Cleanup : Added a private Instance to Partitioner
2012-04-07 : Variables "vid-fsaa" and "vid-vsync"
2012-04-07 BinaryTree : Added parent links and associated methods
2012-04-06 BSP Builder | Refactor : Added SuperBlock::parent() method for obtaining the parent block
2012-04-06 BSP Builder | Refactor : Added interface to BspBuilder for querying the built object counts
2012-04-06 BSP Builder | Cleanup : Added typedef for BspBuilder's internal BinaryTree<void*> node
2012-04-05 : Command "releasemouse"
2012-04-01 libcommon : Cvar "game-pause-focuslost" (default:1)
2012-04-01 : DDKEY for the Section Sign
2012-04-01 : Format char %b for de::String
2012-04-01 qmake : Added "deng_noopenal" option for disabling OpenAL
March 2012
2012-03-31 Homepage : Added Twitter, Ohloh and SourceForge social bookmark widgets
2012-03-30 Homepage : Removed right panel margin and added a fadeout to the panorama
2012-03-30 Homepage : Added symbolic "latest Mac OS 10.6 (Unstable)" package to Mac OS page
2012-03-27 : V2*_UniteBox - calculate the union of two two-dimensional vector boxes
2012-03-27 : Value type DDVT_DOUBLE
2012-03-27 : Double precision vector math utilities
2012-03-27 OS X | qmake : Added configuration for Lion (64-bit only)
2012-03-26 Debug : Added macro DENG_DEBUG_ONLY() for convenience
2012-03-24 qmake : Added CONFIG option deng_nodisplaymode
2012-03-22 libdeng : Macro for marking unused variables
2012-03-20 : Commands "setfullres" and "setwinres"
2012-03-18 : "displaymode" and "listdisplaymodes" commands
2012-03-18 LegacyCore : Added a timed callback facility
2012-03-18 Build Repository | Homepage : Added release notes URI to the package object JSON graph
2012-03-18 Refactor : Added private Mode class in displaymode.cpp
2012-03-18 : DisplayMode class
2012-03-17 Build Repository | Homepage : Added the commit counts for commit groups' primary tags to jumplists
2012-03-17 Debug | LegacyCore : Added debug messages
2012-03-15 Homepage : Added FMOD Ex Audio Plugin badges to the Ubuntu downloads page
2012-03-15 Build Repository | Homepage : Added package yield to the build event summary
2012-03-15 Build Repository | Homepage : Added "Event" title to the event metadata when inspecting a build
2012-03-15 Build Repository | Homepage : Added ReleaseType property records
2012-03-14 Fixed | Homepage : Added missing script type on facebook's social bookmark button
2012-03-14 Builder : Added 'pull' command for changing the branch
2012-03-14 Builder : Added 'pull' command for changing the branch
2012-03-14 Builder : Added a --branch option for
2012-03-14 Builder : Added a --branch option for
2012-03-13 Refactor : Added joystick.c/h, cleaned up sys_input.c/h
2012-03-13 : Command "setcolordepth"
2012-03-13 Homepage : Summarize the recent most active servers on the homepage
2012-03-12 Busy Mode : Added a todo comment
2012-03-11 : Canvas and CanvasWindow classes
2012-03-11 Refactor : Replacing SDL window management with Qt
2012-03-11 qmake | Unix : Added deng_nosnowberry for excluding Snowberry
2012-03-11 Blockmap : Maintain a running total of the number of objects per cell
2012-03-10 OS X | Unix : Added new app entry point
2012-03-10 Distrib : Added missing launch-doomsday script template
2012-03-08 qmake : Added comment in versions.pri
2012-03-08 qmake : Added comment in versions.pri
2012-03-07 Fixed | Windows : Fixed build; added strcasestr()
2012-03-07 : Console command "apropos" for summarizing help
2012-03-07 : Console variable "sound-overlap-stop" (default: 1)
2012-03-06 Performance | String : Added Str append routines that don't allocate memory
2012-03-05 StringPool : Added build option to use zone memory allocs
2012-03-05 Memory Zone : Added Z_StrDup() for duplicating text strings
2012-03-04 Uri : Added build option for disabling Uri resolve caching
2012-03-04 StringPool : Added automatic unit test
2012-03-03 GameMap : Added PolyobjCount() query function
2012-03-03 GameMap : Added functions for querying data object counts
2012-03-03 GameMap : Added lookup routines for all the main data objects
2012-03-02 qmake : Added mapdata.hs to OTHERFILES
2012-03-01 Audio : Options -isfx, -imusic, and -icd for overriding interfaces
2012-03-01 Fixed | Game Menu : Added page flag NEVER_SCROLL for disabling page scrolling
February 2012
2012-02-29 Homepage : Added the build id to the unstable package badges
2012-02-29 Homepage | Master Server : Added an icon legend
2012-02-27 Homepage : Added a short summary of the latest developer blog posts
2012-02-27 Homepage : Added a short summary of the latest build events
2012-02-26 Fixed | Game Menu : Added a fixed layout method
2012-02-26 Debug : Added debug command "fatalerror"
2012-02-21 Doom : Texture Environment defs for all materials in the Flats namespace
2012-02-21 Heretic : Texture Environment defs for all materials in the Flats namespace
2012-02-21 Hexen : Texture Environment defs for all materials in the Flats namespace
2012-02-21 Debug | Memory Zone | Refactor : Added a debug print and a constant
2012-02-21 Chex Quest : Texture Environment defs for all materials in the Flats namespace
2012-02-21 HacX : Texture Environment defs for all materials in the Flats namespace
2012-02-19 libcommon : Added optional definition ID for finales
2012-02-19 Chex Quest : Added a Light definition for the ROCKET
2012-02-19 Ded Reader : Thing defs now support the Mods directive
2012-02-19 : Added macro VALID_MOVEDIR() - test if a value is a valid dirtype_t
2012-02-18 Game Menu : Added MNRECT for simple rectangle widgets
2012-02-16 : Console variable "input-sharp-lateprocessing" (default:1)
2012-02-16 Build Repository | Homepage : Added JSON format reponse for "which package" queries
2012-02-15 : Console variable "game-mobj-fracepsilon" (default: 0)
2012-02-15 Chex Quest : Added default Texture Environment definitions
2012-02-15 Ded Reader : State defs now support the Mods directive
2012-02-14 : Added virtual input device state visuals for debugging controls
2012-02-14 : Added cvar "rend-dev-fakeradio-update" for debugging purposes
2012-02-13 Debug : Added new macro DEBUG_Message()
2012-02-13 Input : Support enter and divide keys on the keyboard numpad
2012-02-12 : Added a todo comment
2012-02-09 SVG Renderer : Support for line strips and loops
2012-02-09 : Log missing model skins when the model is loaded
2012-02-08 : M_MemDup() for taking a copy of memory buffer
2012-02-08 GL : Added a define for disabling the deferred API
2012-02-07 Debug : Added a few more main thread assertions
2012-02-07 Heretic | Hexen : Added audio feedback for "view-size" changes
2012-02-06 : Added parentheses to weightedSpriteAlpha calculation
2012-02-04 HacX : Added default glows to various materials
2012-02-04 HacX : Added default light decorations to various materials
2012-02-04 Doom | Heretic : Console variable "hud-cheat-counter-show-mapopen"
2012-02-03 Host : Cleaned up, added Python source and rc example
2012-02-02 Host : Added --rebuild option for forcing a rebuild
2012-02-02 Unix : Added -daemon option for completely headless mode
2012-02-01 : -noinput option for dedicated servers
January 2012
2012-01-31 Git : Added "stable" branch for stable releases
2012-01-29 Automap : Console variable map-line-width - scale factor for lines
2012-01-29 : Added font game:mappoint for use with the automap marked points
2012-01-29 : Added @fixme comment re R_VisualRadius() in R_ProjectSprite()
2012-01-28 libcommon : Globally visible viewScale and aspectScale variables
2012-01-28 : Added DGL_Scissor - retrieve the current scissor geometry
2012-01-28 : Added DGL_Scissor alternative with the region specified as RectRaw
2012-01-27 Bindings : Added "multiplayer" binding state condition
2012-01-27 Documentation | Readme : Added missing parts, updating old content
2012-01-25 Homepage : Added Chex Quest to the Games browser
2012-01-25 Homepage : Added Danny Evanger's name to the foreword
2012-01-25 Homepage : Added HacX to the Games browser
2012-01-23 Documentation | Unix : Added options synopsis
2012-01-21 : Console variable "game-save-quick-confirm"
2012-01-20 Documentation : Added "clean" to readme Makefile
2012-01-20 Documentation : Added DOOMWADPATH to the list of environment variables
2012-01-20 Documentation : Cleaned up engine/doc/, added doc/
2012-01-20 : Added fixme comment to FR_Ticker about timing issues
2012-01-19 Fixed : Search paths added to ResourceNamespaces in reverse order
2012-01-18 Documentation : Added a page for Low-Level Networking
2012-01-18 Fixed : Added missing extern "C" in stringarray.h
2012-01-17 LumpDirectory | Refactor : Added flag LDF_UNIQUE_PATHS
2012-01-16 : Added StrArray, a dynamic array of text strings
2012-01-16 : Added DD_IsShuttingDown()
2012-01-15 Refactor : Added Mobj_ActionFunctionAllowed()
2012-01-15 Busy Mode | Refactor : Added BusyTask and task list mechanic
2012-01-13 Documentation : Added libdeng mainpage; CSS tweaks
2012-01-11 Builder : Added task generate_apidoc
2012-01-09 : Added Str_NewFromReader()
2012-01-09 : Added support for callbacks in Reader and Writer
2012-01-07 : Added search path flag SPF_NO_DECEND
2012-01-07 : Added PathDirectory flag ALLOW_DUPLICATE_LEAF
2012-01-06 OpenGL : Added -noglcheck to override version check
2012-01-06 Uri : Added option for omitting scheme in serialization
2012-01-06 : Added (de)serialization functions for Uri and ddstring_t
2012-01-03 : Added cvar "hud-patch-replacement"
2012-01-03 FS : Added utility for appending a slash to path
December 2011
2011-12-31 Builder : Added <releaseType> to XML feed
2011-12-30 : Added \todo comment about menu object pairs
2011-12-23 : Added new mobj flag MF3_CLIENTACTION
2011-12-22 Builder : Added package name and version to XML feed
2011-12-20 : Removed cvar net-port-control and added "-port" option
2011-12-17 : Added config option deng_fluidsynth
2011-12-14 : Added a .pro to the external subdir
2011-12-12 : Added a readme for Github
2011-12-11 : Added separate view variables for each local player
November 2011
2011-11-26 : Texture analysis TA_SKY_LINE_BOTTOM_COLOR
2011-11-20 : Added resource path to output of ccmd listtextures
2011-11-16 OS X : Added build option deng_32bitonly
October 2011
2011-10-29 : Added quiet argument to Fonts_FontForUri
2011-10-29 : Added quiet argument to Materials_MaterialForUri
2011-10-24 : New console variable type CVT_URIPTR i.e., Uri
2011-10-20 : Added Guard, utility for locking Lockable objects
2011-10-19 : Added new CONFIG option deng_packres - Package the Doomsday resources
2011-10-02 Windows : Added vcredist_x86.exe to the distribution package
September 2011
2011-09-25 Windows : Added missing cURL dependencies
2011-09-17 Windows : Added config_user-example.pri
2011-09-11 : Added const qualifiers to various methods of AbstractFile.
