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Related tags: Finale Interpreter, Finales

Authorship: 52% danij, 48% skyjake

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January 2020
2020-01-31 Fixed : Newlines in finale texts
December 2019
2019-12-03 Fixed : "filter" does not affect whole screen
October 2014
2014-10-15 Fixed : Compiler warnings (un/signed comparison; string literals)
2014-10-15 Cleanup | FinaleInterpreter : Cleanup
2014-10-15 FinalePageWidget : FinalePageWidget has ownership of child FinaleWidgets
2014-10-15 : Prepare for removing the global FinaleWidget LUT
2014-10-15 : Removed the global FinalePageWidget LUT
2014-10-14 Cleanup : Cleanup
2014-10-14 Cleanup : Removed unnecessary header dependencies
2014-10-14 Refactor : Moved InFine system components to new source files
2014-10-13 Refactor : Reimplemented InFine script widget model in C++
2014-10-07 Refactor : Cleaned up InFine FinaleInterpreter
2014-10-07 Refactor : Cleaned up InFine script system
September 2014
2014-09-13 libcommon : Determine InFine leave_hub condition using global nextMapUri
April 2014
2014-04-22 Client | Fixed : Finale/intermission stretch scaling, HOM around view
January 2014
2014-01-20 Fixed : Animation gets stuck (suspended) after playdemo
March 2013
2013-03-26 Fixed | Hexen : Player class conditions
December 2012
2012-12-09 Fixed : Rotating objects
August 2012
2012-08-23 : "flat" commands accept materials specified with a Values URI
June 2012
2012-06-28 Fixed : None-opaque backgrounds not drawn
February 2012
2012-02-13 : Skipping at a textwait will accelerate the text
2012-02-13 Bindings | Fixed : Handling of events during finale script
2012-02-13 Fixed : Missing enemies during the end of game cast call
January 2012
2012-01-08 : Client can skip the script
2012-01-08 : Client bypasses script stack, only tracks server state
2012-01-04 : Fixing clientside script playback
2012-01-04 : Started work on updating the network sync
April 2010
2010-04-25 Fixed : Menu trigger not enabled by default (as specified in the documentation).
July 2003
2003-07-13 : generic object handling, rotation, rectangles