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Savegame Tool

Authorship: 86% danij, 14% skyjake

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October 2015
2015-10-11 : Bumped version number to 1.0.1
2015-10-11 Fixed : Failed conversion of .dsg savegame with ambiguous game mode (typo)
April 2014
2014-04-15 Fixed | Id1Translator : Benign compiler warning (limited type range comparison)
2014-04-11 NativeTranslator : Extract more metadata from legacy Hexen savegames
2014-04-10 Fixed : Off-by-one error in naming of converted Hexen map state files
2014-04-05 Refactor : Use file system utils
March 2014
2014-03-29 Fixed : Translation of native ver 13 map URIs
2014-03-28 Fixed : Missing virtual destructor
2014-03-28 Fixed : Build issues (extra qualifiers)
2014-03-28 Fixed | OS X : Build config and deployment
2014-03-28 Cleanup : Take advantage of Qt methods
2014-03-28 Cleanup : Unnecessary use of char[]
2014-03-26 : More robust recognition of legacy savegame formats
2014-03-26 ACScriptInterpreter | Hexen : Read/Write a serialization header to ACScriptState files
2014-03-21 libdeng2 | SavedSession : Ensure translated boolean game rules remain as such
2014-03-21 Cleanup | libcommon | libdeng2 : Unnecessary explicit flushing of de::Files when setting to ReadOnly
2014-03-21 : Use newlines in usage info printed with; --help, -h, -?
2014-03-21 GameSessionWriter | libdeng2 | SavedSession : Immediately set .save packages to read-only mode when done writing
2014-03-21 : Flush all .save package output immediately following write
2014-03-20 Added : Added -output option to redirect .save output to another directory
2014-03-20 : Configure /output in write mode
2014-03-20 : Output all converted .save packages to the CWD
2014-03-19 Fixed | Id1Translator : Fix translation of fixed length user save descriptions
2014-03-19 : Support conversion of vanilla Doom and Heretic savegames
2014-03-19 : Populate the "/input" root folder given the provided path
2014-03-19 Id1Translator : Recognize savegame subformats by their "version number" string
2014-03-18 Id1Translator : Translate id Tech 1 session metadata
2014-03-18 Cleanup | PackageFormatter : Cleanup
2014-03-18 Cleanup | Id1Translator : Cleanup
2014-03-18 Cleanup : Cleanup exception handling
2014-03-18 Documentation | PackageFormatter : More apidocs
2014-03-18 Cleanup : Cleanup
2014-03-18 Refactor : Split up main.cpp, revised PackageFormatter base class
2014-03-18 Cleanup : Cleanup
2014-03-18 Added : Added stub for VanillaSaveFormat
2014-03-17 : No longer depends on libdeng1, further prep for non-native translation
2014-03-17 : Write a map state header, for format detection
2014-03-17 : Preparations for translating non-native savegame formats
2014-03-14 Fixed : Translation of "fast" game rule for ver 13 save format
2014-03-13 ACScript : Fix translation and deserialization of old ACS world state
2014-03-13 libdeng2 | SavedSession : Suffix .save package state file names with "State"
2014-03-11 : Translate world ACS data
2014-03-10 : Savegames for Hexen in the old ver3 format not supported
2014-03-09 Cleanup : Cleanup