2011-09-11 : Added path delimiter argument to Con_PrintPathList
2011-09-08 Fixed | Refactor : * Replaced logic of F_Open with that of F_OpenAbstractFile. * All open files are now represented by their abstractfile_t derived specializations even for the purposes of F_Access queries. * File handles are released when their abstractfile_t is del
August 2011
2011-08-24 Debug | File System | Fixed : * Lumps can now be published into any number of LumpDirectorys * AbstractFile specializations are no longer attributed with a predetermined LumpDirectory during construction * Fixed bug resulting in resource namespace search paths being duplicate
2011-08-20 Build : Added option for the Writer type check
2011-08-14 Debug | Fixed : Added further stats to the PathDirectory hash distribution debug tool. Fixed hash height calculation.
2011-08-14 : Added debugging ccmd "varstats" - print detailed statistical info about the PathDirectory used for the console variable database.
2011-08-14 : Added debugging tools to PathDirectory for analysing hash efficiency.
2011-08-13 : Added Reader and Writer
2011-08-11 : Added debugging tools for mobjs
2011-08-10 Debug : Added a cvar for crashing the engine
2011-08-02 OS X : Added missing return value in music player
2011-08-02 Refactor : Refactored ResourceNamespace adding an extensible search path grouping mechanic. Added two new search path groups named SPG_OVERRIDE and SPG_FALLBACK to accommodate the additional paths specified on the command-line using e.g., -modeldir2, -modeldir
2011-08-02 : Added missing newline to log message output by DD_InitResourceSystem.
2011-08-01 Debug | vcbuild : Added debug build mode
July 2011
2011-07-24 : Deleted old copies of StringPool source files inadvertently included in an earlier commit. For whatever reason Tortoise Git appears to automatically include anything added to the current head when producing a commit??
2011-07-22 Smoother : calculating player movement paths
2011-07-22 Doom64 : Added missing breaks to switch compounds
2011-07-22 Doom64 : Added missing breaks to switch compounds
2011-07-22 : Added missing 'break's to a switch compound
2011-07-22 : Added missing 'break's to a switch compound
2011-07-19 : Added a public definition for font_s
2011-07-19 : Added a public definition for font_s
2011-07-18 : Added var "net-dev-latency" for simulating lag
2011-07-16 Changed : Added additional small yoffset to the console command line cursor in drawConsole.
2011-07-16 GL : Added "isPrepared" method to the abstract base for fonts for querying whether the font is ready to use (i.e., all specificed resources have been found, any needed textures have been uploaded to GL, etc...).
2011-07-16 : Console command "reload" - unload and then reload the current game configuration, discarding any unsaved progress in the process.
2011-07-08 Build config : Added option to disable Snowberry install
2011-07-06 : Added missing return value
June 2011
2011-06-30 : CCmd "listfonts" - list known fonts which match the search criteria (if specified).
2011-06-22 Changed : Added default Patch Replacement definitions for the DOOM intermission screens to values.ded and added a SkipIf -nodefaultfx check so that they can be excluded from the command line.
2011-06-18 : Added cvar "inlude-patch-replacement" to control patch replacement in the intermission. Usage is analogous to "menu-patch-replacement" except scoped to patches drawn in the intermission.
2011-06-16 : Added current color to the font renderer attribute stack.
2011-06-13 Refactor : Improved symmetry of the font renderer API - all text draw commands (block, fragment and character) now use the same argument list. Also added some further documentation about the in-text paramater blocks.
2011-06-12 : Added "leading" to the font renderer attribute stack.
2011-06-12 Refactor : Added a drawTextFlags argument to the WI_DrawPatch family of functions. Moved the MN_MergeMenuEffectWithDrawTextFlags logic out and made this the responsibility of the caller.
2011-06-12 Refactor : Implemented an attribute stack (max depth=4)for the engine's font renderer and added the tracking and shadow offset properties to it. Note that the current font is NOT a member of the attribute stack.
2011-06-03 : Added a damage request packet
May 2011
2011-05-23 : Added new public API routine R_GetPatchName for querying the name associated with a unique patch identifier.
2011-05-07 : Added SkipIf doom1-share directive before the non-shareware Material patch defs in doom1/materials.ded
2011-05-06 : Added a generalised event > action mechanic to the game menu object hierarchy. Nothing fancy as it will very likely be replaced in 1.9.8 when Qt's Signals and Slots construct becomes available.
2011-05-04 : Added DrawTextFlag DTF_NO_GLITTER - disable glitter effect. Added mask DTF_ONLY_SHADOW - disable all text rendering effects other than shadow.
2011-05-03 Cleanup | Refactor : * Implemented MNF_FOCUS and MNF_DEFAULT (focus) flags. * Added predefined fonts and colors to the menu render state. * In order to calculate an object's dimensions the page on which it is present must be known. Refactored class hierarchy accordingly
2011-05-03 : Disabled the "hotkey" focus object selection for now. This needs re-implementing so that a "focus shortcut key" is defined in mn_object_t and updated during page (re)initialization in the case of Text defined labels. Added non-focusable menu objects.
April 2011
2011-04-18 : Added P_TryMove3f
2011-04-16 Fixed | Optimize : F_AllResourcePaths resulted in bogus leaf nodes being added to FileDirectory for all subdirectories of the matched search path. For example, if the directory data\jdoom\models\ exists in the real filesystem and the search data\jdoom\* is executed, a
2011-04-09 Refactor : * Removed patching of de::Material within the Materials subsystem and re-implemented it within the DED reader, patching the definitions. * Added: "Mods" directive from the DED 2.0 proposal to the DED parser (presently only used for Materials). I'm no
2011-04-07 : Switched Texturess::findPreparedVariant to use an exact-match method when looking for suitable candidates as the rest of the subsystem should be functionally correct (if not all that pretty in places). Added a _DEBUG only sanity check to assit in rou
2011-04-03 Fixed | Refactor : * Store the used/assumed color palette index for the loaded image data in de::Image making it possible to determine the difference between a luminance texture and a non-masked paletted texture without forcing the user to track this information. This
March 2011
2011-03-25 : Added MaterialVariantUsageContext
2011-03-08 RSS : Added a summary for each entry.
2011-03-07 : Added DOOMSDAY_RELEASE_TYPE and a more logical version ID.
2011-03-02 : Added a .desktop entry for Doomsday.
February 2011
2011-02-27 : Added an RSS feed generator for listing the build events.
2011-02-21 : Added GameInfo IdentityKey's to the known words list. Clean up.
2011-02-20 : Added UIF_FADE_AWAY to various objects in the control panel.
2011-02-18 : Support loading flats between F_START...F_END marker lumps in PNG/TGA/PCX format.
2011-02-11 : Added Dummy SideDefs to the DMU API and wrapped alloc/free in libcommon's dmu_lib.c
2011-02-09 Refactor : Refactored the public API for Finales to allow a set of additional InFine commands to be executed during interpreter setup and before script parsing/execution begins. These "extra" commands can be used be the caller to initialize a custom default int
January 2011
2011-01-07 Hexen : Added some basic checking for malformed ACS bytecode in P_LoadACScripts. Zero-length "dummy" BEHAVIOR lumps no longer cause a fatal error during map load. No point in doing anything more elaborate at this stage; the ACS-bytecode-to-Doomsday-Script in
2011-01-03 : Added flags to Con_BufferGetLines - BLF_OMIT_RULER and BLF_OMIT_EMPTYLINE. Make use of these flags in Con_BusyDrawConsoleOutput rather than pruning lines after the fact.
December 2010
2010-12-15 : Added type definition for lumpname_t to dd_types.h
2010-12-14 Debug : Added debug output of ResourceNamespace's name hash.
2010-12-10 Cleanup : * Reworked ccmd "listgames" into a summary of the known games, sorted by title. * Print the known game list if automatic game selection fails. * Added generic ccmd "printinfo" - print extended information about a named object in the console. Can be u
2010-12-09 : Added a presently unused rflags argument to DD_AddGameResource, it be needed sooner or later.
2010-12-07 : Added Chex Quest deds
2010-12-04 : Added default control binding - "bindevent key-capslock-down {toggle ctl-run}"
November 2010
2010-11-26 : Additional model search paths in DEDs were not being added to the correct resource search path set.
2010-11-18 Fixed : Fixed the command line options -modeldir and -modeldir2 were processed twice; once by the resource locator and again in the definition reader, resulting in duplicate paths being added to the model filehash.
2010-11-18 : Added a temporary kludge to work around bug #2982101 "GL state - wireframe vs sky vs fakeradio shadow edges" (see Once Beta6.10 is released I'll address t
2010-11-18 : Added the WinAPI module definition files to the VC projects for each game.
2010-11-01 exampleplugin | Fixed : Added missing new line character to hook callback confirmation log message.
2010-11-01 : Added includes for standard header files to various Heretic source files which hitherto used doomdef.h to include them.
2010-11-01 : Added includes for standard header files to various Hexen source files which hitherto used h2def.h to include them.
October 2010
2010-10-13 Changed | Doom : Added HacX to the list of known IWADs and added a "-hacx" command line override. Added Snowberry: Created a new game profile for HacX.
September 2010
2010-09-27 : Added missing include for hu_inventory.h to jhexen/src/p_inter.c
August 2010
2010-08-17 : Added the UIF_FADE_AWAY flag to most of the sliders controlling graphical settings in the UI.
2010-08-11 : Missed a couple of necessary exceptions to the special cases added in Rend_SSectSkyFixes in the previous commit.
2010-08-11 : Added another special case to Rend_SSectSkyFixes to deal with the glitches seen on the midtexture columns in Plutonia2::MAP29
2010-08-06 : Added a drawer function ptr to FIPage.
July 2010
2010-07-30 : Added the Animator entry points to doomsday.def
2010-07-25 : Added a kludge to fix the blank title screen; viewpw and viewph are not presently initialized until a map is loaded hence GL_ProjectionMatrix determining the aspect ratio 0:0
2010-07-24 Fixed : cvar "rend-dev-mobj-show-vlights" draw VLight vectors affecting Mobjs - for debug. Fixed: When using a world texturing mode other than the default, inherit glow properties from the Surface-linked Material and not the substitute.
June 2010
2010-06-14 Changed : Replaced Material flag MATF_GLOW with a glow strength multiplier (member of Material) and reworked handling of the per-material glowing properties to allow for variable strength glows. Removed per-plane glowing properties as these are now redundant.
May 2010
2010-05-31 Fixed : Fixed another buffer overflow in what was WI_DrawParamText... This function needs a complete rewrite. Added a default leading argument to GL_DrawText and fixed leading calculation to use the actual height of the last drawn line rather than a predeter
2010-05-31 Fixed : InFine command "font" (handle) (font) specify the font to use by name. Changed: InFine command "linehgt" - line height is now interpreted as a percentage of the actual height of font rather than a fixed 320x200 pixel offset.
2010-05-27 : Tweaked an error message in R_GetPatchInfo (invalid arguments). Added a verbose comment in R_PrecachePatch (unknown Patch).
2010-05-22 : Began clean up of GL_DrawText in preparation for implementing a proper visible dimension calculator for Text. * Split the paramater block parsing out of GL_DrawText. * Added drawtextstate_t and separated initialization and call-time "defaults".
2010-05-22 : Added a couple of comments to gl_drawcompositefont.h explaining the terms Text and Text fragment in the context of this API.
2010-05-21 All Games : Sequential cycling of player weapons using next/prev until the current weapon is fully lowered (for example, if the player owns weapons one through four and four is currently readied; cycling the previous weapon three times in quick succession will s
2010-05-17 : Added TOPLEFT/BOTTOMLEFT/TOPRIGHT/BOTTOMRIGHT drawText and drawPatch flags for improved brevity when making calls to these methods.
