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Related tags: Automap, Game logic, Game Menu, Game Save, libcommon, Menu

Authorship: 88% skyjake, 13% danij

View commits by groups

April 2017
2017-04-01 Doom : Counting number of playable games
March 2017
2017-03-05 Doom : Checking whether a game is playable at all
February 2015
2015-02-12 Client | UI : Game availability changes now have their own audience
March 2014
2014-03-27 Refactor : Use a pimpl-friendly audience for GameAddition
June 2013
2013-06-15 Added : Added notification about added new games
2013-06-06 Fixed : Notification about changing the current game
May 2013
2013-05-21 Refactor : ClientApp owns the Games collection
2013-05-21 Added | Refactor : Updated for DENG2_PIMPL, added game change audience