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Default Style (Grouped)

Related tags: Client, Client UI, ClientApp, ClientPlayer, ClientWindow, Console, Control Panel, GameSelectionWidget, Task Bar, UI, Updater, WindowSystem

Authorship: 100% skyjake

View commits by date

Jump down to:
  Client (36)
  UI (28)
  Added (24)
  OS X (9)
  Cleanup (6)
  libappfw (5)
  Windows (4)
  ProgressWidget (2)
  Task Bar (2)
  Widgets (2)
  Fixed (1)
  Font (1)
  Home (1)
  iOS (1)
  libdeng2 (1)
  libgui (1)
  Linux (1)
  ScriptedInfo (1)
  Stereo 3D (1)
  ToggleWidget (1)
  Ubuntu (1)
  X11 (1)
July 2014
2014-07-08 : Typo
March 2014
2014-03-10 : Made window background image a bit lighter
2014-03-02 : Mini version of progress wheel is also a gear
January 2014
2014-01-02 : Revised the VR icon
December 2013
2013-12-25 : Revised VR icon
September 2013
2013-09-15 : Improved 'input' icon
2013-09-14 : Revised audio and gauge icons
August 2013
2013-08-24 : Adjusted the "textaccent" color
2013-08-23 : Use the same title font on all platforms
2013-08-21 : Define rules based on units
June 2013
2013-06-13 : Restored black background color

  Client (36) — Default Style

July 2016
2016-07-02 Client | OS X : Use San Francisco as the UI font
March 2016
2016-03-27 Added | Client | UI : Added icons for Create action and Home
January 2015
2015-01-31 Client | UI : Adjusted popup menu margin
2015-01-27 Client | libappfw | UI : Item alignment in popup menus
October 2014
2014-10-30 Client : Tweaked subheading style
August 2014
2014-08-14 Client : Use gui.dpiScaledImagePath()
January 2014
2014-01-29 Client : Text accent color in DocumentWidget
2014-01-26 Added | Client | UI : Added and applied an alternative accent color
2014-01-26 Added | Client | OS X : Added mappings for native font styles
October 2013
2013-10-23 Client | UI : Color for scroll bar indicator
September 2013
2013-09-01 Client | UI : Color adjustment dialog; cvar slider; style tweaks
August 2013
2013-08-23 Client | UI : Use accent color in default dialog button(s)
2013-08-23 Added | Client | Windows : Added the "Open Sans" font into the style package
2013-08-22 Client | libdeng2 : Loading custom fonts
2013-08-10 Client | ToggleWidget | UI : Tweaked appearance and animation
2013-08-10 Added | Client : Added an on/off toggle graphic
2013-08-06 Client : Subtler border glow
2013-08-02 Client : Adjusted border glow/shadow strength
2013-08-01 Added | Client : Added the border glow definitions and image
2013-08-01 Client | ProgressWidget | UI : Basic implementation done
July 2013
2013-07-31 Client | UI : Console command line autocompletion popup
2013-07-30 Client | OS X : Use Menlo as the default monospace font
2013-07-17 Client | Ubuntu : Adjusted font size
2013-07-16 Client : Revised the game plugin icons
2013-07-16 Client | UI : Menu and popup menu separators
2013-07-14 Client : Game selection widget's maximum width and height
June 2013
2013-06-11 Added | Client : Added the window background image
2013-06-07 Client : Slightly darker background color
May 2013
2013-05-29 Added | Client : Added square logo graphic, tweaked fonts of OS X
2013-05-23 Client | Widgets : Color palette for LogWidget
2013-05-18 Added | Client : Added monospace font, widget-specific fonts
2013-05-15 Client | Windows : Define a default font
2013-05-14 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-05-14 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-05-14 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-05-14 Added | Client : Added definitions for colors, images and rules

