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Related tags: Material, MaterialAnimator, MaterialArchive, MaterialBind, MaterialManifest, Materials, MaterialScheme, MaterialSnapshot, MaterialTextureLayer, MaterialVariant, Resource, Resource System, ResourceClass, ResourceNamespace, Resources, ResourceSystem, ResourceType, ResourceTypeInfo, Texture, Texture Manager, TextureBank, TextureManifest, TextureVariant, TextureVariantSpec, Uri

Authorship: 94% danij, 6% skyjake

View commits by groups

January 2020
2020-01-05 Fixed | GL : Outline visible on external images
November 2013
2013-11-15 Cleanup | Documentation | Fonts : Minor apidoc cleanup
March 2013
2013-03-05 Refactor : Refactored away the unnecessary UriValidationError(s)
2013-03-05 Refactor : Improved Textures implementation with Observers
2013-03-03 Refactor : Improved Textures public interface
2013-03-01 Materials : Make use of Uri::fromUserInput
February 2013
2013-02-26 Refactor : Cleaned up texture index printing
2013-02-13 Cleanup | Materials | Refactor : Innumerable material/texture system cleanup refactorings
2013-02-06 Cleanup | Materials | Refactor : Innumerable material/texture system cleanup refactorings
December 2012
2012-12-08 Refactor : Switched Flat and Patch to use LumpDir resource URNs
November 2012
2012-11-26 Refactor : Generalized and merged texture-for-resource-path lookups
October 2012
2012-10-25 Cleanup | Materials | Refactor : Minor cleanup refactorings
August 2012
2012-08-03 Refactor : Updates following switch to C++
2012-08-03 Refactor : Switched to C++
2012-08-03 Cleanup : Cleanup
May 2012
2012-05-05 : Factor detail texture normalization into the contrast multiplier
January 2012
2012-01-12 Fixed : Typo in ParseNamespace