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Related tags: Atlas, AtlasTexture, Bank, ColorBank, DisplayMode, Font, FontBank, GL, GL Texture Manager, GL2, GLBuffer, GLES, GLFramebuffer, GLInfo, GLProgram, GLSandbox, GLShader, GLShaderBank, GLState, GLTarget, GLTextComposer, GLTexture, GLTextureUnit, GLUniform, GLWindow, ImageBank, InfoBank, libgui, ModelBank, OpenGL, RuleBank, TextureBank

Authorship: 97% skyjake, 3% danij

View commits by groups

June 2019
2019-06-15 libgui : Images origin coordinates as metadata
2019-06-14 libgui : Color mixing helper
May 2019
2019-05-31 libgui : Image-based color blending
2019-05-31 libgui : Constructing Image with a Block
2019-05-19 Fixed : Memory read error parsing XPM
November 2018
2018-11-18 libgui : Image point ratio parameter
July 2018
2018-07-15 Fixed | libgui : Saving image contents to a file
2018-07-04 libgui : Serializing based on a file extension format hint
2018-07-04 libgui : Serializing an image
June 2018
2018-06-28 Fixed | libgui : Fixed calculation of partial image draw bounds
2018-06-26 libgui : Converting from RGB to RGBA image format
April 2018
2018-04-05 Added | libgui : Added more image manipulation methods
February 2018
2018-02-20 Added | libgui : Added R_8 and RG_88 image formats
2018-02-18 libgui : 16-bit floating point image formats
2018-02-08 GLTexture | libgui : More OpenGL pixel formats
January 2017
2017-01-17 Added | libgui : Added a color desaturation filter in ImageFile
August 2016
2016-08-29 Added | libgui : Added a method for multiplying an image with a color
April 2016
2016-04-01 libgui : Improved image colorization (adjust hue only)
March 2016
2016-03-31 libgui : Colorizing an image
2016-03-30 libgui : Converting indexed image data to plain RGBA
July 2015
2015-07-07 Fixed | libgui : Loading a Targa image that uses an upper origin
2015-07-06 libgui : Use correct stride when loading non-RLE Targa images
April 2014
2014-04-15 Fixed | Font | libgui : Complier warnings (missing explicit init in copy-ctor)
2014-04-02 Fixed | libgui : Loading a TGA image
2014-04-02 Added | libgui : Added support for reading Targa format
March 2014
2014-03-14 Added | libgui : Added fromData() method, support for loading PCX images
2014-03-14 Added | libgui : Added fromData() method, support for loading PCX images
November 2013
2013-11-29 libgui | Refactor : Use GLPixelFormat
May 2013
2013-05-23 GLTexture | libgui : Use the BGR(A) format when uploading
2013-05-22 Fixed | libgui : Filling with transparent pixels
2013-05-22 libgui : Creating an Image with a solid color
2013-05-04 libgui : Support serialization in de::Image
April 2013
2013-04-29 Atlas | Fixed | libgui : Issues handling the atlas backing store
2013-04-25 Added | libgui : Added basic image editing methods (using QImage)