2010-05-15 : Added a DTF_* flags argument to M_DrawShadowedChar2
2010-05-12 : Added verbose log message detailing the paramaters for balancing done to detail textures by the Equalize algorithm.
2010-05-11 : Equalization algorithm used on detail textures during load which balances them toward the optimum average and amplifies the hi/low variance to achieve better results (with poor source textures) when rendering. Note this does not mean that artists no
2010-05-09 : Added a comment about a future optimization observation in the automap regarding the drawing of glowing linedef specials.
2010-05-09 : DDKEY_PRINT and DDKEY_CAPSLOCK and implemented support in the input SDL, Win32 and DirectInput wrappers (fixes Added: PrtSc now bound by default binding
2010-05-08 : Aspect correct scaling of finale animations (InFine). If the window aspect ratio is equal to or close to 4:3 finales will be stretched to fill the window unless new cvar "finale-nostretch" is enabled. Otherwise finales will be scaled and positioned t
2010-05-07 Changed | Windows : When running in windowed mode, use the dimensions of the virtual desktop for window position and sizing purposes (formerly the dimensions of the primary display). Added Win32: Command line option "-noframe": used in combination with "-wnd"/"-window"
April 2010
2010-04-29 All Games : Fullscreen HUD "wide offset" scaling. When using ultra wide/tall window dimensions the fullscreen head-up displays would be positioned at the very edge of the window (often into the user's peripheral vision range). Wide-offset allows the user to spec
2010-04-24 All Games : The Help screens shown when selecting "ReadThis" for the menu or using the (default) F1 shortcut are now defined as InFine scripts for customization in mods.
2010-04-20 Doom | Fixed : Dynamically spawned BOSSTARGETs (e.g., using the spawnmobj ccmd) only worked as expected if the player saved the game and then loaded it (at which point the target would be added to list of known boss brain targets). Fixed DOOM: Upon loading a saved
2010-04-05 : Added a new plugin hook (HOOK_TICKER) that gets called from DD_Ticker.
2010-04-05 Changed | Doom | Heretic : Added a new sound id "secret" to be played upon the player locating a secret area. The same sound is still played by default but the new id allows modders to change them independently.
March 2010
2010-03-24 Heretic : "Scrolling flats too slow". (see here Added Heretic: cvar "server-game-plane-fixmaterialscroll" 1=Fix bug in original Heretic which would only allow scrol
2010-03-21 Changed | Heretic : Items picked up by the player during map setup will not produce item-pickup sounds or screenflash. Pickup messages will be added to the log as normal.
2010-03-20 : cvar "rend-dev-polyobj-bbox" 1= Render polyobj bounding boxes (for debug).
2010-03-05 : Screen transitions. When busy mode ends a transition effect may be drawn to blend between the screen shown whilst busy and the destination frame. Implemented three effects: 1) basic crossfade 2) Smoothed DOOM screenwipe 3) DOOM screenwipe. jDoom uses
2010-03-04 : Added missing include for hu_pspr.h in jhexen/src/hrefresh.c
2010-03-01 : Smoothing of per-linedef lightlevel angle deltas. Approximated rounded surfaces are lit more realistically when using the DOOM lighting model. Added: CVar "rend-light-wall-angle-smooth" 1= Enable wall angle lightlevel delta smoothing (enabled by defa
February 2010
2010-02-28 All Games : Darken the screen after the users quits from the menu.
November 2009
2009-11-19 All Games : cvar "view-filter-strength" strength multiplier for screen filters (such as that used when the player collectings items or takes damage). Note that in deathmatch games this value is ignored when drawing the damage filter.
2009-11-17 dpDehRead : Support the Eternity extension for setting the amount of ammo used per shot in Weapon blocks.
2009-11-15 Changed | Doom : Logic of cvar "hud-title-noidsoft", now hides the map author if defined as "Id Software" if the map does not originate from an IWAD. Previously this behavior was dependent upon the map title patch graphic. Added (Herertic, Hexen): cvar "hud-title-nor
2009-11-12 : Added missing include for g_eventsequence.h in g_game.c
2009-11-07 : Added comment to buildSectorLineLists to say that DOOM's EV_BuildStairs is also dependant upon the order defined here.
2009-11-06 : CVAR "rend-dev-sky-always" 1= Always render the sky, even if there are no sky surfaces visible. For debug.
August 2009
2009-08-30 Fixed : Added missing default event bindings for viewsize -/+ (minus, equals).
2009-08-29 Fixed : "No intermission screen after map30" (see here: Changed: "After" InFine scripts are now executed after any intermission rather than before it. Added: New
July 2009
2009-07-23 Doom | Fixed : Original DOOM bug which would only consider the first weapon bound to a weapon slot when drawing the statusbar, "owned weapon" display. Added cvar "hud-status-weaponslots-ownedfix" to control this change in behaviour (default is enabled).
June 2009
2009-06-17 : Added a void* context paramater to the deferred spawn callback.
2009-06-16 Heretic | Hexen : "Heretic/HeXen: MF_Ripper Blood". Changed jHeretic/jHexen: Gave MT_BLOOD the MF_SOLID flag. The original Heretic/Hexen collision detection logic did not allow for non-solid mobjs to pass through solid ones. This meant that invariably, blood spawned b
2009-06-16 : Added missing include for stdarg.h to dd_share.h
2009-06-03 Debug | Fixed : Server-side buffer overflow when trying to transmit a "huge" InFine script to clients. Improved: Added some rudimentary mod authoring, debug aids to InFine scripts. If a referenced graphic is missing, it will now be reported in the console but the sc
May 2009
2009-05-29 : Added missing font character patch lumps to jHexen.
2009-05-29 : Added missing font character patch lumps to jHeretic.
2009-05-16 Changed | Doom : Removed freedoom.wad from the list of recognised/supported IWADs and removed the command line option -freedoom. I don't know who or when this was added but we most definitely do not support freedoom currently.
2009-05-14 : Changed FONTB patch numbers for ASCII characters [\]^_ added in jHeretic.pk3 to closer match the standard.
2009-05-14 : Changed FONTA patch numbers for ASCII characters [\]^_ added in jHeretic.pk3 to a continuous range to closer match the standard.
2009-05-14 : Switched FONTB patch numbers for ASCII characters [_ added in jHexen.pk3 to closer match the standard.
2009-05-14 : Changed FONTA patch numbers for ASCII characters [\]^_ added in jHexen.pk3 to a continuous range to closer match the standard.
2009-05-12 : Added ignore rules for build/win32/bin and build/win32/vs8/debug.
2009-05-04 : Compatibility option for the Maulotaur floor fire fix, cvar "server-game-maulotaur-fixfloorfire".
2009-05-03 Debug : Enabled the lumobj debug display in non-debug builds, added cvar "rend-dev-lums" to enable it.
2009-05-02 : Added b_util.h to doomsday.vcproj (was missing).
March 2009
2009-03-29 Fixed : "jHexen: Savegame Crash with jXRP" see here ( Added: cvar "rend-dev-generator-show-indices" - Display particle generator origin indices (for debug). Note
2009-03-12 : Added \fixme comment to SV_InitMaterialArchives about a design flaw which could at best result in HOM but at worst a seg fault upon loading a saved game. How best to tackle this?
2009-03-09 Fixed : Added a missing newline to a warning message in P_TouchSpecialMobj.
2009-03-03 : Numerous changes to the player inventory and associated HUD displays. Also added a few new user customization options as the work done made implementing them trivial. Note that jHexen will currently FTBFS as this commit only addresses jHeretic.
February 2009
2009-02-28 : Removed section entitled "How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs" from the LICENSE files for the engine and all plugins, as this section is not a part of the license itself. Added missing LICENSE docs for dpwadmapconverter and dswinmm.
2009-02-26 : Added \todo comment about moving interpretLinedefFlags into the dpWadMapConverter plugin.
2009-02-19 : Added eax.dll to the list of dlls to moved via the copydll target in vcbuild.bat
2009-02-19 : Added plugins/common/src/m_ctrl.c to the src file include lists for all games. All game plugins can once again be built successfully via vcbuild.
2009-02-19 : Added engine/win32/src/sys_window.c to doomsday_cl.rsp (was missing).
2009-02-10 All Games : cvar "map-open-timer", number of seconds taken to open/close the automap. Set the default as 0.3 seconds (slightly quicker than previously).
2009-02-10 : Added conversion of mouse button states in DD_ConvertEvent.
2009-02-09 All Games : CVar "menu-hotkeys" 1= Enable hotkey navigation in the menu. Enabled by default.
2009-02-09 All Games | Changed : A dead player can now instigate the "reborn" process by using the attack controls (formerly only "use" would do this). Changed to aid all those DOOM newbies out there. Note, a brief (one second) wait has been added to stop players from accidentally b
2009-02-09 : Added B_SetContextFallback to doomsday.def
2009-02-03 All Games : Menu controls for configuring the HUD auto-hide options.
2009-02-03 : Added sentient macro to jhexen's p_local.h
January 2009
2009-01-31 : Added missing include for string.h in rend_automap.c
2009-01-31 : Added missing include for stdlib.h in rend_automap.c
2009-01-28 Fixed | GL : Bug #2430153 - default automap colours not taken from PLAYPAL. Added: cvar "map-customcolors" controls the behaviour of when to use the custom automap colors; 0=Never, 1=Automatically disable the user's defaults if the mod being played includes a cus
2009-01-27 : Added m_stack.h to doomsday.vcproj
2009-01-26 All Games : Crosshair vitality. Colour the crosshair according to how near the player is to death.
2009-01-23 : Moved the DGL API and OpenGL system-level stuff into their final(?) resting places. Added an API header for DGL. Don't negotiate the DGL interface within the engine, instead, call OpenGL directly.
2009-01-20 : Continued clean up of rend_main.c and the render lists interface. Shiny polys are now added to the render lists using RL_AddPoly().
2009-01-18 : Sky definitions. Rather than define the sky properties for every map, each time in the Map Info definition, instead; use a Sky definition giving it a unique ID which is then used in the Map Info definition to link the two. This allows mod authors to
2009-01-11 : Added entries for the "conbg" ccmd to the games' conhelp.txt
2009-01-04 : Added a sanity check to R_MaterialCreate() to ensure we aren't creating materials without a texture.
2009-01-04 : Added missing prototype for R_UpdateTexturesAndFlats() to r_data.h
2009-01-01 : Console command "pausemusic".
December 2008
2008-12-30 Fixed : Added new src files to the codeblocks and vs8 dswinmm projects. Fixed filename of midistream.cpp
2008-12-29 : Updated the vs8 solution and project files re file name and path changes, added new project for dswinmm and deleted the dssdlmixer project.
2008-12-29 : Updated the vcbuild script, removed dssdlmixer and added the new dswinmm. Updated linker options for doomsday.exe so we link with sdl_mixer.lib
2008-12-29 : Updated the CodeBlocks workspace re changes to the audio driver interface, added a new project for dswinmm, deleted the dssdlmixer project.
2008-12-28 : Updated Snowberry's doomsday.conf * Name change of dscompat to dsdirectsound (default). * Removed the ds8 option (merged with dsdirectsound). * Added option for dsopenal (missing).
2008-12-17 : Added some basic paramater checking to the console database interfaces.
2008-12-14 Fixed : Fixed crash when attempting to use the dsOpenAL plugin if built via VC. Due to incorrect calling convention specified in dsopenal.vcproj. Also added a stub for DS_Getv.