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  UI (28) — Default Style

October 2018
2018-10-28 UI : Adjusted font styles for consistency
July 2018
2018-07-27 Added | libappfw | UI : Added missing UI images (corners, dot)
July 2017
2017-07-01 UI : Adjusted popup outlines
June 2017
2017-06-27 UI : Popup color tweaks
February 2017
2017-02-03 UI | X11 : Smaller monospace font
January 2017
2017-01-21 UI | Widgets : Slightly smaller monospace font on Windows
2017-01-19 UI : Minor color adjustments
August 2016
2016-08-07 UI : Adjusted focus indicator color
April 2016
2016-04-04 Home | UI : Horizontal resolution of 1366 should use 3 column layout
March 2016
2016-03-27 Added | Client | UI : Added icons for Create action and Home
August 2015
2015-08-28 Added | UI : Added a "refresh" icon
2015-08-24 Added | UI : Added the label.shadow color for text shadows
2015-08-24 Added | UI : UI package is tagged "core", added missing Package icon
March 2015
2015-03-21 libappfw | UI : New style for TabWidget
2015-03-21 libappfw | UI : New style for TabWidget
January 2015
2015-01-31 Client | UI : Adjusted popup menu margin
2015-01-27 Client | libappfw | UI : Item alignment in popup menus
July 2014
2014-07-03 Font | UI : Apply "separator.label" font in appropriate places
February 2014
2014-02-20 UI : Tweaked TabWidget fonts
January 2014
2014-01-26 Added | Client | UI : Added and applied an alternative accent color
October 2013
2013-10-23 Client | UI : Color for scroll bar indicator
September 2013
2013-09-01 Client | UI : Color adjustment dialog; cvar slider; style tweaks
August 2013
2013-08-23 Client | UI : Use accent color in default dialog button(s)
2013-08-22 UI | Windows : Changed default font to Arial
2013-08-10 Client | ToggleWidget | UI : Tweaked appearance and animation
2013-08-01 Client | ProgressWidget | UI : Basic implementation done
July 2013
2013-07-31 Client | UI : Console command line autocompletion popup
2013-07-16 Client | UI : Menu and popup menu separators

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  Added (24) — Default Style

June 2019
2019-06-01 Added : Added a monospace bold font
May 2019
2019-05-31 Added : Added a new monospace TrueType font
July 2018
2018-07-27 Added | libappfw | UI : Added missing UI images (corners, dot)
March 2016
2016-03-27 Added | Client | UI : Added icons for Create action and Home
August 2015
2015-08-28 Added | UI : Added a "refresh" icon
2015-08-24 Added | UI : Added the label.shadow color for text shadows
2015-08-24 Added | UI : UI package is tagged "core", added missing Package icon
January 2014
2014-01-26 Added | Client | UI : Added and applied an alternative accent color
2014-01-26 Added | Client | OS X : Added mappings for native font styles
December 2013
2013-12-22 Added | Stereo 3D : Added an icon for 3D & VR config
September 2013
2013-09-13 Added | Task Bar : Added a set of basic settings icons
2013-09-13 Added : Added a 'gauge' icon
August 2013
2013-08-28 Added | Cleanup : Cleanup of fonts.dei, added slider.label font
2013-08-23 Added : Added a HiDPI version of the on/off toggle graphic
2013-08-23 Added | Client | Windows : Added the "Open Sans" font into the style package
2013-08-10 Added | Client : Added an on/off toggle graphic
2013-08-01 Added | Client : Added the border glow definitions and image
June 2013
2013-06-20 Added : Added inverted text and background colors
2013-06-15 Added : Added logos for game plugins
2013-06-11 Added | Client : Added the window background image
2013-06-02 Added | Task Bar : Added a gear icon for the Control Panel
May 2013
2013-05-29 Added | Client : Added square logo graphic, tweaked fonts of OS X
2013-05-18 Added | Client : Added monospace font, widget-specific fonts
2013-05-14 Added | Client : Added definitions for colors, images and rules

