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Wad Map Converter

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Authorship: 87% danij, 13% skyjake

View commits by groups

July 2014
2014-07-04 Fixed | World : Build error/warnings
June 2014
2014-06-30 : Id1MapElement needs a non-default copy-ctor
2014-06-29 Id1Map | LumpIndex | Refactor : Moved/renamed Id1Map::Recognizer to/as LumpIndex::Id1MapRecognizer
2014-06-29 Id1Map | Refactor : Moved all Id1Map data type recognition logic to Recognizer
2014-06-28 Cleanup | Id1Map : Cleanup (removed an obsolete comment)
2014-06-28 Id1Map : Use the LumpIndex API to locate map data lumps
2014-06-27 Cleanup | Id1Map : Cleanup
2014-06-26 Id1Map : Obtaining the last lump inspected by Id1Map::Recognizer
2014-06-26 Id1Map : Heuristic recognition of id Tech 1 format maps
2014-06-26 Cleanup : Cleanup
2014-06-25 Refactor : Use deng 2.0 components for Id1Map element type deserialization
2014-06-25 Refactor : Reorganized Id1Map element type deserialization
2014-06-25 Refactor : Reorganized Id1Map components
January 2014
2014-01-04 Deh Reader : Updated logging with domain-specific LOG macros
December 2013
2013-12-20 Fixed : Build failure (missing Doomsday API header)
2013-12-20 : Bumped version number to 1.1.1
2013-12-20 : Removed the now unused maplumpinfo.h
2013-12-20 Cleanup : Cleanup
2013-12-20 Cleanup | Refactor : Further Id1Map cleanup
2013-12-20 Cleanup | Refactor : Removed the unnecessary MapLumpInfo; Id1Map cleanup
2013-12-20 Id1Map | Refactor : Cleaned up the Id1Map API
2013-12-19 Cleanup | Id1Map : Applied pimpl idiom to Id1Map; cleanup
2013-12-19 Cleanup : Cleanup
November 2012
2012-11-06 Id1Map | Refactor : Use the C++ interface to StringPool in Id1Map
July 2012
2012-07-30 Refactor : Catch thrown Id1Map::LumpBufferErrors in ConvertMapHook()
2012-07-30 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-07-30 Refactor : Replaced lumpInfos with a std::map<MapLumpType, MapLumpInfo*> set
2012-07-30 Fixed : Fixed warning about comparison between signed and unsigned
2012-07-29 Cleanup : Renamed mapformatid_t as MapFormatId
2012-07-29 Refactor : Moved the mapFormat global into Id1Map
2012-07-28 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-07-28 Documentation : Add apidocs for the data definition readers
2012-07-28 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-07-28 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-07-28 Refactor : Made private all of Id1Map's data structures
2012-07-28 Cleanup | Refactor : Further cleanup refactorings
2012-07-28 Refactor : Use STL containers in place of the map object arrays
2012-07-27 Cleanup : Remove unnecessary include of de/LegacyCore
2012-07-27 Fixed : Typo
2012-07-26 : Throw de::Error exceptions in LoadBlockmap()
2012-07-25 Debug : Reverted forced failure
2012-07-25 : Use portable Qt C string funcs
2012-07-25 : Use exceptions instead of fatal errors
2012-07-24 : Enabled full libdeng2 C++ API
2012-07-24 Cleanup : Use de::Log for traces plus some minor cleanup
2012-07-24 : Log a warning when an incomplete "explicit" polyobj is found
2012-07-24 Refactor : Use 1-based indices for mpolyobj_t::lineIndices
2012-07-24 Fixed : Export DP_Initialize as extern "C"
2012-07-24 : Use de::Str instead of static ddstring_s
2012-07-24 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-07-24 Refactor : Use an instance of StringPool for the material dictionary
2012-07-24 Refactor : Use an instance of Reader for processing map data lumps
2012-07-23 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-07-23 Refactor : Split up id1map_load.cpp into multiple files
2012-07-23 Refactor : Separated logic for data lump format recognition
2012-07-23 : Minor fixes
2012-07-23 Documentation : Document the new data recognition routines
2012-07-23 Refactor : Moved the logical format property from map_t to a new global var
2012-07-23 Refactor : Renamed source files
2012-07-23 Refactor : Relocated some utility routines to new source files
2012-07-23 Cleanup : Cleanup
2012-07-23 Refactor : Simplified format recognition
2012-07-23 : Increment minor version number
2012-07-22 Refactor : Updates after switch to C++
2012-07-21 Refactor : Switched to C++
April 2012
2012-04-19 Refactor : Renamed mthing_t::pos as origin
2012-04-14 : Transfer all map vertex coordinates as coord_t
August 2010
2010-08-13 Fixed : "0 byte THINGS lump results in map conversion failure" (see here