2008-12-10 : Added polyobj_t->subsector = ptr to the subsector in which the polyobj origin resides.
2008-12-05 Changed | Fixed | Heretic : When the "extended" version of the IWAD is player, allow the sixth episode to be loaded in singleplayer mode via the menu. However, also display a warning message that this episode isn't designed for that game mode. I didn't even about know these map
2008-12-05 : Added a couple of missing semicolons in jheretic's maps.ded
2008-12-05 Changed | Doom | Heretic : Moved the definitions for which music track to play on each map into the external (default) Map Info definitions. Changed jDoom: Removed hardcoded limit on track numbers playable via the IDMUS cheat. Now all music tracks can be played, even ones adde
2008-12-04 : Implemented a simple protection mechanism to prevent the console bind context from being inadvertently deactivated by the user, via the console (heh). The result would otherwise be no way to quit Doomsday. Added a few usage restriction flags to the v
2008-12-04 : Added missing defines for the (temporary) flags to flip materials horizontally/vertically, per-surface. These will disappear once per-surface material scaling is exposed via DMU.
2008-12-03 : New sidedef flag "sdf_middle_stretch". Normally, height of the middle surface on twosided linedefs is clipped to that of the material used on it. If this flag is set, this behaviour is disabled (instead, the surface will stretch from floor to ceiling
2008-12-03 : Cvar "rend-dev-nosprite" 1= Display drawing of sprites and masked walls. Not archived.
November 2008
2008-11-30 : Added ROM-IWAD switch texture name pairs to switchInfo.
2008-11-30 : Removed the anim group definitions for jDoom64 texture animations. Use a similar method to jDoom to build the default set of animations at run time. Added precache groups for the switch texture pairs.
2008-11-26 : Added a working algorithm for decompressing DOOM64 format, compressed data. This is still somewhat early and requires a lot more study so it can be documented fully.
2008-11-18 : Added a new method of material look up using the original texture/flat/sprite/etc index plus a material group.
2008-11-18 : Added missing newline at end of warning message in R_ReadTexureDefs.
2008-11-17 : Added new routines to handle the determination of whether detail textures or reflections are to be used with a particular material (is it from an PWAD? Does the definition allow this? etc...).
2008-11-16 : Added flags for Detail and Reflection definitions to govern when the definitions will be used (with IWAD, with PWAD etc), analogous to those for Detail textures.
2008-11-16 : Moved constant defines for DD_GAMETIC, DD_OPENRANGE, DD_OPENTOP, DD_OPENBOTTOM and DD_LOWFLOOR out of the section listing integer values for use with Set/Get (they are no longer integers). Added new DMU property name DMU_DXY which returns both X and
2008-11-16 : Added aliases for a few XG flags so that "material" can be used in place of "texture/flat" where appropriate.
2008-11-03 Debug | Fixed : Fixed bug in LO_AddLuminousMobjs which could lead to a seg fault when trying to process segs of a degenerate subsector. Added debug error message if a material for a given sprite frame can not be determined in LO_AddLuminous (trying to catch a non-wi
2008-11-03 : Added a typedef for the lump grouping tags enum (lumpgrouptag_t).
2008-11-03 : Added define DOOMSDAY_VERSION_NUMBER for use under win32 as the product number in the metadata of Doomsday.exe.
2008-11-03 : Removed the old Splint for inconsistent size_t type. Added a define for the max length of a filename_t.
October 2008
2008-10-30 : New manifests, resource scripts and updated vcprojs for all games. Proper vendor metadata is now added to the game libraries under Windows.
2008-10-30 : Made use of the HUD menu background feature to get rid of the old kludges used with the ReadThis/Credits screens. This has the added benefit that the player view(s) won't be drawn while viewing these menus if opaque.
2008-10-30 Fixed : Fixed various issues with save games. * jHexen - After map load the current weapon would lower and then raise again. (pendingWeapon was never saved and instead was set to currentWeapon in SV_ReadPlayer). * jHexen - player_t->airCounter was only ad
2008-10-20 All Games : Added the following default control bindings * key-e = fly up * key-q = fly down * key-f = fall down jHexen: Changed the default bindings for inventory left/right to repeaters. jHexen: The default binding for refreshing the last displayed message was
September 2008
2008-09-23 : Added some basic error checking to the exported routines of driver_openal.c and did some clean up.
August 2008
2008-08-26 All Games | Fixed : Implemented a new scoreboard for all types of multiplayer game. All of the old frag displays have been removed. The scoreboard is visible by holding the '\' backslash key (by default) while in a multiplayer game. Note that this is an initial implemen
2008-08-23 : Sector lightlevel limits for model decoration definitions (currently unused).
July 2008
2008-07-21 Debug | Fixed : Revised method for texturing planes. Rather than aligning to the world grid, subsector planes are now textured using the bbox of the subsector to derive the s, t tex coords. This allows for all world surfaces to be textured using the same algorithms
2008-07-19 : Added the noautolight flag to the armor pickups in jDoom as they looked a bit silly with flashing lights as well as fullbright.
2008-07-08 : Added some artifact bindings, with item texts read from the Text definitions. The horizontal spacing needs to be adjusted, though, as some of the items are too long currently.
2008-07-08 : Added B_BindingsForCommand and B_BindingsForControl to doomsday.def
2008-07-08 : Added new source files to the VS8 proj, the Code::Blocks proj and to the vcbuild include lists.
2008-07-05 Fixed : Fixed typos in last commit and added missing include for string.h
2008-07-05 Fixed : Bug #2001999 - Use sound played when an XG line activation requires a key and the trigger event type is not XLE_USE. Added (jDoom/jheretic/jDoom64/WolfTC): Paramater substitution of keyname into the various "This object requires <keyname>" stri
2008-07-04 : Added a sub-pixel offset to the halo/flare origin in GL_CalcLuminace so that they are centered to the middle of the brightest pixel.
2008-07-04 : Added missing include for de_play.h in b_command.c
2008-07-03 : Added symbolic events and parameter substitution in event binding commands.
2008-07-02 : Added back DD_GAME_EXPORTS as I need it for something I'm tinkering at.
June 2008
2008-06-30 : Replaced the global var allowMouseMod with a static uiMouseMode in dd_input.c and added I_SetUIMouseMode to change it.
2008-06-28 : Added busy mode task names for saving and map loading.
2008-06-28 : Added an optional task name parameter to Con_Busy to be shown when displaying the progress bar. Note this should be a simple, high-level explanation of what task is being carried out e.g. "Loading map..."
2008-06-26 : Added the missing Sys_SetConWindowCmdLine to the Mac, Unix and SDL variants of sys_window.
2008-06-25 : Implemented R_GetMaterialInfo to replace the old texture height query. Also added new caps for multisampling and non-pow2 textures.
2008-06-25 Windows only : Use multisampling to achieve fullscreen antialiasing if available. Added (All platforms): Take advantage of the relaxed non-power-of-two rule in OpenGL if available, on textures which do not require mipmaps (can be disabled from the command line with
2008-06-25 All Games | Fixed : Fixed a logic error in p_map.c which prevented mobjs from avoiding dropoffs correctly. Added logic to treat the mobj's current z height as the floor when stood on another mobj in P_TryMove2. Also began work on resolving the issues with P_SlideMove.
2008-06-25 Doom64 : Various AI changes due to new knowledge gained through reverse-engineering a DOOM64 ROM dump. Also added a few stub actions for actions which I'm still researching.
2008-06-14 Doom64 : More work to objects.ded: * Removed more unused states. * Updated flag syntax. * Removed the fullbright flag from all states that shouldn't be, such as items. * Removed the alwayslit flag from the barrel. * Added brightshadow to the telefog (IFOG).
April 2008
2008-04-10 : Added missing casts to byte in Con_SetInteger() when var->type == CVT_BYTE
2008-04-08 Doom : Cvar "hud-keys-combine" and "Single key display" HUD menu option - Controls the default DOOM behaviour where keys of the same colour are only drawn once (e.g., if the player has both the red keycard and the red skull; only the red skull will be displ
March 2008
2008-03-28 Fixed : checkMeleeRange() would forever fail if !cfg.netNoMaxZMonsterMeleeAttack due to the way the z height component was added to the distance calculation. Instead, do a z-height threshold check.
2008-03-24 : Added path vs blockmap AABB clipping to both P_SightPathTraverse() and P_PathTraverse(). Due to the way the LOS traces have been traditionally handled, it meant that frequently the destination of the trace was completely outside the blockmap. This cl
2008-03-23 : Added the missing map object MO_ID property identifier in jHexen.
2008-03-23 : Added missing include for string.h
2008-03-23 : Begun splitting up RL_VertexColors(). Also, extended the torch lighting to allow for an RGB color to be specified and added a multiplicative blending mode (implemented for jDoom64's BFG explosion effect).
2008-03-20 : Determine global paths (userdir, basedir etc) as early as possible during startup, so that under Windows we can provide LoadLibrary() with absolute paths. Also added DENG_LIBRARY_DIR which if defined at compile time; changes the location of the libra
2008-03-18 : Split off our interface to SDL input out to disdlinput.dll/so/lib and added a di* lib loader under *nix.
2008-03-17 : Added inter project dependencies to the codeblocks doomsday.workspace to ensure correct build order.
2008-03-17 Debug : Added a virtual build target "All" for all projects. This build target will automatically build all child targets for each project (for example, if the active project is jDoom; Build "All" will build both Debug Win32 and Release Win32 targets).
2008-03-16 : Added new public functions, removed old ones not currently in use.
2008-03-16 : Added new source files to doomsday_cl.rsp
2008-03-16 : Added new source files to the vs vcproj and sln. Also added the missing lib libcmt to the includes for a release build.
2008-03-14 : Added more error checking to the MPE interface.
2008-03-09 : Added the option for specifying a different public name for an internal data structure in
2008-03-08 Fixed : Stripped out all of the new levels that were added for the Doom64TC. Put the remaining levels back into their original progression. Fixed some alignment issues with the Unmaker powerup sprites.
2008-03-08 Fixed : Stripped out all of the new levels that were added for the Doom64TC. Put the remaining levels back into their original progression. Fixed the interlude strings to match the originals.
2008-03-08 : Stripped out the "Nightmare Demon" from jDoom64. It was added in Doom64TC.
2008-03-08 : Stripped out the Nightmare Cacodemon from jDoom64. It was added in Doom64TC.
2008-03-08 : Stripped out the acid spitting demon from jDoom64. It was added in the Outcast edition.
2008-03-07 : Added missing external function prototype.
2008-03-07 : Added a GPL V2 LICENSE to doom64/docs.
2008-03-07 Doom64 : Stripped out the "HellTime" and "Floater" powerups that were added for the Outcast edition.
2008-03-07 : Added missing prototype for P_InitPlayerValues.
2008-03-06 : Added new header files to jHexen's vcproj.
2008-03-06 : Added new headers files to jHeretic's vcproj.
2008-03-06 : Added new headers to jDoom's vcproj and tweaked a few other options so that paths, names etc in the build configurations are inherited from the project defaults.
2008-03-06 : Added all the currently implemented values to jDoom's values.ded
2008-03-06 : Added new headers to the Doom64 vcproj.
February 2008
2008-02-05 : Added a new parsing routine in def_read.c to handle blendmodes rather than using the read flags routine (note, blendmodes are still defined as flags in DED definitions all that has changed is the routine that does the parsing).
January 2008
2008-01-28 : Added execution timers to Sv_InitPools() and DAM_BuildBlockmap().