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  OS X (9) — Default Style

August 2016
2016-08-01 OS X : Use system font names for the UI fonts
July 2016
2016-07-05 OS X : Adjusted fonts
2016-07-02 Client | OS X : Use San Francisco as the UI font
September 2015
2015-09-14 Fixed | OS X : Excessive import of DisplayMode in fonts.dei
January 2014
2014-01-26 Added | Client | OS X : Added mappings for native font styles
2014-01-15 OS X : Default UI font
2014-01-15 OS X : Use Open Sans as UI font (like on Windows)
August 2013
2013-08-19 OS X : Use a big, light font for titles
July 2013
2013-07-30 Client | OS X : Use Menlo as the default monospace font

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  Cleanup (6) — Default Style

April 2016
2016-04-01 Cleanup : Cleanup
August 2015
2015-08-21 Cleanup : Cleanup
August 2013
2013-08-28 Added | Cleanup : Cleanup of fonts.dei, added slider.label font
May 2013
2013-05-14 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-05-14 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup
2013-05-14 Cleanup | Client : Cleanup

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  libappfw (5) — Default Style

July 2018
2018-07-27 Added | libappfw | UI : Added missing UI images (corners, dot)
February 2016
2016-02-28 libappfw : Improved log entry legibility
March 2015
2015-03-21 libappfw | UI : New style for TabWidget
2015-03-21 libappfw | UI : New style for TabWidget
January 2015
2015-01-27 Client | libappfw | UI : Item alignment in popup menus

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  Windows (4) — Default Style

August 2013
2013-08-23 Added | Client | Windows : Added the "Open Sans" font into the style package
2013-08-23 Windows : Changed font back to Segoe, but one point smaller
2013-08-22 UI | Windows : Changed default font to Arial
May 2013
2013-05-15 Client | Windows : Define a default font

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  ProgressWidget (2) — Default Style

September 2013
2013-09-13 ProgressWidget : Icon tweaks
August 2013
2013-08-01 Client | ProgressWidget | UI : Basic implementation done

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  Task Bar (2) — Default Style

September 2013
2013-09-13 Added | Task Bar : Added a set of basic settings icons
June 2013
2013-06-02 Added | Task Bar : Added a gear icon for the Control Panel

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  Widgets (2) — Default Style

January 2017
2017-01-21 UI | Widgets : Slightly smaller monospace font on Windows
May 2013
2013-05-23 Client | Widgets : Color palette for LogWidget

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  Fixed (1) — Default Style

September 2015
2015-09-14 Fixed | OS X : Excessive import of DisplayMode in fonts.dei

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  Font (1) — Default Style

July 2014
2014-07-03 Font | UI : Apply "separator.label" font in appropriate places

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  Home (1) — Default Style

April 2016
2016-04-04 Home | UI : Horizontal resolution of 1366 should use 3 column layout

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  iOS (1) — Default Style

May 2017
2017-05-19 iOS : Use correct system font names

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  libdeng2 (1) — Default Style

August 2013
2013-08-22 Client | libdeng2 : Loading custom fonts

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  libgui (1) — Default Style

June 2019
2019-06-01 libgui : Font tweaks

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  Linux (1) — Default Style

August 2015
2015-08-26 Linux : Scale font sizes by the display DPI factor

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  ScriptedInfo (1) — Default Style

June 2014
2014-06-19 ScriptedInfo : Use a 'self' variable consistently

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  Stereo 3D (1) — Default Style

December 2013
2013-12-22 Added | Stereo 3D : Added an icon for 3D & VR config

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  ToggleWidget (1) — Default Style

August 2013
2013-08-10 Client | ToggleWidget | UI : Tweaked appearance and animation

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  Ubuntu (1) — Default Style

July 2013
2013-07-17 Client | Ubuntu : Adjusted font size

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  X11 (1) — Default Style

February 2017
2017-02-03 UI | X11 : Smaller monospace font

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