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Related tags: Atlas, AtlasTexture, Bank, ColorBank, DisplayMode, Font, FontBank, GL, GL Texture Manager, GL2, GLBuffer, GLES, GLFramebuffer, GLInfo, GLProgram, GLSandbox, GLShader, GLShaderBank, GLState, GLTarget, GLTextComposer, GLTextureUnit, GLUniform, GLWindow, Image, ImageBank, InfoBank, libgui, ModelBank, OpenGL, RuleBank, TextureBank

Authorship: 100% skyjake

View commits by groups

February 2018
2018-02-27 Added | libgui : Added texture comparison property
2018-02-24 libgui : Clamping to texture border color
2018-02-08 Image | libgui : More OpenGL pixel formats
March 2014
2014-03-07 libgui : Specifying a maximum mipmap level for texture
2014-03-05 Added | libgui : Added maximum anisotropy parameter
November 2013
2013-11-29 libgui | Refactor : Use GLPixelFormat
2013-11-29 libgui : Setting up a depth+stencil texture
August 2013
2013-08-03 libgui : Taking over an existing OpenGL texture object
June 2013
2013-06-11 Documentation | libgui : Improved apidoc
May 2013
2013-05-23 Image | libgui : Use the BGR(A) format when uploading
2013-05-16 libgui : Querying the maximum allowed texture size
April 2013
2013-04-29 Fixed : Magnification mode, update params after recreation
2013-04-28 Fixed | libgui : Internal texture flags
2013-04-25 libgui : Notify specialized textures about texture binding
2013-04-24 libgui : 2D textures, cube maps, automatic/manual mipmaps
2013-04-21 libgui : Binding the texture to a sampler unit