2008-01-27 : Added missing include for curses.h under *nix
2008-01-23 : Added a _DEBUG check for attempting to write too large of a packet to a demo file.
2008-01-10 : Added new blendmode; bm_inv (glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR))
2008-01-10 : Added new source files for the engine-internal DGL stuff.
December 2007
2007-12-30 : * Separated the functionality from keymap ccmd into another routine so that it can be called directly. * Removed the old input key scancode logging. It would seem it stopped working at some point. Will replace soon. * Added a bunch of newer video mod
2007-12-16 Debug : Removed code added during the debug of P_RoughMonsterSearch.
2007-12-15 : Added a CMakeLists.txt for dpWadMapConverter hopefully, it works.
2007-12-15 : Added a bunch of status messages to dpwadmapconverter to give indication of progress.
2007-12-15 : Added hu_menu.c to the games' vs8 project files.
2007-12-15 : Added an optimization to the decor lights. Surface decorations are now cached and linked with surface_t to avoid having to do all the calculations every frame (this provided a very health boost to the fps in large maps like dv.wad::MAP05).
2007-12-15 : Added an argument to GL_NewTextureWithParams to specify that the 8bit texture should be converted to luminance before uploading (currently only used for the automap mask).
2007-12-15 Debug : Added few checks for debug purposes.
2007-12-15 : Added some additional info to the wrong side error message in C_AddViewRelOcclusion().
2007-12-15 : Added new cached map file reader/writer.
2007-12-15 : Added the new DGL constants for the smooth lines and variable line widths.
2007-12-15 : Added support for changing the GL_LINE_SMOOTH environment variable for antialiased line drawing and variable line widths. GL_LINE_SMOOTH is now enabled by default.
2007-12-15 Fixed : Added a line width parameter to the automap render list management. Fixed the automap mask to blend vertex alpha with mask alpha instead of color.
2007-12-15 : Added the new DOOM/Heretic/Hexen/Strife map converter. This code *should* work fine on all supported platforms but its only been tested under Win XP thus far.
November 2007
2007-11-29 : Changed default charset for all the VC++2008 project files to unicode (was Multi-byte). Added new source file engine/portable/src/r_materials.c to the Doomsday project and vcbuild source include script.
2007-11-22 : Added new source files to Doomsday.sln and updated vcbuild.
2007-11-22 : Added a further mode to the fullscreen console toggle, now goes from one line > half height > fullheight.
2007-11-16 Fixed : Fixed an off by one in the menu fog layer iteration. Added the correct WolfTC menu sounds.
October 2007
2007-10-22 : Added dpExample to the vs8 solution and sorted out the inter-project dependencies so that they are always built in the correct order.
2007-10-22 : Added a bare-bones example of a Doomsday plugin, as requested by angeliss.
September 2007
2007-09-15 : Added V3_ClosestPointOnPlane(); given a plane normal plus a point in the plane, find the point in the plane closest to some arbitrary point.
2007-09-15 : Added some three-dimensional vector math routines.
August 2007
2007-08-23 : Added some comments regarding the current algorithmic complexity of the various linked list methods. Improvement can be made when needed.
2007-08-05 : Added V2_Rotate() as an exported function in doomsday.def
July 2007
2007-07-31 : Added a log message to dpMapLoad making it explicit when we build and when we load from cache including time taken.
2007-07-31 : Added Sys_SetActiveWindow() to change the currently active window. Other win32 fixes.
2007-07-31 : Added missing new line characters to some busy mode messages.
2007-07-30 : Added the "console" class, which gets activated upon opening of the console.
2007-07-26 : Added Doom64TC to the Xcode project so that I can see whether it breaks when I make changes. Introduced also the fractional game ticker.
2007-07-26 : Added WolfTC to the Xcode project so that I can see whether it breaks when I make changes.
2007-07-23 : Added remaining controls for all games to G_RegisterPlayerControls().
2007-07-19 : Added engine/portable/src/sys_sdl_window.c which contains the framework for SDL-based window management, currently missing an implementation (coming soon).
2007-07-02 Debug : Updated the debug renderer with the newly added exported routines.
2007-07-02 Debug : Updated the debug renderer with the newly added exported routines.
2007-07-01 : Added plugins/<game>/include/g_ctrl.h.
June 2007
2007-06-29 : Added compatibility option for the HUD OUCH face fix, both in the menu and via the cvar "hud-face-ouchfix".
2007-06-29 : Added stubs for the needed unix window management code.
2007-06-25 drOpenGL : Added a DG_Init() function to be called when the plugin is first loaded and renamed the existing DG_Init() to DG_CreateContext().
2007-06-10 Debug : Created a vcproj and for and added dsA3D to doomsday.sln. Compiles OK in both debug and release builds but untested.
May 2007
2007-05-22 : Added a new multitexturing environment for a simple modulation of two textures.
March 2007
2007-03-31 : Added missing line to end of file.
2007-03-23 Hexen : Added type byte for line_t and sector_t. Added sector class sc_ploff to jHexen's save code (used to reduce the size of an archived sector if none of the floor or ceiling texture offsets are non-zero).
2007-03-19 : Added notes about a kludge used in original Hexen to facilitate multiple special thinkers per sector in order to implement "lifts" (moving floor & ceiling).
2007-03-18 : Added a couple of asserts to aid in tracking down a rare sigsegv which I believe to be stemming from DL_GetSubSecPlaneLightLinks(). Take 2.
2007-03-18 : Added a couple of asserts to aid in tracking down a rare sigsegv which I believe to be stemming from DL_GetSubSecPlaneLightLinks().
2007-03-16 Doom : Added support for BOOM line special id 85: Scroll textures on this linedef to the right, one world unit per tic.
2007-03-02 Debug : Use floats for vissprite_t->gx,gy,gz,gzt,floorclip. Added an assert to bufferNewLine() to help debug a difficult to reproduce seg fault when trying to remove a buffer node.
2007-03-02 : Added gltexture_t->texmasked, use that when setting the rendpoly texture's mask status instead of relying on the global var texmask to be in sync with curtex.
February 2007
2007-02-28 : Implemented the facility for menu pages to feature a background. Added for WolfTC at Martin's request. It is assumed that menu background patches will contain ZERO TRANSPARENT PIXELS. To use, simply specifiy the name of the patch to use as the backgr
2007-02-26 : Continued development on DAM. Split ReadMapProperty() into two subroutines A)read from the src buffer B)set the map property. Reorganised things yet further so that DAM's SetProperty() is now almost identical in use and purpose to its counterpart in
2007-02-18 : Added texture content flag TXCF_UPLOAD_ARG_NOSMARTFILTER. Currently only used with the busy mode screen grab (was taking upwards of 3.4 seconds at 1920x1200 with smart filtering enabled).
2007-02-18 : Added a note about the way lines are drawn in the automap. Lines must be grouped into as large a sequence of vertices as possible; the current implementation experiences significant FPS drops.
2007-02-18 : Added ccmd flag CMDF_NO_DEDICATED. If an attempt is made to execute a ccmd attributed with this flag when running in dedicated mode; the attempt is blocked before execution. Trawled the engine looking for all potentially sensitive ccmds and made safe
2007-02-18 : Added a new tab to the Doomsday Control Panel to be used for setting game controls.
2007-02-17 : Added x_event.h to jhexen.vcproj
2007-02-13 : Added Brazilian Portuguese. There appears to be some character conversion issues going on at least on the Mac, needs further investigation.
2007-02-10 : Added p_player.h
2007-02-09 : Added a zip path mapping for /Sfx (mapped to data/game/sfx) as somehow I missed that one when implementing them.
2007-02-08 : Added a zip path mapping for /Models (mapped to data/game/models) as somehow I missed that one when implementing them.
2007-02-07 : Updated cbuffer_t with a new means to retrieve lines. Con_BufferGetLines() returns an array of ptrs from the given buffer. This was added to eliminate the problem of meshing due to the fact that multiple threads can write to a cbuffer_t, meaning that
2007-02-06 : Added a TODO about protecting console buffers with mutexes.
2007-02-04 : Removed unneeded code added during debug.
2007-02-04 Debug | Fixed : Revised R_InitLineNeighbors() to make use of vertex lineowners. In doing so, the majority of the visual fakeradio glitches when playing maps utilizing DOOM renderer hacks have been resolved (the old code was sometimes finding the wrong line neighbors
2007-02-04 : Updated style. Added my name to the author list (was missing).
January 2007
2007-01-29 : Added mapdata.hs to vcproj
2007-01-21 : Added win32 exports for dsSDLMixer.
2007-01-13 : Created a vcproj for WolfTC and added it to doomsday.sln (build disabled by default in all configs).
2007-01-13 : Created a vcproj for Doom64TC and added it to doomsday.sln (build disabled by default in all configs).
2007-01-12 : Changed seg_t->offset, surface_t->texmove and surface_t->oldtexmove to float. Added missing vtx member initialization.
2007-01-10 : Added the dsSDLMixer VC++ project. vcbuild.bat does not yet have a target for this. dsSDLMixer compiles, but SDL_mixer is now required on Windows, too.
2007-01-10 : Added the SDLMixer project to the solution.
2007-01-09 : Added cvar chat-beep; 1= Play a beep sound when a new chat message arrives.
2007-01-08 : Added a control panel description for the light range compression control to cphelp.txt Removed the zerotext string for this control as the "Disabled" setting is now in the middle of the range (+/-99 ie 0).
2007-01-07 Debug : Added a bunch of debug messagse for network connecting.
2007-01-07 : Added kludge to fix the no ammo weapon switching issue with jHexen. We need to split the weapon firing routines and implement them as new fire modes.
2007-01-06 : Added a tab area for My Addon Folders and User Interface options. UI options are created based on the defined system settings, not hard-coded any more.
2007-01-05 : Added system setting for hiding profile buttons.
2007-01-03 : Added -libdir, an option to tell Doomsday the location where to load shared libraries.
2007-01-03 : Adjusted addon list context menus. Added the Check/Uncheck All menu items.
2007-01-01 : Added con_buffer.[ch] to the Xcode project.
December 2006
2006-12-31 : Added missing includes for P_IsPaused. Added a menu item for the unhide hud control. Removed the statusbar sizing controls (it has no status bar).
2006-12-30 : Made it possible to specify language strings from .conf files. Added win-accel.conf for the default Windows menu accelerators.
2006-12-30 : Added a target for copying redistributable runtime SDK DLLs to the build dir. They will then be included into the release package by Inno Setup.
2006-12-30 : Added DLLs for inclusion into binary win32 release packages.
2006-12-30 : Added documentation URL. Help plugin should open the URL in a browser when the "Snowberry Help" menu item is selected.
2006-12-30 : Added a Refresh button to the Addons tab. I have no idea how well it works in practice, though.
2006-12-29 : Fine-tuning to the Snowberry UI. Adjusted borders, alignments, button styles, text field fonts. The profile context menu items were added to the Profile menu in the menu bar. Trying to launch the Defaults profile, or view its command line, produces a
2006-12-28 : Added the missing namespace for Widget.
2006-12-26 Fixed : Fixed the "res" target. Normal slashes were used for md, which confused things. Replaced with backslashes. Also, my new Platform SDK has afxres.h in an mfc subfolder, which as added to the include path for the rc invocation.
October 2006
2006-10-29 : Added build options for compiling with _DEBUG and DD_PROFILE.
2006-10-24 Debug : When selecting a list the detail texture (if any) is used when comparing against the primitive to be written. This makes primitives with the same texture to be seen as unique if they have different detail textures and thus they will be added to separ
2006-10-15 : Added missing new line at file end.
