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File System

Related tags: AbstractFile, Feed, File, File1, FileDirectory, FileHandle, FileId, FileIndex, Folder, FS, FS1, GenericFile, ImageFile, LumpFile, NativeFile, WadFile, ZipFile

Authorship: 89% danij, 11% skyjake

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March 2014
2014-03-23 Cleanup | libdeng2 : Cleanup
May 2013
2013-05-05 Fixed | libdeng2 : Creating native directories when inheriting feeds
2013-05-04 Debug | libdeng2 : Adjusted debug message
2013-05-04 libdeng2 : Creating subfolder when parent has multiple feeds
2013-05-04 Cleanup | libdeng2 : Cleanup
2013-05-04 libdeng2 | Refactor : Better subfolder creation mechanism
2013-05-02 libdeng2 : Use a read-write lock on the index
2013-05-01 libdeng2 : Improving basic thread-safety
December 2012
2012-12-06 libdeng2 : Log full paths making use of NativePath where suitable
November 2012
2012-11-22 Refactor : Moved the auxilary lump index out of FS1
2012-11-21 Cleanup | Refactor : Further cleanup refactorings
2012-11-21 Cleanup | Refactor : Minor cleanup refactorings
2012-11-09 Refactor : FS1 API now uses de::String, native paths pushed to the periphery
2012-11-09 Refactor : Continued file system and resource locator de::String switchover
2012-11-03 Refactor : Merged FileDirectory into ResourceNamespace
October 2012
2012-10-23 Refactor : Dumped the now redundant de::LumpFileAdaptor
2012-10-23 Refactor : Files are now located, opened and then later indexed
2012-10-22 Cleanup | Refactor : Minor cleanup refactorings
2012-10-22 Refactor : Moved updating of the engine state out of de::FS1
2012-10-22 Refactor : Moved unload blocking of required game files out of de::FS1
2012-10-22 Refactor : Rewired mechanism for reading file data
2012-10-22 Refactor : Rewired mechanism for composing file paths
2012-10-21 Refactor : Rewired mechanism for caching file data
2012-10-21 Refactor : Rewired mechanism for obtaining the name of a file
2012-10-21 Refactor : Rewired mechanism for obtaining a PathDirectoryNode for a file
2012-10-21 Cleanup | Refactor : Minor cleanup refactorings
2012-10-21 Refactor : Removed the type() method of de::File1
2012-10-20 Refactor : Moved "container" reference from de::FileInfo to de::File1
2012-10-20 Refactor : Derive ZipFile from de::File1
2012-10-20 Refactor : Derive WadFile from de::File1
2012-10-20 Refactor : Moved FS1::printIndex() to LumpIndex::print()
2012-10-14 Refactor : Renamed de::FS as de::FS1 to avoid a conflict with libdeng2
2012-10-13 Refactor : Began work on unravelling FileDirectory auto population
2012-10-12 Refactor : Ordain WadFile lumps named "DEHACKED" a ".deh" extension
2012-10-12 Cleanup | Refactor : Minor cleanup refactorings
2012-10-12 Refactor : Use references rather than pointers where appropriate
2012-10-12 Refactor : Removed redundant (duplicated) file system search algorithms
2012-10-10 Cleanup : LumpInfo is no longer used by C modules #2
2012-10-10 Cleanup : LumpInfo is no longer used by C modules
2012-10-10 : de::FS should assume UTF-8 for 8-bit file paths
2012-10-10 Refactor : Moved path string composition out of de::FS::listFiles()
2012-10-10 Refactor : Allocate the Wad- Zip- and Auxiliary- lump indexes with FS::Instance
2012-10-10 Refactor : Allocate the loaded- and open- file lists with FS::Instance
2012-10-10 Refactor : Moved de::FS private instance data to ::Instance
2012-10-10 Refactor : Moved the file system's global data into de::FS
2012-10-09 Refactor : Replaced vdmapping stuff with a list of string pairs
2012-10-09 Refactor : Replaced ldmapping stuff with a list of string pairs
2012-10-07 Refactor : Moved "baseOffset" property from AbstractFile to LumpInfo
2012-10-06 Cleanup | Refactor : Further cleanup refactorings to the libdeng1 file system
2012-10-06 Cleanup | Refactor : Minor cleanup refactorings to the libdeng1 file system
May 2012
2012-05-06 Fixed : Console commands "dir" and "ls" did not fix slashes
February 2012
2012-02-23 Refactor : Removed all redundant legacy functionality from LumpFile
2012-02-22 : Minor cleanup.
2012-02-22 Fixed : Opening containers from lumps in other containers was broken
2012-02-22 Fixed : -iwad failed locating iwads in root of Doomsday install dir
2012-02-22 : Improved utility routines for working with relative paths
2012-02-20 Fixed : Mark all non-game resources as "custom"
2012-02-10 Fixed : Do not assume a resource is found until it is validated
2012-02-07 : Use the NO_DECEND logic for Package search paths
January 2012
2012-01-15 Refactor : Various interwoven refactorings
2012-01-15 Refactor : Do not use LumpInfo when looking up a lump name
2012-01-08 Fixed : Minor memory leak attempting to reopen an open file
2012-01-05 Fixed : Fixed fatal error adding an "unknown" file
September 2011
2011-09-19 : * Moved baseOffset out of LumpInfo and up into AbstractFile * Record an AbstractFile pointer to the container from which the lump was loaded plus it's relative index in LumpInfo.
August 2011
2011-08-24 Added | Debug | Fixed : * Lumps can now be published into any number of LumpDirectorys * AbstractFile specializations are no longer attributed with a predetermined LumpDirectory during construction * Fixed bug resulting in resource namespace search paths being duplicate
2011-08-23 : * Separated the high level interface from the stream abstraction layer. * Wad interface is now a public wrapper API to the engine's file system.