2006-10-14 Fixed : Fixed segv problem with "rend-tex 2" (thanks yagisan). Fixed lighting discrepancies (light adaptation was being applied twice for mobj sprites and models). Minor tweaks in the model lighting code. Added potentially visible flags to sideinfo_t, use th
2006-10-08 Optimize : Rendpolys are no longer allocated on the stack each and every time they are needed. Added a rendpoly allocation mechanism which allows the same rendpolys to be re-used whenever possible. Number of vertices are also allocated dynamically at this time,
2006-10-08 Fixed : Cleanup. Added function headers. Fixed issue of returned false positives when searching for nodes when a substring matches.
September 2006
2006-09-30 : Added cvar "rend-sprite-alpha". 1=Enable variable translucency on sprites.
2006-09-30 : Added cvar "rend-mobj-light-auto". 1=Enable automatically calculated lights for mobjs. This does not affect mobjs which have explicit light definitions.
2006-09-19 : Finalized high level implementation for improved security on execution of console commands sent over the net. We now know where the command came from before executing (i.e. local or remote) and also the invocation method used (e.g. remote client cons
2006-09-18 : Added cvar "player-autoswitch-ammo" autoswitch weapon when after collecting ammo for a weapon which had previously ran out of ammo; 0= never 1= if better 2= always.
2006-09-18 : Added missing MF_PICKUP flag which prevent players from picking up objects again after changing back from cameras.
2006-09-16 Fixed : Fixed reading of skipped sector deltas. Added dummy planes to dummy.
2006-09-16 : Added missing auto-aim enabled check. Updated jHeretic's P_SpawnMissileAngle to ensure missiles are always spawned with the correct momentum in 3D if not overridden by specifying a z momentum (in which case, no adjustment is made to the X/Y direction
2006-09-16 : Added missing auto-aim enabled check.
2006-09-10 : Added common/include/p_tick.h for common top level tick stuff. The message buffer should not be ticked when the game is paused.
2006-09-04 Fixed : Fixed up missing control panel help info. Added new info for some settings. Re jigged things slightly under Texture options.
2006-09-01 : Added forward declaration of biasaffection_s to stop gcc whining.
August 2006
2006-08-29 : Modified the jHexen save game code to include an easier to use global save version. Added sector and line version bytes. Added new per-surface texture offsets to save games.
2006-08-29 Fixed : Added conversion of fixed to float in the archived save game reader.
2006-08-28 : Added missing text.ded to doom64tc.
2006-08-27 : Added scripts to project.
2006-08-27 Fixed : Added command to compile directly as an IWAD. Fixed a null character handling issue. Better version info.
2006-08-27 : Added missing [state].
2006-08-27 : Added the Doom64TC IWAD to the repository.
2006-08-27 : Added /packs/doom64tc
2006-08-27 Fixed : Fixed byte/boolen discrepancy (which does not work on big endian cpus) and added missing min/max values.
2006-08-24 : Added missing music definitions for jHexen.
2006-08-21 : Added a Python script for creating PK3s from files in their source locations.
2006-08-21 : Added S_StartSoundEX to exports.
2006-08-20 : Added missing _DEBUG preprocessor definitions.
2006-08-20 : Added parameter to comment.
2006-08-18 : Added cvar "rend-dev-tex-showfix" - render surfaces with a missing texture that we fix automatically using the "missing" texture (for debug). Changed the usage of "missing" texture (see above) use the "unknown" texture for surfaces whose texture is u
2006-08-14 : Added some printfs for debugging event > binding > command execution.
2006-08-13 : Added the original graphic master for the Snowberry orbs.
2006-08-13 : Cleaned up obsolete/commented out code, added functions for printing lowlevel info (used in "net info").
2006-08-12 : Added comment.
2006-08-11 : Continued splitting modules. Added a real menu bar instead of a button that shows a dropdown menu. Added menu accelerator keys.
2006-08-09 : Added a LICENSE to Snowberry.
2006-08-09 : Added german.lang.
2006-08-09 : Added missing headers.
2006-08-09 : Added WolfTC to vcbuild to build on windows.
2006-08-09 : Added Cmakelists.txt for WolfTC.
2006-08-09 : Added plugins/wolftc
2006-08-08 : Added master.php
2006-08-07 : Added -glfinish for Linux/Unix.
2006-08-06 : Added type names for all types defined in source files, in all games. To make project navigation easier in VC++
2006-08-05 Fixed : Various 64bit and compiler warning fixes. Fixed jHexen FTBFS. Added guards around code in /common which should not be included in jHexen. Updated /jhexen/CMakeLists.txt so src files are auto-included.
2006-08-02 Fixed : Fixed win32 building of resources to work without VC++. Added the compiled Doomsday.res and drD3D.res to the repository.
2006-08-02 : Remove thinkerinfo_t->name added during debug.
2006-08-01 : Added back missing m_menu.h headers.
July 2006
2006-07-31 : Numerous bug fixes, improvements and clean up to common playsim code. Added minor new feature(s) to HUD and inventory (auto-hiding HUD in jDoom. When finalized will implement in the other games). Commonised several customizability features/options no
2006-07-23 : Added a note about deprecation of the plain text changelog.
June 2006
2006-06-21 : Added a couple of checks to prevent multiple CVARs and CCmds from being registered under the same identifier.
2006-06-19 : Added new/changed source files.
2006-06-19 : Added packed long write/read routines. Note that packed longs can contain an arbitrary number of bytes. However, only 28 bits fit into 4 bytes.
2006-06-18 : Added some debugging messages.
2006-06-18 : Added cl_oldworld.c to the Xcode project.
2006-06-18 : Added more routines, renamed and moved movertype_t.
2006-06-15 : Added _DEBUG in Development build.
2006-06-13 : Added a convenience header for jheretic.h (I wish I had thought of this before inserting ../../jheretic/include everywhere...). Also continued updating the Xcode project.
2006-06-13 : Added a master header file for jHexen. (Similar will soon be committed for jHeretic.)
2006-06-13 : Added response files for win32 vctk2k3 build.
May 2006
2006-05-28 : Added an Xcode project for Snowberry.
2006-05-18 : Remove unnecessarily added CPHelp.txt
2006-05-14 : Added a Mac icon file for Snowberry.
October 2005
2005-10-23 : Added addon folders to wizard, tweaks and fixes
July 2005
2005-07-26 : Renamed tabs, added Maps
2005-07-08 : Much better expressions in options; added manifests and folder options
2005-07-06 : Added popup menu; shortcut to Snowberry prefs
June 2005
2005-06-01 : Added separate batch file for build configuration, so that vcbuild.bat contains only generic stuff
2005-06-01 : Added missing st_stuff.c
May 2005
2005-05-30 : Added M_StrCatQuoted, exported in public API
2005-05-29 : Added missing #ifndef#define wrapping.
2005-05-29 : Added menufog, missing font and masked statusbar patches.
2005-05-29 : Added entries for 1.9.0
2005-05-29 : Added from jDoom. jHexen now uses this gamma table.
2005-05-29 : Automap keys are bindable. Added actions for panning, zooming map.
2005-05-29 : Added several new cvars and cfg settings for automap, menu, message, chat macros and hud settings. Standardised names of exported functions. Seperated cvar registration into several _Register() functions for each area of code.
2005-05-29 : Automap keys are bindable. Added actions for panning, zooming map.
2005-05-29 : Automap keys are bindable. Added actions for panning, zooming the map.
2005-05-29 : Added several new cvars and cfg settings for automap, menu, message, chat macros and hud settings. Standardised names of exported functions. Seperated cvar registration into several _Register() functions for each area of code.
2005-05-29 : Added cht_Responder() for responding to cheats. Moved all cheat related code to m_cheat.c
2005-05-29 : Added various Doom.exe bug fixes (with compatibility options) for Lost Souls spawning inside walls, Archviles raising invincible ghosts etc using fixes by Lee K from PrBoom.
2005-05-29 : Commonised HUD message routines. Added various cvars to control look of messages.
2005-05-29 : Modified XG line flag values (to simplify bit masks for generalised line types). Added various new lprefs, sprefs and lightrefs (reference the plane/sector on the back of the linedef). Added new line data references (ability to return data from the r
2005-05-29 : Commonised menu. Commonised controls menu. Added Binding Classes.
2005-05-29 : Added UI menu page for BIAS editor. Bias editor binding class.
2005-05-29 : Added Strife texture and patch struct variants. Added algorithm to desaturate patches. Added a hint when Doomsday advises the game not to draw the HUD displays.
2005-05-29 : Automap keys are bindable. Added actions for panning, zooming the map.
2005-05-29 : Commonised controls menu. Added Binding Classes.
2005-05-29 : Added textdefs for automap messages and XG class names. Updated style (uses spaces rather than tabs).
2005-05-29 : Automap controls are bindable. Added actions for panning, zooming the map.
2005-05-29 : Added textdefs for automap messages and XG class names. Updated style (uses spaces rather than tabs).
2005-05-29 Fixed : Removed fixed limits on number of active plats/ceilings using modified code from PrBoom. Added various Doom.exe bug fixes (with compatibility options) for Lost Souls spawning inside walls, Archviles raising invincible ghosts etc using fixes by Lee K
2005-05-29 : Automap keys are bindable. Added actions for zooming, panning the automap.
2005-05-29 : Added cht_Responder() for responding to cheats. Moved all cheat related code to m_cheat.c
2005-05-29 : Commonised controls menu. Added Binding Classes.
2005-05-29 : Added textdefs for automap messages and XG class names. Updated style (uses spaces rather than tabs).
2005-05-29 : Added XG class names via DED text defs. To improve readability of xgdev messages.
2005-05-29 : Modified XG line flag values (to simplify bit masks for generalised line types). Added various new lprefs, sprefs and lightrefs (reference the plane/sector on the back of the linedef). Added new line data references (ability to return data from the r
2005-05-29 : Commonised HUD message routines. Added various cvars to control look of messages.
2005-05-29 : Added Strife patch and texture struct variants.
2005-05-25 : Added r_lgrid.c
2005-05-25 : Added r_lgrid.c
2005-05-25 : Added r_lgrid.c (sector light grid for bias lighting). Optimization for finding ptcgen associated with flat. The light level of things is evaluated using the grid.
2005-05-25 : Added the macro MINMAX_OF (limit between two values)
2005-05-07 : Added a proper CRC-32 calculation
2005-05-07 : Added a verbose level 2 message for R_LoadModel
2005-05-01 Debug : Added some verbose2 debug messages. The case of file and directory names is now preserved in the file hash. stricmp is used instead of strcmp.
April 2005
2005-04-17 : Added a ColoredArea class
2005-04-17 : uniDeconv added; conversion back from Unicode
2005-04-15 : Added dani.j
2005-04-14 : Added link to wiki
March 2005
2005-03-06 : Added a Mac OS X bundle builder
2005-03-06 : Added refresh() to MultiArea
2005-03-05 : Added the icon
February 2005
2005-02-28 : Added host OS routines
2005-02-26 : Added an example of a box
2005-02-10 : Added cvar for controlling default fog algorithm (used to hardcoded to GL_LINEAR)
January 2005
2005-01-16 : Added lightlevel[2] to ded_light_t
2005-01-12 : Bias lights added to the Light definition
2005-01-12 : Added some distance routines
2005-01-12 : Added calls to Editor HUD drawing
2005-01-12 : Added bias light data structures
2005-01-12 : Bias lights added to the Light definition
2005-01-12 : Added the "unique" level identifier
2005-01-08 : Added zlib, rend_bias
2005-01-08 : Added Mac info
2005-01-08 : Added the Game menu
2005-01-08 : Added the Flats external resource category
2005-01-08 : Added a sight check from a 3D point to another 3D point
2005-01-08 : Added a more configurable file name base extraction routine
2005-01-08 : Added rend_bias
2005-01-04 : Added reflection min color
2005-01-03 : Added missing files
2005-01-03 : Added Lib\\*.lib
2005-01-02 : Added console commands
2005-01-02 : Added conopen, conclose, contoggle
2005-01-01 : Added blending mode flags (bm_*)
2005-01-01 : Added blending mode subtract2
2005-01-01 : Surface reflections (shiny effects), submodel blending mode added
2005-01-01 : Added a second subtract blending mode, with src_alpha * src_color
December 2004
2004-12-30 : Added shiny reaction and shiny factor
2004-12-23 : Added a batch file for building from command line in Windows
October 2004
2004-10-05 : Added Czech translation by Jan Kalab
August 2004
2004-08-26 : Added an option for smart texture filtering
2004-08-20 : Added info about MIDI music
2004-08-20 : Added 'music-midi-command' which is used to play MIDI music externally
2004-08-07 : Added player-move-speed
2004-08-06 : Added Include/Common/p_ticcmd.h
2004-08-06 : Added common ticcmd struct
July 2004
2004-07-30 : Added the "message" console command
2004-07-29 : Added -L/usr/X11R6/lib (safe to use?)
2004-07-26 : Added the dpMapLoad project
2004-07-25 : Added config options --without-(game)
2004-07-24 : Added determination of last modification time Auxiliary lump cache is back in business
2004-07-24 : Added a map loader plugin
2004-07-24 : Added determination of last modification time
2004-07-24 : Added more typenames
2004-07-24 : Added german keymap
2004-07-12 : Added a glBSP map loader plugin to the project
2004-07-11 : Version changes to 1.8.1 Added Daniel Norton (Subworl) to the Acknowledgements
2004-07-11 : Added info about --without-opengl
2004-07-11 : Added the --without-opengl configuration option
2004-07-10 : Added rend-halo-realistic, the realistic halo mode
June 2004
2004-06-27 : Added declaration of deathmatch player spawn routine
2004-06-20 : Added the "listmaps" command that had got lost
2004-06-19 : Added a UDP transmit randomizer for debugging/testing
2004-06-16 : Added a separate killmsg for telestomp
2004-06-07 : Added changes for RC2
2004-06-07 : Added a menu entry for binding the screenshot command
2004-06-07 : Added instructions on how to run a dedicated server
2004-06-01 : Added files needed in building a distribution package
May 2004
2004-05-31 : Added some more typenames
2004-05-31 : Added the year 2004 to the copyright notice
2004-05-31 : Added the year 2004 to the copyright notice
2004-05-30 : Added a stub for making splash effects
2004-05-30 : Added a darkness cvar
2004-05-30 : Added FakeRadio settings
2004-05-30 : Tweaked indentation style, added more types
2004-05-28 : Added some missing files
March 2004
2004-03-11 : Added Linux todo about directories
2004-03-04 : Added a reminder about game extensions
2004-03-01 : Moved the jHexen model pack readme from Data\jHexen\Models to here, added a CVS Id
2004-03-01 : Added CVS Id, got rid of DOS file format
February 2004
2004-02-29 : Added some more decorations
2004-02-13 : Added a missing semicolon
2004-02-11 axis types : pointer, stick
2004-02-11 : Added control ticker and axis delta offsets
2004-02-11 : Added turn speeds
2004-02-09 : Added -r (release name) option
2004-02-08 : Added one more newline
January 2004
2004-01-28 : Added missing Generator keys "Init vector Rnd" and "Submodel" (merge problem)
2004-01-25 Fixed : Fixed for new system config, added -gfx
2004-01-22 : Modified hq2x filtering added
2004-01-22 : Added first changes for alpha-1
2004-01-22 : Added filter-smart cvar, better sidetext (game ver) rendering
2004-01-19 : New flags added
2004-01-19 : Added newline
September 2003
2003-09-09 : Added Net_IsLocalPlayer()
2003-09-09 : Added p_player.h
2003-09-09 : Added p_player.c and p_player.h
2003-09-08 : Added mutex routines
2003-09-08 : Added timespan_t (double)
2003-09-08 : Added p_cmd.h
2003-09-08 : Added triggers
2003-09-08 : Added p_cmd.c and p_cmd.h
2003-09-04 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-04 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-04 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Renamed from con_console.c, added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-03 : Renamed from con_console.h, added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-02 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-02 : Added a proper GPL banner
2003-09-02 : Removed obsolete documentation, added banner.txt
August 2003
2003-08-31 : Added Doomsday's DEDs
2003-08-30 : Added Data\Graphics
2003-08-30 : Added light decoration fading angle
2003-08-30 : Added Dani to "Acknowledgements and Thanks"
2003-08-30 : Added decorations for BSTONE3 and BRICKLIT
2003-08-30 : Added light decorations for some wall textures
2003-08-30 : Added Graphics resource class, non-game resource handling
2003-08-30 : Added BWR increment time window
2003-08-30 : Added ConvertToLuminance, ScaleBuffer32 prototypes
2003-08-30 : Added filename_t (256 * char)
2003-08-30 : Added BWR increment time window
2003-08-30 : Added light decorations for some wall textures
2003-08-28 : Added -nosgm for disabling SGIS_generate_mipmap
2003-08-28 : Added cvar for toggling multitex for shiny skins
2003-08-28 : Added XG class mimic_sector
2003-08-28 : Added new cvars
2003-08-28 : Added cvar rend-model-shiny-multitex
2003-08-28 : Added wall glow fog brightness factor, default = 0.15 (was 0.3)
2003-08-28 : Added wall glow fog brightness factor
2003-08-28 : Added cvar rend-glow-fog-bright
2003-08-28 : Explicit values for enums, added DGL_ALL_BITS
2003-08-28 : Added mimic_sector
2003-08-28 : Added new sprefs
2003-08-28 : Added mimic_sector, new sprefs, dev messages
2003-08-28 : Added XG dev messages
2003-08-28 : Added ltc_mimic_sector and new sprefs
2003-08-24 : Changed variable naming style, added decormaps (disabled)
2003-08-24 : Added model particles
2003-08-24 : Precache sky textures, added decormaps (disabled)
2003-08-24 : Added r_sky.h
2003-08-24 : Added model particles, spin
2003-08-24 : Added netgame cheats
2003-08-24 : Added decormaps (disabled)
2003-08-24 : Added model particles
2003-08-24 : DED flags are integers, added model particles
2003-08-24 : Added particle models, model spinning speed
2003-08-24 : Added r_sky.h
2003-08-24 : Model particles, int-flags, added decormaps (disabled)
2003-08-24 : Added df_twosided, new model functions
2003-08-24 : Added decormaps (disabled)
2003-08-24 : Added model particles
2003-08-24 : Added netgame cheating
2003-08-24 : Added common cheat functions
2003-08-24 : Changed variable naming style, added decormaps (disabled)
2003-08-24 : Added model spinning speed
2003-08-24 : Added model spinning speed, detect errors that happen before console inited
2003-08-24 : Added netgame cheating
2003-08-24 : Added r_sky.c/h
2003-08-24 : Added drDebug, removed jtNet2
2003-08-23 : Added pt_model* particle types, yaw/pitch flags
2003-08-23 : Added new Patch Replacement parameters
2003-08-19 : Added menu glitter (using the dynlight texture)
2003-08-19 : Added cvars for patch replacement, menu glitter
2003-08-19 : Added mif_sphere (MIF_DRAW_SPHERE)
2003-08-19 : DED v6, added Rotate to Map Info -> Sky Model
2003-08-19 : DEDv6, added Rotate to Map Info -> Sky Model
2003-08-19 : Added the constant DD_DYNLIGHT_TEXTURE
2003-08-19 : Added jDoom cvars, DED version 6
2003-08-19 : Updated Patch Replacement example and info, added angle param
2003-08-19 : Added mif_sphere
2003-08-18 : Added ID to Model def
2003-08-18 : Added sky models
2003-08-18 : Added Definitions category, sky models
2003-08-18 : Added sky models
2003-08-17 Cleanup : Cleanup, added Patch Replacement
2003-08-17 : Added JWAD recognition
2003-08-17 : Added ID to Model def
2003-08-17 : Added instructions about Patch Replacement
2003-08-16 : Added new particle blending modes (mul, imul)
2003-08-16 : Added wireframe rendering mode
2003-08-16 : Added lightmaps
2003-08-16 : Added wireframe mode
2003-08-16 : Added info about lightmaps
2003-08-16 : Added info about lightmaps, new generator flags
2003-08-15 : Added subtractive blending, 8-bit noalpha textures converted to pure alpha
2003-08-15 : Moved some routines, added texture binding funcs
2003-08-15 : Added rend-model-mirror-hud
2003-08-15 : Added M_Pretty()
2003-08-15 : Added support for GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
2003-08-15 : Added cvar for mirroring HUD models
2003-08-15 : Added functions for binding textures
2003-08-15 : Added subtractive blending mode flags
2003-08-15 : Added constants for triangle orientation
2003-08-15 Cleanup : Cleanup, added S3TC
2003-08-15 : Added -notexcomp, texture compression is enabled by default
2003-08-13 : Added routines that allocate the buffer automatically
2003-08-12 : Added RL freeze cvar, removed shiny skin limit cvars
2003-08-12 : Added setting of BlendEquationEXT, texmod 10, 11 for shiny skins
2003-08-12 : Added subtract and reverse subtract blending modes
2003-08-12 : Added BlendEquationEXT
2003-08-12 : Added df_subtract and df_revsubtract (blending modes)
2003-08-12 : Added shiny skin to the axe
2003-08-09 : Added some whitespace
2003-08-09 : Added GL_SetColor2
2003-08-09 : Added GL_SetColor2()
2003-08-09 : Added gl.ArrayElement
2003-08-09 : Added DG_ArrayElement
2003-08-08 : Added rend-tex-anim-smooth
2003-08-08 : Added dynlight pointer to vissprite
2003-08-07 : Added SGIS_generate_mipmap, removed detail max distance
2003-08-07 : Added the subsector blockmap
2003-08-07 : Added P_SubsectorBoxIterator()
2003-08-07 : Added subsector ptr to vissprite
2003-08-07 Cleanup : Added subsec/line/sectorinfo macros, counters, cleanup
2003-08-07 : Added the subsector blockmap
2003-08-07 : Added global variable for add + modulate tex env
2003-08-07 : Added macro FLT2FIX
2003-08-04 : Added new constants, defined an RGBA color
2003-08-04 : Added more profilers, plane rendering done in a separate func
2003-08-04 : Added profilers, whitefog changed to useFog
2003-08-04 : Flats stored into a hash, added profiling for flat finding
2003-08-04 : Added cvars for light and detail multitexturing
2003-08-04 : Added GL_TRIANGLE_FAN for DrawElements
2003-08-04 : Added and modified a bunch of texture modulation modes
2003-08-04 : Added fade-to-gray manual mipmapping
July 2003
2003-07-29 : Added crosshair alpha slider
2003-07-29 : Added new opt/req API functions (WIP)
2003-07-29 : Added anim groups
2003-07-29 : Removed rend-light-shrink, added check to Con_Error()
2003-07-29 : Added Group defs, removed obsolete stuff
2003-07-29 : Added multitex awareness and -leaveramp
2003-07-29 : Added M_CycleIntoRange()
2003-07-29 : Added texture/flat animation groups (WIP)
2003-07-29 : Added anim groups
2003-07-29 : Added animation groups
2003-07-29 : Added PGF_GROUP
2003-07-29 : Added GET_SEG_IDX macro
2003-07-29 : Added M_CycleIntoRange()
2003-07-29 : Added var for number of texture units
2003-07-29 : Added multitex, array constants, removed obsolete stuff
2003-07-29 : Added anim groups, removed obsolete stuff
2003-07-29 : Added array functions
2003-07-29 : Added -leaveramp
2003-07-29 : Added "gnf_scalerate" and "gnf_group"
2003-07-29 : Added "gnf_group"
2003-07-29 : Added animation Group defs
2003-07-13 : Added R_GetPatchInfo()
2003-07-12 : Added InFine overlay mode, common G_StartTitle()
2003-07-12 Cleanup : Cleanup, added InFine overlay mode
2003-07-12 : Added InFine overlay mode
2003-07-12 Cleanup : Cleanup, added startinf, stopinf
2003-07-12 : Added map validation routine
2003-07-12 : Added InFine modes, interactivity, PlayDemo
2003-07-12 : Added InFine overlay mode
2003-07-12 : Added DD_GetKeyCode()
2003-07-12 : Added missing header files
2003-07-12 : Added titlescreen scripts
2003-07-06 : Added rend-tex-external-always
2003-07-03 : Use game mode in savegame dir, Sv_HxInit added
2003-07-02 : Added pcl_commands
2003-07-02 : Added Con_IsValidCommand
2003-07-02 -huffcodes option : print the Huffman codes
2003-07-02 : Added -pwadtex
2003-07-02 : Added braces, blinking cursor
2003-07-02 : Added -pwadtex, section for Textures
2003-07-02 : Added Dir_IsEqual()
2003-07-02 : Added 'if' and 'toggle', editable command line (left, right), block cursor
2003-07-02 : Added DED_ReadProcessDED
2003-07-01 : Added pool missile record
2003-07-01 : Added kludge to skip mobj collision checking
2003-07-01 : Added sv_missile.h
2003-07-01 : Added kludge to allow missiles to move free of their originators
2003-07-01 : Added kludge to skip mobj collision testing
2003-07-01 : Added sv_missile
June 2003
2003-06-30 : Added ccmd 'huffman'
2003-06-29 : Added cl_player.h
2003-06-29 : Added CCmdHuffmanStats
2003-06-29 : Added DDPF_FIXMOM, version 1.7.11/net
2003-06-29 : Added delta skipping
2003-06-28 : Added m_huffman.h
2003-06-28 : Added heap relation macros
2003-06-28 : Added huffman files
2003-06-27 Debug : Added (commented out) debug message
2003-06-27 : Added profilers, hash table for the main rendering lists
2003-06-27 : Added some whitespace
2003-06-27 : Added value for weaponOffsetScaleY
2003-06-27 : Added P_UpdateMobjFlags()
2003-06-27 : Added cvar to disable weapon Y offset in A_Lower/A_Raise (view-bob-weapon-switch-lower)
2003-06-27 Fixed : Fixed sprite texcoords, added pspr Y offset scale
2003-06-27 : Added profilers
2003-06-27 : Added P_IsPaused(), local players run one tic at a time
2003-06-27 : Added P_UpdateMobjFlags() (commented out)
2003-06-27 : Added cvar to disable A_Lower/A_Raise weapon Y offset (view-bob-weapon-switch-lower)
2003-06-27 : Added cvar to disable A_Lower/A_Raise weapon Y offset
2003-06-27 Fixed : Added maxed mobj Z coords, fixed initial side deltas, sector height deltas
2003-06-27 : Added maxed mobj Z coords
2003-06-27 : Added level tic counter (inc when not paused)
2003-06-27 : Added blockingMobj
2003-06-27 : Added P_UpdateMobjFlags()
2003-06-27 : Added conditions array, sv tells cl the values
2003-06-27 : Added conditions array
2003-06-24 Cleanup : Cleanup, added new client mobj flags
2003-06-24 : Added bandwidth ratings (increasing still commented out)
2003-06-24 : Added ack times, simplified ticcmd handling, commented obsolete stuff
2003-06-24 : Added R_GetSectorNumForDegen()
2003-06-24 : Added PO_GetNumForDegen()
2003-06-24 : Dedicated uses dummy, added LSM, sample loading via cache, returns values added
2003-06-24 : Handling of psv_frame2, added set history
2003-06-24 : Added return values for sound routines
2003-06-24 : Added s_logic.h
2003-06-24 : Added PO_GetNumForDegen()
2003-06-24 : Added R_GetSectorNumForDegen()
2003-06-24 : Added dummy driver
2003-06-24 : Added dummy driver, cache moved to separate file
2003-06-24 : Added new net/sound files
2003-06-23 : Added -dummy
2003-06-23 : Added new cl/sv headers
2003-06-23 : Added s_cache.h
2003-06-23 Cleanup : P_TryMove with Z coord, P_StepMove added, cleanup
2003-06-23 : P_TryMove with Z coord, P_StepMove added
2003-06-23 : Added Con_GetCommand()
2003-06-23 : Added mobj translucency, confirm/ordered packet flags
2003-06-23 : Added Msg_SetOffset()
2003-06-13 : Added profilers
2003-06-13 Fixed : Added profilers, fixed floorclip 64 limit
2003-06-10 : Added rend-light-decor to Gfx/Lights
2003-06-10 : Added a comment
2003-06-10 : Added dcf-flags
2003-06-10 : Added info about PK3, raw screens, auto dirs
2003-06-10 : Added info about Decoration defs
2003-06-10 : Added decorations
2003-06-10 : Accurate line length added to line_t
2003-06-10 : Added R_IsPointInSector()
2003-06-10 : Added decoration to vissprite projection
2003-06-10 : Added printing of info-lums
2003-06-10 : Added P_ApproxDistance3()
2003-06-10 : Added GL_GetTextureInfo(), light decorations
2003-06-10 : Added light decorations
2003-06-10 : Added W_IsFromIWAD()
2003-06-10 : Added info-lums, rend-light-decor cvars
2003-06-10 : Added Rend_PointDist3D()
2003-06-10 : Added include r_data.h
2003-06-10 : Lumobj flaretex, info-lums, light decorations added
2003-06-10 : Added R_IsPointInSector()
2003-06-10 : Increased MAXVISSPRITES, added light decorations
2003-06-10 : Added light decorations
2003-06-10 : Added P_ApproxDistance3()
2003-06-10 : Added accurate line length to line_t
2003-06-10 : Added GL_GetTextureInfo()
2003-06-10 : Added rend_decor.h
2003-06-10 : Added W_IsFromIWAD()
2003-06-10 : Added Def_GetDecoration()
2003-06-10 : Added BFLOOR and BCEILING to bbox enums
2003-06-10 : Added game mode identification
2003-06-10 : Added includes for decor, flags, blue bottle color modified
2003-06-10 : Added rend_decor
2003-06-06 : Visfloor/ceilingoffset added to visfloor/ceiling
2003-06-06 : Added profiling timers (disabled)
2003-06-06 : Added plane height trackers to sectorinfo (smoothplane)
2003-06-06 : Added a missing underscore
2003-06-06 : Added -maxtex, smoothplane
2003-06-06 : Added -maxtex
2003-06-06 : Added the -maxtex option
2003-06-05 : Added M_RemoveBasePath()
2003-06-05 : Added file types, F_ForAll descends into subdirs
2003-06-05 : Added file types to F_ForAll
2003-06-05 : Added M_RemoveBasePath()
2003-06-05 : Added m_profiler.h and m_filehash.h
2003-06-05 : Added NO_FIXED_ASM
2003-06-05 : Added m_fixed.c, non-asm fixed-point math
2003-06-05 : Added m_filehash
2003-06-03 : Added HUD sprite mode
2003-06-03 : HUD sprite mode added
2003-06-03 : Added GL_TotalReset
May 2003
2003-05-31 : Added pk3/zip loading, trying of data dir after runtime dir
2003-05-31 : Added pk3/zip support
2003-05-31 : Added new resource dir options
2003-05-31 : Added Str_Reserve()
2003-05-31 : Added sf_dontstop
2003-05-31 : Added ushort
2003-05-31 : Added Zip routines, pk3/zip virtual files
2003-05-31 : pk3/zip support added, sf_dontstop
2003-05-31 : Added Zip routines
2003-05-31 : Added sf_dontstop, barexp uses it
2003-05-30 : Added dynamic skyfix
2003-05-30 : Added R_SkyFix
2003-05-30 : image_t added, extres for raw screens
2003-05-29 : Added auto-upload
2003-05-26 : Added game modes
2003-05-26 : Added info about resource files
2003-05-26 : Added resclass for lightmaps
2003-05-26 : -refresh added
2003-05-25 : Added some spaces
2003-05-25 : Network setup help strings added
2003-05-23 : Added ArgRecognize
2003-05-23 : Added LimitedStrCat
2003-05-23 : Added frame/HelpBox drawing routines
2003-05-23 : Added funcs for CvarSlider
2003-05-23 : Added IWAD/PWAD name queries
2003-05-23 : Added HelpBox drawing routine
2003-05-23 : Added func for CvarSlider init
2003-05-23 : Added ArgRecognize
2003-05-23 : Added verbosity
2003-05-23 : Added IWAD/PWAD name queries
2003-05-23 : Added M_LimitedStrCat
2003-05-23 : Added extra verbosity
2003-05-23 : Removed jtNet2 dep, added sys_network.cpp
2003-05-23 : CCmdMovePlane added
2003-05-22 : Verbosity func added, commented out obsolete queries
2003-05-19 : Added de2
2003-05-19 : Added compiler and libs info
April 2003
2003-04-26 : Automap control added to menu
2003-04-26 : Added automap control to menu
2003-04-26 : df_dim added
2003-04-26 : df_idangle, df_dim added
2003-04-26 : Fire Brazier, df_dim added
2003-04-16 : Added fixes, changes
2003-04-15 : Added a comment.
2003-04-15 : Added jHexen sound fix
2003-04-15 : Added a path to IWAD detection
2003-04-11 : Added -savedir
2003-04-11 : Added button for mouse filter
2003-04-11 : Added rend-light-wall-angle
2003-04-11 : Added mouse filtering
2003-04-11 : Added cvars for mouse filter, wall angle light
2003-04-11 : Mouse filtering added
March 2003
2003-03-16 : Added a screenshot
2003-03-16 : Added GPL
2003-03-16 : Table style added
2003-03-16 : Overview, modules info added
2003-03-15 : Psprite adjustments added
2003-03-15 : Added CeilPow2
2003-03-15 : Added more fixes
2003-03-14 : Several fixes added
2003-03-14 : Added extra Z_CheckHeaps (debug)
2003-03-14 Cleanup : Cleanup; P_MapExists added
2003-03-12 : Added lineflags to side deltas
2003-03-12 : Added newline to end
2003-03-12 : Added lineflags to side deltas
2003-03-12 : Added R_GetLineForSide
2003-03-12 : Added missing headers
2003-03-04 : Added background gradients
2003-03-03 : Added subtitles
2003-03-03 : Readmes added to Defs\*\Auto; port histories removed
2003-03-03 : Added Auto-directories
February 2003
2003-02-28 : Added player-air-movement (not netgame-friendly)
2003-02-28 : Added Heretic and Hexen icons
2003-02-28 : Added pt_tex* flags
2003-02-28 : Added textured particles, planeflat sticks to planes